Chapter 4 - The Start - Part 2

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Dipper gave his wife and son more than enough hugs and kisses before heading into the small plane that would take him to a strange temple that mysteriously opened up in Guam. He'd been called in to investigate the place and maybe help if it's haunted or cursed. He climbed aboard and greeted his cabin-mates.

"Hey! I'm Dipper Pines. And you guys are?"

"Hello Mr. Pines. It is an honor to meet you. My name is Matua. I'll be leading the expedition. This is Mateo. The pilot is Tasi and his copilot is Rai." One man said. He seemed to be the one in charge of everything while everyone else stayed quiet and where they were. They blew off at top speed, ascending gradually into the sky.

"Great to meet you all. It's been a while since I got called in. My wife just had her baby and I got enough time for them both." Dipper said in his seat. He looked around and saw all the necessary equipment they had. He turned and saw guns. It's normal. Many if not all expeditions had to include guns otherwise people would die....but there were many guns all throughout the cargo plane.

Matua seemed to read his mind as he saw him stare at the guns. "We are familiar with this temple....not a nice place. Many dangerous creatures." Dipper nodded and tried to look relaxed after that, but he was still worried. "Not to worry, Mr. Pines. The guns are just for monsters, yeah?" He nodded again.

The plane trip took about eight hours on clear skies, fast engines, and distance between Oregon and Guam. When they landed, Dipper's face was green. He ran to the edge of the runway and threw up in the grass. He walked back slowly. "Sorry about that." He said to Matua and the crew who were laughing.

"Not to worry. Welcome to Guam, sir." He said smiling from laughter. Dipper chuckled nervously.

They unloaded the supplies into three jeeps and climbed in. "The temple is about twenty miles south of here through the jungle." Mateo said. "I remember."

"Then south we go." Matua ordered. Back at the runway, Dipper, Matua, and Mateo were joined by two more groups like the two native Guam explorers. The trucks honked in response and drove in a straight line south to the temple.

Dipper clutched his stomach and looked around. Monkeys swung in trees around them and nested in the fruit. He laughed watching them. They reminded him of his newborn son, Markus. "Have you got any kids, Matua?" He asked him through the roar of the engines.

"No, sir. My wife's never considered it and neither have I." He responded. "Mateo's got four little ones." Mateo looked at him like he'd spilled a huge secret.

"Four kids? How old are you, Mateo?" Dipper said dumbfounded.

"Twenty four years old, sir." He said. "I married at twenty."

"That's crazy." Dipper said. "I got one son. I swear he's an angel."

"Sure sounds like one." Mateo said happily. "Children are the greatest treasure of this earth." Matua nodded but it didn't look like he agreed.

"Back on the plane and here to, I was so close to you I smelled you. Why do you smell like baby wipes?" Mateo said snickering.

Dipper rolled his eyes. "It's because I have to change dirty diapers."

"Okay. Whatever boats your float." He smirked.

"We're here!" One man said in the jeep ahead of them. Through the trees rose a tall stone pyramid looking building.

"That's weird..." Dipper said getting out. He walked closer as the men set up a base camp. "This looks nothing like the other temples in Guam. What is this place?"

Matua stood next to him. "This temple was closed off from all except the government for centuries. They say it is not like the other temples. The people didn't worship the same gods in there. They worshipped....demons."

Dipper gulped. Demons were his scariest job and they were hard to defeat as well. "Ok. Anyone here religious?"

Mateo reluctantly raised his hand. "I converted as a Christian last year."

Dipper looked around and saw that he was the only option. "Ok. You'll do. C'mere."

Mateo shuffled close to Dipper but stayed away from the temple. An ambience seemed to hum from the place sending shivers up his spine. "This place is of the devil."

Dipper nodded even though he wasn't too sure about it. He pulled out a Bible, dream catcher, voodoo charm, and Guam talisman. He was prepared for any kind of demon.

"Lead the way, Indiana Jones." Mateo said nervously.

Dipper looked back. "How do you know about....never mind." He turned back to the temple and started to walk in through the open entrance. He couldn't see it, but Kronos was behind the group. "This isn't going to end well...." He gasped at the temple.

Dipper came to a large open room with nothing in it. "Everyone behind me, step where I step." He whispered. Mateo stepped wherever Dipper's foot was last. The ground cracked but nothing happened. Dipper felt his way along with his feet, moving quickly yet slowly so as to not cause the ground to collapse.

They made their way to another open room. This time an alter was in the middle. Strange symbols were carved into the walls every inch. Dipper tried to remember what they meant but couldn't find the right hieroglyphics. In the center of the symbols on all four walls were different shapes each with an eye in the middle. One was a triangle, one a star, one a circle, and one a square. "Cipher..." Dipper whispered to himself. "Wait a minute. They're all a different language." The wall with the triangle had to be deciphered with the Cipher. They were all different ciphers and cryptograms for each wall.

"What kind of people worship demons in four different mystery languages?" Matua said outraged.

"I'm not sure...But I know that this is very familiar to me." Dipper gasped. The messages on the walls all told the same story: Humans live on earth and are watched over by angels, then are overpowered by the hateful demons who destroy all lives with souls including the humans, animals, plants, and angels. He dropped his flashlight. "If Bill Cipher is destroyed....what about the rest of these guys?" He asked himself.

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