Chapter 7 - Siege - Part 4

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The carrier hovered just a few feet above the roof of a low building very close to the arch. Monsters were already targeting their plane and attacked. The hatch opened with everyone opening fire on the creatures. They fell just before they could reach the soldiers. Dipper and Stanley lead them out and towards a park on the other side of the portal. "Take them out!" Various people yelled battle clichés.

Rory and Kronos transformed as they ran. Rory took flight and launched powerful blasts from her hands at groups of monsters she saw. Kronos roared and shot fireballs at ground waves in their path.

Rory flew down and linked arms with Kronos as a cluster of earth-movers charged them. She swung him towards them and he sliced right through with their combined strength and his arm-swords. Dipper yelled as the soldiers opened fire on the army standing before them. Everyone ran for the park with many trees. Kronos forgot the plan and exploded into the crowd. He was light on his feet, going from monster to monster slicing them in vulnerable areas at lightning speed.

No monster could stop him as he grew more enraged and fiery with every kill. He spun in circles as his swords went through every monster around him. He pulled back his swords for his fire to burst from his hands. He first torched many monsters before aiming at the ground and launching up into the air.

Dipper lead the group to the arch. No cultists saw them under the cover of trees approaching the arch. Stanley ordered a few men to snipe at a few. Dipper took a breath and ran straight for it. He was silent compared to all the fighting and roaring. He pulled out journal number 2 and began to read.

"Ok. This should do something." He pulled a wire out and one section of the portal shifted and groaned. "Come on!" He ordered the rest of his men. Wendy nodded and ran to join him. Some cultists noticed them and opened fire. No one got hit but they all had to duck in cover. Stanley didn't need the journals. He knew what to do and began to pull wires. The portal shifted and more cultists saw them. They couldn't aim from the angle they were facing. The whole portal was covered in platforms covered in guards. They all started shouting and firing down. Dipper's mouth dropped as he saw on the other side of the portal a colossal flying creature that looked like a giant flying shark come roaring out. Kronos smiled and flew as fast as he could. At the last second before slamming into the shark creature, his swords came out and he spun in a corkscrew motion. Time sped up as he shot straight through the monster. Its purple blood lined the street as it screeched its final breath and fell to the ground hard, smashing a few goblins as it did.

Dipper put his faith in Kronos and began pulling more wires. His soldiers examined the journals and ordered each other around with what to break. The portal was still very active and still spewing monsters. Rory stopped in midair with her wings flapping her in place. She held up her hands as her hair glowed brighter. Fire appeared in one hand and water appeared in the other. She blasted the portal and all that came through with powerful jets of both opposing elements. Kronos joined her on the ground and torched the lower portal and monsters.

Pacifica watched closely on the monitors while Mabel held Markus tightly. Mermando comforted his wife as she watched. Stan stopped giving orders and joined them. "Come on, guys." He told everyone through the screen.

"Attention. We have an unauthorized take-off in progress." An announcement came up. They quickly turned to the window to see Ty flying a small craft away.

"What the heck is wrong with that kid?!" Stan yelled.

The small swerved around until he got the hang of it and flew off. "Let him go." Mabel said. "They need him more than they think." The others nodded in agreement. "Good luck, bro."

Rory was on fire. Not literally though, that was Kronos. But Rory was feeling great as she plowed through waves of monsters of all shapes and sizes. She flew around blasting flying creatures as Kronos blasted them on the ground. He pulled out his swords and swung around cutting pieces off. Dipper closed his eyes and held his breath. He opened them and opened fire on the cultists above him. They needed to do more damage and the more important equipment was at the top. Others followed him and fired up at the guards. They fell one by one but the rest fired back.

Wendy landed every shot she fired. She began to climb the pedestal to the higher portal. Dipper covered her and shot guards aiming for her. Dipper eventually climbed higher than her and grabbed the ledge of a platform where a few guards remained. "Well, hello Dipper!" Said a familiar southern voice...but much much older.

"Oh no..." Dipper looked up at not-so-Lil' Gideon smiling evilly at him.

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