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Author's POV:

Scratch up old wounds,
Start a war,
Fuck even Finding world peace,
He would do it all for her

Orion flew back home to knock some sense into his twin brother 'If he thinks am to weak to rip the carpet from underneath his feet he has a another thing comming' he based his impulses of.

He walk pass Aiden's sectary who tries to stop him from entering the office of his brother

"Mr Adamson is in a important meeting sir..sir please" her annoying voice trails behind as he pushes on the huge doors but they stay in place 'locked'.  He remembers the secret door his father used to sneak them out when they were little. The door connects a private board room to the main office. He leaves the secretary standing out side without a reasonable excuse for his intrusion. With the punch of a code he is standing front of the two way mirror looking into the office.

He walks through the mirror and he could clearly see why his brother's door was locked. He has some women bend over his desk. Her red lace around her ankles and her assaulters hand weaved into her hair as he thrust into her. He gives her ass a good smack making her open up more for him. Aiden could feel both their orgasms creeping up.

'she looks like she is actually enjoying it' Orion thinks to himself as he watches the show

Both are to invested in their sexual bliss to take notice of the third presence. Aiden's head thrown back as he calms down from his high. Orion walks over to the desk crowtches down resting his chin over both his folded arms now that their finished he can interrupted.

"Mind if I have a word with my twin darling see your done" he ask as he strokes a lose strand from her face. She jolts back into Aiden's chest causing him to finally take notice of Orion presence and back up. She scrambles to make her self decent giving him an apologetic smile as she flattens her hair or tries to at least before heading for the door where his secretary is waiting. Guess she knows the drill.

"How the fuck did you get i-"
"Secret mirror door thing" Orion cuts in pointing to the mirror in the conner of the office. Aiden inattentivily tucks in his shirt but just gives a nod to his brothers interruption.
"I asume Daniel told you cause why else would you be so rude to ignore a locked door"
"Of course and I did wait until you where finished before barging in..." He continues " tell me why in your right mind would you send her to the middle of nowhere"

"She is my employee-intern-I can send her where she is needed"
"Ours...Aiden ours, I have just as much say in where you place her and so does daniel" Aiden slugs down in his chair "I thought you would grow out of this childish infatuation with her. I mean you have fucked every girl that smiles at you...yet you just can't seem to Stick your dick in this one" Orion just gives him a knowing glare he has heard this speach before on more then one occasion.

"You need to get new material for this replicated speach... it's getting Bettered"

"Is that what you need to get over this demoralizing obsession with this basic girl..." Orion's nostrils flare with anger at the thought of comparing Roché to the meaningless fucks he has. Aiden gets up and walks over to him placing his hand on his shoulder.

" need to fuck her I can help you with that, pick a closet and l'll get her there" he mockly say. Orion launches at his twin punching him square in the face letting all his frustration out with one single blow. He topples over landing on his side he uses his forearm as a crutch as he wips his now torn, bleeding lip with his back hand.

"Send her to me"
"And why would I do that am trying to get her away from us...FROM YOU" Aiden sits up right hanging his arms over his bent knees.
"Then why hire her, why go through all that trouble if all you wanted to do is send her to her death, this your way of keeping me in line" he calmly speaks
"I needed to keep an eye on her and not all of us have a cervalance team watching her every move-keeping her save-...I had to get creative. So I finally gave into her university many requests for being a guest speaker, created a fake position so I could give her research a chance...but now it's actually really beneficial to the company" he walks over to the shelf and pour him self some brandy. He emptiesp his glass in one go downing every drop

"Want one" he refills his glass and one more putting it down Infront of his brother.

"Send her to me" Orion repeats again "Please do remember your begging don't threaten me" Aiden challanges
"Beg, you've known me long enough to understand a don't ask I take..." he downs his drink

"I can take all this away successor, dad used to introduce you like that to all his business friends remember, that didn't make it true"
"I build this company to where it stands now. Me. Not father. Not you. Me"
"You keep forgetting WE did it. I was the one that swayed board votes your way when all those old farts wanted to do is keep us out of everything our father build. I did what you needed to stay known, to stay realavent as dads successor. I was the one that did the dirty work you were to perfect to get involed with...Not you. Me...So all this wouldn't have excited if it wasn't for Me"
"All for her, ALL FOR HER! You would burn all we built to the ground"
"Repeatedly, I didn't come to cower at your feet rether your gonna do what I asked of you, Send. Her. To. Me"
"If only you where this passionate about getting ride of that toxic obsession can't you see what she's doing here Orion"
"Your the one doing all of this in your righteous path of fake enlightenment your will to send her like a lamb to slaughter...that was always my thing" he walks around to the floor to ceiling windows that overlook the setting sun amongs the tall city sky skrypers
"I will give you four more years in that chair seems reasonable right"
"You wouldn't-"
"Test me I FUCKING PROMISE YOU!! I will rip everything from underneath your feet. Do you really want to lose all this, for one-how did you put it- basic girl" Orion is refuring his trunck card he  and Aiden both own 30% shares in the company and Daniel 25% either one of them can call an emergency meeting with the board to replace who ever they want if their unhappy with he/she's performance, that includes the CEO an given that fact that he has a few indiscretions on all board members means that they will definitely vote in his favor.

Aiden will lose everything he's build so far for her. 'why does Orion not see the toxic energy his obsession has not just on him but...her two' Aiden thinks to him self. For now he has to appease him.

"Now there's the ruthless simpleton I know...fine, you can have her I will let  you feed her your dark and virulent side then we'll see how long she would stay" Orion eyes soften at the word uttered by his brother some how he knows they are true. That one day she will leave and he will be the reason for it. As he stares into the unapologetic eyes of his twin his mask reappears.

"Let me worry about that" he says as he walks out. He's head swimming with concerns that she will see the monster inside and the more she's around him but his excitement is to incorrigible to listen to his conscience.

"Oh I will make sure she sees all of you brother that's a promise" Aiden mumble to him self as he watchs his brothers figure disappear from view.

He pushes a few keys of his phone

"Miss Joseph can I see you in my office please"

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