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"Aaaa, where are they" I rumble throu my desk drouws under my pillows, and bed. This has been going on for about a good 5 minutes now. I keep misplacing my ear buds and it takes me forever to find them.
"Aaru!..have you seen my running late" I exit my room entering the living room to the two bedroom apartment I share with my best friend. "Did you check the fridge..."
"Why wou..." I open the fridge and stop mid sentence "You found them" leaf askes ina knowing tone as she enters the kitchen. I just nod my head while pouting.

"I swear I will glue them to your hands one of these days"  I just giggle give her a appreciative smile grabbing my things from the counter and wave bye to her "What would you do without me!!" she  screams as I close the door.

I'm in a hurry don't wanna be late to the first lecture of this semester. Am pretty sure Mr. Collens hates me for correcting him three semesters ago. I'm a business student in my second year now and Mr Collins is the accounting lecture am not that good with number but theory am good at the best even. I have tried to butter him up in a very appropriate way, not one that may have my character put into question by the school board. Yet nothing seems to work, how long will he hold a grudge for.

I actually made it on time with a few minutes to play catch up with some  class mates, and spotting a few new faces. "Ok...ok let all settle down shall we " Mr Collins a short man with a full head of greying hair walks in wearing a brown two piece suit with black shoes to match."So today we will be doing a little bit of revision but first...Mr Adamson" The black haired guy sitting to my left raises his hands. "Ah... welcome to our mits we look forward to hosting you for the rest if the semester..." Collins smiles at the stanger before continuing to write on the bord. Smile that is something that man never did not with us at least, that is what made me do a double take on the guy. He even got a personal welcoming 'must be some poor fellow there trying to sucker into going here'

Black hair with a great build that's all a could see before a few of the class girls flocked to the empty seat surrounding us blocking my view of our special guest. I couldn't help but smile at their high school behavior of them.

After my classes I head to the cafeteria 'to fill ma belly' before heading to the library to get an early start on assignments I just got. After getting my food I grab a seat closet to the window about a minute later another figure takes the seat infront of me. I see him...the guy from Collins class. His lips are moving yet no sound seem to reach my ears which had me scrunching my nose and then it hit me.

"Sorry... didn't quite catch that" I say removing my buds from my ear. He give me a warm smile showing his beautiful eye smile,"That explains the unresponsive reactions to my questions" he states for the first time today I take in his feature like his sharp jawline, and beautiful light brown eyes and scalped nose, taned skin tone and his hair is styled messy. "Pictures may last longer don't you think" his speaks up breaking my trans of look desperate. " I mean I -i just...mmm"

"I'm Daniel Adamson" he shortly says extending his hand "Roche...Roche Joseph" trying my best not to sound dumb "It's nice to meet what's your major" he asked placing his fore arms on the table watching me intentivelly waiting for an answer. It's hard to miss the questioning  looks am receiving, that he seemed to not notice.

" seem distracted while the new, very handsome, extremely charming student is trying to make a friend, is this how new students here get treated" he said faking the hurt in his voice. I lean on the table a little more so am only in his earshot "well...prince charming I don't think you're noticing the ugly side eyes am getting after you showed up at this table" I add he moves back shrugs of my comment and continues eating his spaghetti. Lunch went on with him asking me questions about where he can get good food or a great party vanue-like I would know any of that-and telling me about himself 'a conversation' to most. While having the girls in school wanting to 'show him around ' but he kept declining them.

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