It's Too Late

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Cryptis removed his hood and joined his brothers. "Our human allies are preparing a portal for us. The council has foolishly elected to ignore their salvation. They will be of no help for us."

"Cryptis. Your obsession with Cipher's death has troubled us for quite some time. You still mourn him even after we all have stopped. You still wish a part of our salvation to go to his revenge. Why is that? He is destroyed. We have our own destiny." Atbash said leaping down from a pedestal. Caesar joined them both with his weapons ready.

"Atbash. Are your forces ready?" He demanded. Atbash guided him to a ledge. Over it stood hundreds of monsters of all kinds. Earth-Movers, hobgoblins, manitaurs, undead warriors of all times, strange stone creatures in the form of gladiators with two torsos pointed opposite directions wielding jagged swords, angry gnomes very unlike the gnomes of Gravity Falls, and many other various monsters both known and unknown. They all smiled at the sight. The army cheered a horrible roar of hideous voices at the stand of their three leaders.

"They seem as formidable as you said, brother." Cryptis said. "We will be free of this prison and the universe will be ours."

"Now you sound like yourself, Cryptis." Caesar patted his shoulder. They all took similar forms like Cryptis. Hooded with few facial features, energy surged around each of them.


The demon army looked over to this sight. "We must report this to the council at once." One spoke up.

"No! Let us go with them! The humans are opening a portal for us! We'll finally have our salvation!" Another boomed.

"The council is foolish. They want us all to rot in the shadows of the universe forever. This could be our big break. Our chance." A third chimed in.

"Yes yes yes..." Many said. "We shall take the universe and no one will stop us!"

"Death to the council! Death to order! Death to the light!" A few roared. The rest hesitated but all chimed in.


"Wait. Where is it?!"

Stanley and Stanford searched the shack with Soos for any signs of Blind Eye activity on their portal. Nothing. "Where are they? The portal's right here. Where are they?!"


"Reports are in about a large group of armed men have surrounded the Gateway Arch. They have placed many strange devices over the large structure. Anyone found near the arch has been opened fire upon by these mysterious terrorists."

"The police force has surrounded the arch and are hoping to take the city's beloved historic landmark back to the city. So far, three people are dead and eleven are injured."



"Dipper!" Pacifica hugged him tightly and he hugged back. Everyone there joined the hug.

"We have to get Ty and Rory up here, now." He said breaking the hug.

"We thought you were dead." Pacifica said still holding on to him.

"Pacifica. Please. We don't have much time." Dipper said. Kronos appeared next to him. Only Pacifica, Dipper, and Markus could see him.

"He's right. I can sense it. Tell them to turn on the tv!" Kronos ordered.

Dipper grabbed the remote and everyone looked as the news was on showing absolute horror in St. Louis. No one said anything as the camera showed the Gateway Arch light up purple covered in familiar technology.


"Ty! We have to get to everyone. They're in Seattle!" Rory yelled seeing the news.

"Ok! I'm coming!" Ty yelled and ran to her. "How do you know they're all in Seattle?....Did you have a vision?" Rory nodded and grabbed him.

"Hold on, baby. I'm getting us there the quick route." She said.

"...Uh oh." Ty said grabbing on to his wife.


Police and SWAT all lined up around the arch in circles with their vehicles. The arch opened up in a purple light. The men yelled and laughed. "Surrender yourselves and your equipment now!" Yelled an officer.


There was a crack of thunder as monster launched from the portal and smashed into the police forces. They made quick work of everything in their path as they charged forward in all directions. Helicopters overhead opened fire on the creatures but flying monster launched from the portal straight at the copter, quickly taking it out one man at a time.

People screamed and ran as monsters chased them down and smashed everything in sight. Flying creatures flooded the skies and crashed through buildings. The monsters wouldn't stop coming until there was a break.

Three projectiles launched from the portal and slammed into the streets in different directions. They formed into the three powerful demons in their true humanoid forms and began ordering the monsters around. Clouds blocked out the sun that day. Vampires chased after any humans left. Manitaurs crushed cars with their bare hands and cheered on the others with their "strength contests" while earth-movers began carving through the walls of thick buildings. Screams echoed through the world.


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