Chapter 6 - Piecing Together - Part 1

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Tyrone was practicing his trombone on the deck. He'd inherited his parents' house in Piedmont since they passed away of the triplets and had been living there since his marriage to Rory Greenwood. Over the years of knowing her, he'd gotten to know quite a few secrets she had that were of which was that she was barren.

"Baby." She called for him. Ty immediately put down his instrument and ran in for her. She'd always been his first priority since he saw her, it was his way of showing someone he loved them, doing everything for them beyond his own wants and desires. Rory wouldn't let him be her "slave" and made sure she pitched in to every job they had. He'd been able to land a few roles in the music industry. One example was he was the trombone player in the orchestra score for the last two Marvel movies. Another was a background player in Keepin' It Reall.

Since only a month after they were married, they've been trying to have children. Despite what the doctor said, Ty refused to give up. He thought it was offensive to think Rory could never bare children. He would show them they were wrong. Rory came to him and almost ran into him. "Ty, honey."

"What is it? Is it the neighbors dog? Is it too warm or cold? Is it-"

"Ty. I'm fine. It's Dipper. Here." She stopped him and handed him her phone.

He held it up to his ear. "Hello?.....Oh....Oh no......What?!.....No!" As he talked, Rory started to tear up seeing his heart break.

"He's just gotta be ok. He'll be ok, honey." Rory said. Ty wiped her tears as his own tears began to fall. She comforted him as best she could, she put her forehead to his. It was special for him because he'd always done it to her but she didn't feel like that. He kissed her cheek.

"Dipper's been through a lot...I hope you're right. He'll be ok." Ty said looking into her eyes.

The phone rang again and Ty picked it up. "Hello?" He said. The voice on the other end said something that made him jump and turn to Rory. "We've gotta get out of here..."


Mermando was having a crisis. Mabel told him she wanted a baby the other day but....he was a merman. How would that work? He blushed at the thought. "Mermy!" Mabel came in sobbing.

"What is wrong, my love?" He asked. He moved himself over to her in his specialized wheelchair to keep him cool and wet while giving him the ability to move around on land. He embraced her in a hug.

"It's Dipper! There's been an attack! They haven't heard from him! I'm so scared, Mermy." She cried in his arms.

"Oh, Mabel. I'm so sorry. I'm sure he's ok wherever he is." He kissed her cheek and stroked the other one which made her smile a little.

"Yeah...Ok." Mabel said softly. She snuggled into him. At least she's not talking about having a baby anymore. There was a knock at the door.

"Hold on, my sweet. I'll get that." Mermando said breaking away and wheeling to the door. He opened it to Pacifica holding Markus. She looks like she walked the whole way to Seattle. "Pacifica?"

"Hey, Mermando. May we come in?" She asked a little impatiently. She seemed very on edge.

"Yes. Of course." He said moving back to allow her through. "Mabel! Pacifica and is here." He called.

Pacifica smiled and closed the door behind her. Markus looked around at the house he'd never seen before and snuggled into his mom. "Pacifica!" Mabel yelled as she ran to give her sister-in-law a hug. She looked like she hadn't just been crying. They hugged for a bit until Markus got uncomfortable.

"What brings you guys here?" Mermando asked.

"Um....You guys heard about Dipper....right?" Pacifica said. They nodded. "Well....It's a long story kinda.....those same guys who attacked Guam....they were in Gravity Falls."

"Que?" Mermando asked panicked.

"Que?" Mabel repeated just as shocked.

"Uh. Yes." Pacifica answered remembering her Spanish. "I first drove here with someone who helped me but...."

"Huh? Someone else knew and they helped you?" Mabel asked.

"Yeah....That's the long story." They looked at her funny. Could Pacifica really cheat on her husband?

"He's a friend." She barked as if she could read their minds. "I meant that he came to us when Markus was born. He...well at first we didn't believe him. He said he's our family guardian angel."

"Weird." Was all Mabel could say. "Oh. Can I hold him?!" She asked changing her own subject and looking down at Markus blowing spit bubbles for attention.

"Yeah....Sure." Pacifica handed Markus to Mabel and she ran off with him. It was a little awkward leaving her and Mermando alone to talk. She'd never gotten to know him very well except that he was Spanish, a merman, and he and Mabel were madly in love since they were kids.

"Has Dipper said anything since?" Mermando spoke up after a moment of silence. She noticed he looked uneasy at Mabel running off with Markus.

"Uh. No. I tried to call him before the attack. He didn't answer. I've been so scared all day, fearing for my family as I got here." Pacifica rambled. She sounded very stressed.

"It's ok. I've kinda felt that way too. You see....Mabel wants a baby." He said rubbing his arm. For a man with a fish tail for legs and reduced to staying in a wheelchair, he was really fit. What is with Latinos and being super buff?

"Oh really?....Oh. It's a little obvious." She smirked. "Do you not want a baby?"

"Heh. Yeah.....Yes. I mean no! I mean....I really want to....but I don't know if it's possible." Mermando blushed.

"Hey. It's ok. Having a baby is a mutual thing. Me and Dipper both felt scared about being parents...but we still wanted it." Pacifica said.

"Oh no. It's not that. We both want a baby...but I kinda make it look like I don't in front of Mabel. You see....I don't think it's possible a merman and a...beautiful human girl could ever...." He clarified himself.

"Oh! Oh.....I'm sorry." Pacifica said. "I'm sure you'll figure something out though."

"Yeah....Thank you, Pacifica." Mermando said. He forced a smile and she did the same. Just in time, Mabel ran back holding Markus tightly. At his age, he would only feel comfortable in the arms of his mother. But he fell asleep in Mabel's arms. She had the mother's touch.

"Aw. Mabel. I bet you'd make a great mother to anyone. He must really like you." Pacifica said.

"Thank you! And I really really really like him! He's so teeny and cute!" Mabel smiled big. As she passed Mermando, she winked at him. He blushed deeply.

Pacifica remembered why they were there and looked out the window. Her face turned white and she turned to them. "Call the police!"

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