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After the bosses great save he has avoided me more than usual.

Until "Miss Joseph can I see you in my office please"

I have a bad feeling about this. I walk over to the huge doors and push them open just to find it empty.

Don't think I took that long.

A door slides open and he look aggetaded. Unaware of my presence he take out his hangachive and wipes of his lip before turning to face me.

"Fuck you starteled me"
"You called for me sir" he asers me to a chair thats when I took notice that his lip was bruised.

"Sir...a-are you ok" I ask concerned "Yeah work out gone wrong" he adjusts his blazer "I called you in here to offer you a job, temporary of course seeing that your break just started"
"Wow Sir I don't know what to say"
"You will get payed for two months of employment, houseing off side will be provided and experience will be covered" ok now something smells fishy

"What the catch"I involuntarily let lose he just raises a brow "Seriously an all expenses paid vacation, sponsored by you to a here how that sounds right" I dramatically put my hands on my chest "Are you sending me to my death?" Is that a smile I see "Stop the theatrics, the benefits aren't just one sided trust me"

"Ok say I'm stupid enough to blindly agree to the load of krap your selling as ice cream what is the job? and where?"

"What happened to the formal tone you had a minute ago" "Took a back seat will I drive, now please tell me sir" I add sarcastically.

"It's at one of our sourced and fully funded prison in Cleveland, Ohio" "your sending me to a prison with actually criminal"

"Your study dictates a worker owner valued relationship that benefits everyone both comes in contact with. Well the prision has many programs to help the inmates start a new once they get out. Reading classes, vocational training, GED courses we are actually trying to do right my those men many of which didn't have a say in life they were forced to lead..." The voice sounds soothing and hopefully but, the tirent trying to send me to hell is not the one convincing me. I turn my head only to aline it with the same brown eyes from Mr arrogant house. Aiden twin is smiling at me. I see the resemblance, but some how he's more good looking.

"We, I would be honored to serve as a projector for all your amazing ideas" he holds up my research papers with the cutest one dimpled smile showing

"I know what your thinking"

"You do?"

"How could I be this good look when I have a soul sucking twin brother, right" he moves closer making my hand sweat up. His 6.3 muscler build is wearing a pair of blue jeans white sneakers and a white t-shirt thats all, plain, simlpe, boring yet sexy. He sticks out his hand for me to sake "I'm Orion Adamson your next employer no matter what he tells you" I introduce my self to and we take our seats again.

"So just to aline our thoughts, You want me to go to Cleveland stay rent free with pay just to improve my research so your company can find better course of action in the future by aplaying the data I collect." "Right" they unanimous state " One more questions do I get credit for your future implementations? and can I use the data as live action study for my research?" "That was two questions" Aided correct "and yes to both" Orion finishes. Well what do I have to lose this is a great opportunity to see my own research though I get a pay for doing it and my new boss is really much nicer.

"Where do I sign?" Orion triumphantly smiles at Aiden who just gets up to collect the contract from his desk. I read though is and sign we sake hand and I head for the door.

"Where are you going, Ms fire"
"Back to work"
"Go home pack you leave first thing tomorrow morning car will be by to pick you up"
"What? Tomorrow?"
"I hope its no problem Ms joseph the sooner we start the better right" Orion chips in now I have no choice but to agree I already signed after all. I nod my head and go hope fastly rambling everything to Navie as I clean my desk just the basic of course she wised me good luck and gave me a pen from her desk that had like an inch of ink felt as a parting gift seeing that it is so sudden. I gave her a big hug and left.


"....b-but why now can't you just....OMG my fashion show it all hangs in the balance"
"It's a month away Aaru l think I could get of by then my new boss is so much more friendlier" I explain to her she is currently sitting in the center of my bed eating chips "who will cook for you?, did you take your medicine?, what if- " I cut in "Am going to be fine, please don't worry I know you can't help it but iets making me doubt weather I can do this " she gets of the bed and hugs me "You are a brilliant mind and world deserves to see it you are strong and I know will own this fear to. Am just gonna miss you that all" we hugged again and she finally helped me pack. Everything was done and ready for tomorrow. So we went out get something to eat "Can we have two bacon cheeseburger with fries and two medium sized cokes please" Aaru places in or order with the waitress.

"So tell me more about your new boss?"

"Ok imagine Aiden Adamson just slightly more muscular and with a very sexy beard"
"Ooo I can see that but what does this have to do with your new boss?"
"Well cause his Aiden's twin brother that is a prison Warden" she give me a confused look and I know I skipped a few episodes.

After eating we head back home I really want to just sleep.

"Ok am off to bed" I announce and as am about to snuggle in i feel by bed dip and aaru's arms wrap around me. I just hold her back as we fall asleep.

Next morning

"OMG PRIVATE JET!!" Aaru shouts aloud as she run out front completely forgetting that she was there to help me carry my suitcases "You forgot something" "Your right" she hand me her phone "Get one of me coming down the steps"

"Can you get those for her regie seems like her lackey is preoccupied" I here is voice vibrat from behind me "Orion what are you doing here?" "Thought I would hitch a lift with you, that's if you don't mind of course" he smiles softly "Well you name is slapped on the side of it so at this point am hitch with you" he just humms out his yes and walks a head to face a frozen Aaru "You much be the self obsessed, partly violent, wanna be dive that has no control over what comes out of your mouth" I have never seen her face chance so fasted from 'I'm in heaven to, wanna go to Hell'

"Stand down Aaru" I intervied before she jumped him. A few seconds Daniel amerges laughing "please forgive my brother he doesn't know how to shut up" "You told him al this..." She cutely smiled "....please excuse me" she stockes over to Daniel "Was I wrong though, you could have kept that part to your self you know" he darts his eyes between a pissed Aaru and a very amused Orion before running with her a close second behind.

"Mr Adamson wheels up in 5" the pilot informs as he just nods. "Aaru that's enough...come give me a hug" she does just that after saying our good byes we setal in and fly to my next advantage I guess.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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