Chapter 8 - The Demon War - Part 1

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Gideon laughed and pulled Dipper up and threw him to the platform. "You must be wondering....How did Gideon get here? The answer is simple, Pines." He kicked Dipper in the chest hard to keep him down. He took Dipper's gun and threw it. "I gave up on that small town of freaks....and thought bigger. Say, the world."

"What....are you talking about?" Dipper asked weakly.

"I mean world domination, you imbecile!" He kicked him again. "What better way to take this world than by joining the only humans allowed to rule it when this smoke clears?!" He smiled wickedly. Since they were kids and he was...very young, he'd grown to build up his body. He now was incredibly strong and thick.

Wendy aimed for him but missed and fired at the other guards. "Come on, Dipper! Take him out!" She encouraged.

"Yes. What she said, Dipper." Gideon spat out his name like a curse. "Oh, and by the way. Mabel's not going to be my queen. I don't need one, I realized." He said.

"You haven't changed a bit, Gideon. But just like I did on that bridge....I'm gonna beat the tar out of you." Dipper said trying to stand up.

"You will try, boy." Gideon snarled. He dropped his gun to have a fair fight. Dipper got to his feet and went into stance to fight. "Tell me, Dipper. Did you ever learn how to kill someone with your bare hands?" Gideon went into stance.

Dipper swung first with his right hand into a fist. Gideon dodged it and swung his fist into Dipper's stomach. He gasped and swung his left fist as a left hook. Gideon wasn't fast enough and it slammed into his jaw. He staggered back and rubbed his cheek but was still standing. He Sparta-kicked Dipper and he fell back. Dipper tried to get back up but was stopped by Gideon. His big hands wrapped around Dipper's head. "This is how you kill someone with bare hands." He smirked.

A distant screeching sound quickly came closer as a small jet smashed into the platforms above, hitting a group of cultists off the arch. Gideon looked up as Ty climbed out of the cockpit. "...Whatever you do....Do not.....go in there!" He said as he wobbled around very dizzily.

"Well Tyrone! Glad you could join our party!" Gideon yelled. Rory heard Ty's name called and turned around to the portal. She screamed for him to run when something knocked her out of the sky. Ty had his eyes on Rory the whole time.

"Rory! No!" He yelled. Gideon started climbing up to beat him. Dipper had his chance. He got every last ounce of energy he had left and lunged at Gideon. Ty watched Rory be thrown into the streets. The monsters ignored her and ran forward while someone in a hooded cloak stood by her.

"Rory Greenwood. I should have known you would come to earth again just to stop me." Cryptis hissed. He kept his foot on her to hold her down. "You thought that you could come here and live a human life?" He looked around until he saw what she was looking at. "You even found someone to love? How cute. Let's see how cute this human is when I tear his spine out." He laughed.

Rory screamed and turned herself around, knocking Cryptis off his feet and flying away. She flew straight at Ty and carried him off to the park. "Ty! How could you?!" She scolded him as she dropped him off in a tree.

"Rory, please. I thought about everything you said and you're're always right....But I couldn't sit by and watch you get hurt." Ty said sitting up.

"I had it under control. Please don't worry about me. I was just attacked by a demon who threatened to kill you too." Rory said.

"Honey....It's always been my job to be there by your side. For better or for worse. I will always be there by your side and you can't stop that. I can't let you go...unless I go too." Ty said looking toward the city.

"....I know. I could never love you like you love me. But I want to protect you because I love you more than anything else!" She said. Tears formed in her eyes. Ty stood up on the branch and wiped her tears.

"We're a team. Ok? I can't do anything without you and you can't live without me. Please. Give me a chance and we'll win this war. Everything will turn out ok....and we'll have a baby." Ty said trying to cheer her up. She nodded. "Come on. They need us to distract those monsters." He smiled.

She nodded again and grabbed his hand.

Kronos charged through the army until he slammed into Cryptis. "That's for treating me like dirt!" He boomed. Cryptis went flying but landed on his feet. He whistled and Atbash and Caesar emerged from the crowd. All three took turns fighting Kronos with their weapons. Cryptis with his sword-staff, Caesar with his maces, and Atbash with his elemental bare hands. Kronos burned through their attacks but didn't look as weary as he felt.

Cryptis waited for his brothers to attack again at the same time. They both swung their weapons at him and he couldn't dodge them fast enough. Cryptis swung his weapon and knocked Kronos back even farther. They teamed on him and took turns holding him down and smashing him. He groaned and yelled in pain at every hit. The sounds of pain echoed through the city as the monsters stopped to watch or listen. The guards cheered as the demons were slowly killing Kronos.

"Traitor." Caesar hissed and punched his face.

"Freak." Atbash hissed and socked his stomach with a rock fist.

"...Monster." Cryptis whispered to him then stabbed him in the arm.

Dipper held Gideon tightly until he heard him lose his breath. Rory carried Ty to the platforms and swung him straight into Gideon where he fell flat. Ty got up and looked at him. "He's...out cold."

Dipper patted his shoulder and started pulling wires from their level. Ty watched as Rory flew into the demons and scattered them like bowling pins. Kronos lay still but he was still alive. The three brothers looked up at the angel before them. "Round two, Greenwood." Cryptis said getting up.

"Actually." Rory corrected. "I'm a Pines." She lit up and torched him with colorful fire. Dipper pulled out a flat chunk of software chips and the portal shifted again, sending the monsters straight into the ground head-first.

"Dipper...." Ty said.

"What? I'm kinda busy right now, Ty." Dipper said pulling at a thicker wire.

"It's Kronos..." Ty turned to him.

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