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The ride to Dover had never gone by so quickly. Kissing the whole way helped time fly. Jimmy pulled back before they approached the turn for the drive.

"There it is." His face hurt from smiling. Brunch had been fun, especially being able to touch Tate's shoulder. He was tired of hiding his affection.

"It's beautiful. Like a painting."

Smiling wider, it was important for Tate to love Dover. All three horses were out of the barn. "Shaun and Josh aren't here yet."

"What did you tell them?"

"Just that I was bringing someone special." Tate reached up and touched the cross. "No more curse." As the car pulled to a stop, he brushed his lips on hers. "Come on." He didn't wait for Georgie to open the door. "Relax. They'll love you."

They entered through the kitchen door. "Hello!" No answer. The kitchen was empty. "Hello!"

Stella appeared. "I heard you the first time." She smiled and hollered. "Sarah, our Jimmy has brought a beautiful young woman with him."

The whir of the electric wheelchair brought Sarah into the kitchen. Smiling, she said, "Welcome. Jimmy has never brought a friend here before."

"This is Tate Kane. Sarah McManus, and Stella, she keeps us in line."

Stella said, "Pfft. Someone has to, with you."

Tate laughed. Sarah sighed. "Don't listen to her. Jimmy's a good boy. Kane, are you related to his friend?"

"Yes, Baxter is my brother."

"That works out nicely."

A thud outside turned everyone's heads. Tansy ran in followed by Shaun and Josh.

Josh looked from Jimmy to Tate. "Drats, I owe Oliver money."

Shaun frowned. "What did you bet on?"

"He saw Jimmy at an event and said he had a girlfriend. I said she couldn't be because I would know about it. Thanks a lot, Sinclair."

"I didn't force you to bet. Josh and Shaun meet Tate and she is definitely my girlfriend."

Shaun's smile turned perplexed. "Tate? From high school?"

Jimmy nodded. "She's Baxter's sister."

Shaun put her hands to her mouth and laughed. "He had it so bad for you back then, until, well just until."

"I heard, but he never said so bad." Tate laughed.

Heat crept up Jimmy's neck. "Why did I confide in you?"

Tansy pulled on his hand. "Jimmy, let's go see Ariel."

"Ariel?" Tate asked.

"She named the pony after her favorite princess." Shaun smirked.

"The mermaid."

"Yes! Jimmy, she's pretty will you have a wedding too. I'm a flower girl."

Tate laughed. "I think you're pretty too."

Shaun said, "Yeah, Jimmy, what about a wedding?"

He smirked. "It's quite possible."

Stella said, "I hope Mr. McManus is watching over us because he won't want to miss this news!"

Everyone laughed, but it was bittersweet. "I haven't told my parents. They're home this week."

Sarah nodded. "Darling, I wouldn't dream of stealing your thunder. Stella is right, your uncle hoped you would find your match."

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