Chapter 2 - The Union

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"I can't tell you how n-nervous I am." Dipper said as his brother, Tyrone tightened his white tie for him. Tyrone was the last born in the Pines triplets and the nicest of them all. He wasn't smart like Dipper or creative like Mabel, but he had quite an ear for music...and adventure. He'd spent the last few years with his fiancé, Rory, traveling the world. He came back to Oregon for his brother's big day.

"Ah, shush it, Dip." Ty snarked. "No one is an expert on getting married, not even the ones who marry more than once. You'll be fine. You have nothing to worry about, you already got the girl, you just gotta marry her!" He was better at advice for others than himself. It took many years to convince Rory that he loved her. He'd always been very shy around others, especially her. But he really loved her almost as long as he'd known her. She found out and nearly smothered him with years of missed opportunities, but he still loved her nonetheless. Now he had to help Dipper marry his girl.

"But what if she....decides no last minute?" Dipper asked worriedly. He was sweating again in his nice suit and dabbing at himself with an emergency hanky.

"You worry way too much, man. Just go with the plan in your head and she'll do the same. You're lucky. She's the only girl out there that likes your crazy over-the-top plans to keep in control." Ty said. He backed away and pointed a mirror at his brother.

"Thanks...I guess." Dipper said. He looked closely at his reflection. "Huh."

"See? You look good enough. Now you just have to act good enough. Breathe." Ty smiled and put the mirror back.


Pacifica checked the mirror many times. "Uggh. Why can't I make this work?" She said to herself trying her hardest to put on her makeup without fail but she was struggling too much.

"Pacifica. Relax. You look beautiful." Mabel told her. She and the other bridesmaids grabbed her tools from her and started working themselves. "Hold still though. If there's any mess at all, we'll clean it.We got you."

Pacifica took a deep breath. "Ok." They stopped and put a mirror in her face. "Oh...Thank you, girls." She smiled and turned to them. "I can't do anything right today. Thank you for all this."

"Hey! You made me a bridesmaid for a reason!" Mabel said putting a hand on her hip. "Dipper's mouth is gonna hit the floor, girl!"

Pacifica smiled. "Thanks Mabel."

Mabel smiled back even bigger. "Anything for my sis!"

"Hey! Mabel, Pacifica! We got three minutes left in here." Rory said coming in to the room. "You look great, Pacifica." She said trying to sound nice. It might have come across a little rude due to their past. Before she noticed Ty, Rory had a huge crush on Dipper since they were kids in Gravity Falls. It took all the courage he could muster, but Ty eventually pulled her away from Dipper and showed her how he felt. Perhaps, that jealousy for Pacifica remained....just a little because her heart now belonged to Tyrone.

Pacifica nodded lightly and stood up. "Dress, makeup, hair, flowers. Ok.....I'm ready." The bridesmaids lined up to check her and all smiled with approval. "Let's go get 'em!" Mabel announced.


The music played on the organ as the congregation turned to the back. Pacifica's father died years ago sacrificing himself at the last minute to help destroy Bill Cipher. He was once a bad selfish guy but by his daughter and wife learning to be good through Dipper, he learned who he must be and became a hero at the last minute. Instead, Dipper's Grunkle Stan walked her down the aisle in his place. She'd grown closer to him because he was Dipper's father figure in Gravity Falls.

Grunkle Stan walked her stiffly down the aisle, if anyone there would fall, it would be him. And not from nervousness, but the fact that he's not used to such a nice stiff suit. Pacifica smiled bigger as they made their way to the alter where Dipper watched them come up. A huge nervous smile on his face. He dabbed a few areas quickly as he sweat.

They finally made it to the front and Dipper joined her at the alter. He sweetly grabbed her hands in his. They bowed their heads together as the preacher began. Dipper didn't really pay attention to what he was saying, he learned the speech beforehand. Pacifica didn't pay attention either. She knew Dipper knew it and could recite it to her any time she asks.

They snapped back to attention hearing the preacher finish and both said "Amen".

"...You can kiss the bride now." The preacher said awkwardly.

Dipper blushed and remembered about that. Before he could act, Pacifica planted her lips against his.  He immediately kissed her back. They made sure their loving first kiss as husband and wife wasn't too awkward and long for everyone watching. Everyone followed the two as they ran out into the sun. They started clapping and cheering as soon as they were out of the church.

Dipper picked up his bride and twirled her around. She laughed as he did so. "To the reception hall!" He announced happily. Pacifica cheered in approval and agreement.


The music played many different songs for everyone. Dipper and Pacifica relaxed through the night together and watched their friends and family make fools of themselves on the dance floor. They laughed as Mabel tried to dance with her boyfriend, Mermando, who happened to be a merman, in a specialized wheelchair. She swung his chair around by his arms. At one point, BABBA's Disco Girl was playing on the speakers and Dipper couldn't help but blush as Pacifica laughed and sang it out loud to him. "Everyone. I don't think I've seen enough of the newlyweds dancing tonight. I think we need to give them their slow song! Who's with me?!" The Dj announced as BABBA finished. Everyone cheered and turned to Dipper and Pacifica.

"Oh no." Dipper blushed deeply. Pacifica blushed as well but stood up and grabbed him for the dance. "Ow! Whoa!" He exclaimed as she pulled him to the center where everyone cleared the floor for them. "Paz...I don't know how to dance..." He said.

"Shhh. Remember that night I invited you to my family party at my mansion so you could take care of that lumberjack ghost? I never got the chance to dance with you, but I'll make it up now." Pacifica said sweetly. Her eyes locked to his as her arms wrapped loosely around his neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close.

"Yeah...Ok." He smiled as they slowly turned with each step. They were dancing. "I love you, Pacifica." He whispered. She smiled and kissed his cheek.

The song came to an end and they finished with another kiss. Everyone watching cheered for them then resumed their dancing. Mabel ran to them and hugged her brother. "I'm so proud of you, goofus!" Tyrone joined them with Rory close behind. She shrugged and smiled at Ty's love for his siblings.

The hours got later and the sky went darker. It was time for Dipper and Pacifica to leave and start their honeymoon. He got his car ready while Mabel added decorations and glitter all over it earlier. He carried Pacifica out to the car with the remaining friends and family cheering one last time. She'd thrown the bouquet and Mabel caught it which sent Mermando in a flurry of red blush. Dipper threw her garter and Old Man McGucket who still hasn't kicked the bucket and is still full of energy and craziness caught it a little confused.

Dipper took one last look at all the good people who came and went to his and Pacifica's wedding. Wendy Corduroy had taken time from her job as a member of the FBI came. Soos, his wife Melody, and their two kids came. Stan and Stanley came of course. Pacifica's mother came. Mabel, Mermando, Tyrone, and Rory all came. Even Robbie and Tambry and their old gang. Candy and Grenda were there alongside Mabel. And the various people Dipper had come to love were there. If only his parents could see him.

"What are we waiting for?" Pacifica asked happily. She didn't seem to care about anything really. Her question didn't really need to be answered but Dipper answered anyway.

"I'm so glad I came to this town." He said to her, then drove them both off into the cool night.

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