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"Aaaa...just like that" I throw my head back in pure pleasure as my tip hits the back of her throat. Her beautiful moans sending vibration through every vein in my body. I grab a fist full of her hair and make her look up at me "Look at what you doing to me darling" I  say in a raspy voice. she bites on the tip of my dick drawing out every profanity in the book


She keeps deep throating me while pumping viguasly the rest of my dick that can't fit in while samutaniously massaging my balls. I leave a long line of deep throated 'ah' as a signil of my release. She relentlessly speeds up with every wave and tremble of my appending release sending me over the edge. Shooting my load down her throat, sending me tiping onto my bed and breathing heavily. I blink a few times and sit up straight again. Look down at her submissive figure sitting at the foot of the bed on her knees I wipe of some of my cum on her now swollen lips

"That would be all darling get your self cleaned up and find Al". She nods and leaves quietly. I take a quick shower because I have a meeting I need to attend before they get here.

"Mr Adamson the excecutives are in the study waiting for you. Everything has been set up to your wishes" walking down the stairs I give the Al my butler a pat on the back "Thank you...Has the chef arrived"
"About ten minutes ago sir...and your usual has been driven home" he states before I could ask . I walk past him with a slit nod on my way to the study with him following suit

"Please make sure everything is perfect for tonight's dinner..." He nods his head in agreement, uturning to triple check everything.

"Gentlemen, shall we begin, please excuse the sudden venue change had a prior commitment...hope you understand" like I need their approval.

Now I need to spend the next two hours listening to seven of my best executives trying to convince me why the project of their choices is where I should make my next investment. A Hour in and I want to fucken put a bullet through all of their heads. I mean do they honestly think am this stupid.

"....and there is a storage building just on the outskirts of the town that we are working on purcuring" one of the excecutives speak. This idiot want me to buy up and in a country that is prone to disaster, people destroying properties burning down anyone that tries. That means I need to rebuild it every other month. I would even have insurance cleared at that time. I just sit quietly listen to all their ideas that benefits them more then my investment and return. After the meeting they all leave except for Durst. Durst is my right hand. Right now I think he working against me.

Maybe sabotage everything I have built

"Why in the fuck did you gather a room full of idiot, Durst" I glare at him. He is now standing at a very save distance behind my desk close to the door for an easy escape. "I know what your think did I fuck up yes I should have gone through the proposal first, but I can fix it...maybe"

" MAYBE, don't think I won't kick your ass on the curb, and hire a more capable man for the job" I walk up to him "If your to lazy to do your job find me someone that fucking can" I look at him dead in the eyes and this idiot smile at me "You seem pissed, but in my defense you were the one that appointed them" I just walk out before I kill my best friend.

"FIX.THIS. DURST....NOW" I spout over my shoulder

I was on my way to the kitchen to check on dinner when I hear the front door cracking open to reveal Ms fire peeking her head though. Her eyes glistening as she skoups out the foryer. You would think someone of her backgroud would have seen it all, but the dumb struck look on her face portrays something different. I freeze in my position drinking her in her hair is styled in a messy bun, she is wearing very light make up that just highlights her most beautiful facial features. Those eyes and lips

A Warden's Chubby Obsession Where stories live. Discover now