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When I get to Ché apparment I find him holding her unconscious body. "What the fuck did you do?" I ask him thinking the worse "Relax s-she...she had a panic attack and passed out help me get her to her room" relief washes over me we put her in her bed not that freak need my help carring her. He carefully covers her with the blanket and walks over to the sofa and flops down on it "Hey what are you doing"

"I'm waiting for her to wake up so I can make sure she in fine...m-maybe she will need medical attention " "I have already called the family can leave" he crosses his legs and leans further into the sofa. He gives me a challenging look before focusing back on Ché again. I take my phone out and shoot Aaru a text telling her to come home. He fucking grabs my phone tossing it and dragging me out of the room "Enough, your always man handling me if you can't get your way" "stop whining you aren't five anymore, you texted Aaru right" "Yes, cause I knew you would be stubborn and try and blow all of this for us...for you" his expression softens "please take care of her Daniel..." "Did mister pycho general just go soft on me"

He didn't appreciate my joke cause he places his hand on my shoulder applying so much pressure it brought me down to my kness "AAAAhh...HEY!" "And if anything happens to her I will serve you to my dogs while your still breathing, clear" I just gave him a quick thumbs up before he lets go and storm out "Fucking pycho" I whisper under my breath still afraid he would hear me.

30 minutes later a histerical, crying Aaru walks in.

"Hey...slow down I..." "Where is she?what happened?, your fucking text was so fage, seriously... what's going on?" "Don't know when I got in she was on your bedroom floor breathing heavily, our family doctor came an checked her out. She's fine just needs rest. He said she may have had a panic attack" her eyes grow wide "She had a panic attack, she hasn't had any of those in year. What brought it up?" A fucking pycho with control issues that who. I just shrugged my shoulders "She's fine now, how about we let her get some rest okey" she wipes away her tear and crosses her arms over her chest "Yeah, am going to take a shower and I'll take care of her you can see you self out.... don't let the door hit you kk" there's the bitch am use to. Am not going anywhere if I move I may end up at the bottom of the ocean. So I get comfortable on the sofa pull out my phone as a distraction.

"Your still here, didn't I say you may leave" Aaru walks out of room to the fridge wearing grey track pants and a tang top "I heard you, just choose not to fucking listen, that cool with you right?" "we don't need you here" I have had it you try to be a nice guy and then something always pushes you the very edge and right now it's...her.

"Really, I didn't see you around when your best friend was on the floor struggling to breath...I am staying right where I am cause am not here for you princess" I calmly sneer in her face.

Take that

She graps my hand twisted it and slams me face first on the kitchen countertop. With my wrist between my shoulder blades "Call me princess one more time and I will have your crown jewels  melted into my crown, clear" not gonna lie that turned me on a little. After her display of masculinity that fucken hurt my pride she went to go and check on Ché. While I find my spot on the sofa again like a wounded dog. Fuck my brothers are enough now am getting barked at by a blood hungry, high heel wearing, potential witch. Aaru steel has never liked me I know she only tolerants me because of Ché and don't get anything twisted I equally tolerante her because of Ché I just on the other hand have not said this to her face but she has contless times ever sence I started hanging out with Roché.

I walk in to the room to find her sleeping next to her best friend. Now the devil is at peace. Well there is nothing more I can do and I can't sleep in the other room unless I don't wish to wake up without my crown jewelry so I ended up just sleeping at the foot of Ché's bed.


After my attack ran off I practically ran home well as fast as my little legs would carry me. I darted for Aaru's room but the bitch was no where to be seen. Tears now visibly streaming down my face I felt my lungs close up constricting my air waves. The walls in Aaru's room seems to be moving closer to my wheezing body. All the thoughts in my semi conscious mind seems to clouded by the lack of oxygen. I fall to my knees clawing at my neck praying the blockage would clear and allow air in, through blurred vision I feel someone pull me in his hold. Slowly stoking my hair out of my face while holding me close. We currently flat on the floor my right side resting against his chest.

"Calm yourself flower...take slow deep breaths, focus on my voice" I can hear the concern in his voice, I feel his warm hands on my icy skin


That's not Danny's voice. I look up breathing slow and deep as the voice asked me to do....he has the same eye colour as danny light brown but blured. My breathing is still heavy but not as constricted. The rest of his face is a blur before totally darkness.

"There is is again that sound. The second time can't be in my head. I slowly approach the arched window. In the distance stands a dark figure it slowly approaching me every step he take send shivers down my spine yet our eyes are locked those beautiful light brown orbs have me paralyzed in place. All my instincts yell for me to run yet I can't he is nothing but mare inches away from me, his face covered. Only his eyes visible. He lifts my hand to his heart and never break eye contact. My hand to his heart and his around my waist pulling me closer I lift my free hand to remove his mask he makes no move to stop me so i continue I hear a blood curling scream then a sadistic type laugh follows suit grabbing my attention. Turn my focus back to the figure and if the mask even more the figure desolves in to a swarm of bats that fly straight at me knocking me of balance. Fight of the bats"

I need to wake up from.

Why does it feel like my legs are tide down. Shit my head in ponding I make an attempt to sit up but now my waist feel heavy. I blink a few time to normalize my sleepy vision and look down to my constrance. I smile creeps on my face to the picture before me. Leaf has her arms wrapped around my torso on my left side her head burred in my side and her feet in danny face. While danny has his entire very heavy upper body swang around my legs at the foot of the bed. The suppressed memories of last night comes flooding in. I had a panic attack. I haven't had one of those in years and, more important who was the guy that helped me keep in under control.

I try moving without waking them and somehow wiggled free. They just round over to assume a new position freeing me from the comfortable prison. I went to the bathroom and took a long warm shower trying to figure out who the guy was. Did I leave the door open. Maybe he was just some innocent bystander. I tried to confince myself but something about it doesn't sit right with me. My heart knows there's something more.

After getting dressed in some sweats and a spaghetti strapped black vest I headed down to find some thing to eat. I feel like I haven't eaten in years. "No give that to me...I told you I would take care of this" I turn the conner to see danny talk to the door. I think he sensed my presence because he look at me and the turns to the door again whipers something and closes it before walking over to me and holds up a brown paper bag

"You mast be starving sit I'll grap plates" I move towards the table "Who were you talking to" he smiles without looking up at me "The delivery guy...he wanted a bigger tip-like $30 wasn't enough" he bring the food over a bacon and egg staffed sandwich a fruit salad with what lookslike Greek yogurt and OJ.

I thanked him and devoured my breakfast "Can I ask you what happened?" I look up at him a little taken aback and told him everything including the about the guy that helped me that shares his same eye colour.

"Can you find out who that was I would love to thank him" he places his hands on my checks and pushes them together "How will you show your gratitude?, am just glad that your fine" "That was you?" "Of Course I came over last night cause I forgot my ecom note here, when I got here the door was open and the bags were skattered on the kitchen floor. I could hear your heavy breathing so just like Shrek to your Fiona I rushed to your aid... princess" he places his hands in a superman pose. I laugh at his silliness and thank him again even though I know what I heard...and it was not Danny's voice. This am sure of. Who is he covering for?

A Warden's Chubby Obsession Where stories live. Discover now