Chapter 7 - Siege - Part 3

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"We're going with your plan, Mr. Pines." Director Williams said. "But we're doing it our way. Agent Corduroy. Please explain to them the plan again."

"Alright. Pacifica, Mermando, and Mabel will stay here and monitor the scene with our UAV drones capturing all of St. Louis on video. Stanford will be showing everyone how the portal works while Stanley and Dipper will lead the group to the portal. Kronos and Rory will lead a squad around the front and keep the enemy forces busy and distracted." Wendy said pointing to everyone. She hands Dipper a gun. "We will follow you, just like old times." She brushed her thumb and pointer finger together over her lips and gave a thumbs up.

Kronos agreed with the plan then walked over to Pacifica holding Markus. "Is it alright if I say goodbye?" He asked.

"Of course." Pacifica said handing him Markus. Kronos held him up to face him.

"Hey bud." He began. Markus looked at him and smiled. "Aw. I'm gonna miss you too. Don't worry bud. This may be my destiny....but my purpose will always be to be there for you...and I will." He pulled the infant close to his body and hugged him. He wiped a tear he didn't think he had off his cheek and handed Markus back to Pacifica.

"I never got to say thank you...for choosing our family. We never thought we'd get any help from above....until you came." She smiled and hugged him. "Thank you." Kronos smiled and pulled away.

"I chose you guys....because you all reminded me of myself. You all had something about you from your past that many people judge you for....yet they still believe in you." He admitted. "I'm proud to be your guardian angel."

Dipper listened to their conversation and smiled. "I think you deserve a bigger role. You're one of us now." Kronos' jaw dropped then he picked up Dipper in a big bear hug.

"You don't know how long I've waited to hear such words." He said as tears fell down his cheeks again. Dipper felt uncomfortable.

"Ok. Yeah. You're in my space." He complained.

"Ah shut it, Dippin' Sauce. You know how close your siblings can get." Mabel chimed and took Markus from Pacifica for a bit.

"Dipper. Kronos. It's time." Stanley said walking up to them.

Ty and Rory found a secluded ledge overlooking the city. The space needle stuck out over the bay. Despite the fact it was overcast, the scene was beautiful. "Typical." Ty said leaning over.

"What?" Rory asked.

"They didn't mention what I would do. They gave...everyone a part...But not me. Just like always....." He looked down in front of him rather than the view.

"Ty..." Rory tried to comfort him. She thought she could never do anything lovingly. She never knew how to comfort Ty when he felt...too much. She never really knew he had a limit.

"All my life...." Ty laughed sarcastically. "All my life I've just been the third wheel. Nothing but a clone of my brother. The weak link. Useless." He threw a paper in his pocket over the ledge as hard as he could.

"Tyrone!" Rory shouted. He turned to her and his face seemed to return to normal. "I liked Dipper when I met all three of you. Yes. I admit it. But you know what? I learned he didn't like me back. He liked a girl who was once very mean to me just because I wasn't rich like her.......I learned were there for me. Even though I obsessed over other guys, you stayed by my side and helped me through everything. Even though it seemed like you would never have a chance to be with stayed by my side....I I love you."

"What's happening here....I made sure they didn't give you a job because I'm tired of you doing everything while I sit back and watch. I'm tired of you caring so much for me that you get hurt by not caring for yourself at all. I don't want anything to happen to you....You're my hero...but...I don't want you to go..." She put her head in her hands. Ty grabbed her and hugged her.

"You've always been my hero." He whispered to her. She pulled away and kissed him deeply. "I promise I'll come back. I promise...Ok?"

Ty held her cheeks and put his forehead to hers. "Ok." He said looking into her eyes. "Go get 'em, Ror." She smiled and broke away slowly. "Oh wait." He grabbed her hand. "I love you too." He smiled.


A large high-tech carrier plane was flying straight across the country headed for St. Louis. Stanley stood in front holding a loop from the ceiling for support. Dipper, Kronos, Rory, Wendy, and Soos, sat in front with the rest of the cabin filled with soldiers.

"Word is that this plane's not gonna officially land. They'll drop us off just west of the arch here." He pointed to a map. "That's where the least amount of fire could hit us. We'll diverge in the park with the distraction team flanking all forces and running in front of the portal but opposite direction. Be advised, monsters and gunfire will rain down from that specific area so run fast and aim well. My team will charge on the portal on the east end and take out any piece of equipment we find. Only take it apart by the book. Any screwing around could cause a cosmic anomaly with dangerous consequences so be careful." He finished. "Any questions?"

No one said anything. "Good. Then let's suit up, people."

"I never knew you were in the army." Dipper said.

"Who said I was?" Stanley looked around.

"N-no one. I just thought you were since well, you're a natural at giving orders." He said. They were all given a strange plastic suit of armor and a gun. Dipper strapped it on and put the gun in his man-bag. "What's this suit made of?" He asked Wendy.

"State of the art bullet-proof armor. Stronger and thicker than Kevlar, one third of the weight." She said proudly and put one on herself.

"So Wendy. What kind of missions did you have over the years? You know, compared to this." Dipper asked out of curiosity.

"Eh. Taking out murderous cults, relocating sasquatches from public eyes and contacting an alien race with peaceful negotiation." She said like it was normal. "The usual. I bet your job must be awesome though."

"...Not really. I deal with ghosts, demons, and monsters, but I just really record them and relocate them." Dipper said. He grew jealous of her....again. The last time he was jealous of her was how much more awesome she was when they were kids. This was very similar.

"Heads up! We're about two minutes away from our target." Someone announced.

"Here we go, Shorty." Wendy snickered.

"I'm not short....anymore." Dipper groaned.

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