Chapter 3 - The Newcomer - Part 1

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Pacifica was laying down in hers and Dipper's bed, watching a rerun marathon of Ducktective. A large bump was sticking out of her shirt and forming a lump in the blanket. "Dipper!" She called.

Dipper came running as soon as he heard. He'd been worried lately about his wife. She'd been pregnant for over eight months now but his work was calling him up for an expedition to find the Loch Ness Monster for ages. He told them he wanted to wait until his wife was ok and his baby was born before he could leave. He'd been watching over Pacifica and the baby for many months, getting nervous of her groaning in pain. "What's wrong? Is the baby ok?" He asked barging into the room. Immediately, he checked her forehead then pulled away the covers. He saw the naked bump sitting straight up.

"I'm good. The baby's just going crazy. Kicking too hard." Pacifica said. "Honey, it's ok." She saw him checking the bump and smiled as he did.

Dipper put his hands around the sides of the bump and cuddled it. He kissed it lightly. "I just can't wait any longer." He said.

"Me neither..." Pacifica said. She meant that both as in she wanted a baby but also because of how much work it is having that inside her for so long, getting bigger and more energetic everyday.

Dipper sat up and moved to Pacifica's level. He cuddled her as best he could. "You're doing great, Paz." He told her softly.

"I know. I just really want this over with." She said trying to hug him back but it was hard, not because of the baby but because Dipper was sitting more behind her, at an angle she couldn't reach.

"Our baby is gonna have the best mom ever." Dipper said kissing her neck.

She bit her lip. "It's gonna have the best dad ever.......Don't kiss me in my weak spot right now though."

"Sorry, Paz." Dipper smiled. He massaged her shoulders and the bump in the areas the doctors taught him to.

Pacifica smiled lightly. "You may not have a way with words, but boy, do you know how to fix my mood with your hands.....That sounded wrong. Sorry."

"Nah. You're good, hon." Dipper chuckled lightly and planted his face in her hair. "This baby's putting a gap in our love."

"No it's not! Babies make a couple's love stronger! Unless you sicko." She defended the little bump then blushed.

Dipper laughed. "Ah. It's getting late. I think it's time to sleep." He moved away from her and off the bed to his dresser. He stripped down to his underwear and changed to pajamas right in front of her. "Like what you see, hon?" He turned his head to smile at her.

Pacifica rolled her eyes. "I've gotten used to your body, fatso." She laughed a little.

Dipper laughed to and finished putting on his older white pajamas and climbed in next to her. "You all ready for bed?" He asked.

She nodded her head. "I don't feel like getting up at all. Too tired." She sat up as Dipper adjusted her pillows for her to lay down.

He helped her lower down flat and snuggled up to her. "You call me fatso yet you sit in bed all day and you've got a big belly." He smirked and lifted his arm for her to see as he flexed to reveal his biceps.

"Holy crap. When did my husband have muscles?" Pacifica said honestly very surprised.

"I started lifting weights when I had to basically start doing everything." Dipper bragged.

"I take it back. I'm not used to you..." She blushed deeply.

Dipper blushed back and laughed nervously. "How many kids you want?"

She kissed him deeply and pulled away. "We'll see how it goes." She smirked at him. She liked how his body was built, skinny but well built in muscles.

Dipper smiled and wrapped his arm around her chest and snuggled into her neck. "Don't even think about it." She said. Dipper chuckled and soon fell asleep. She followed him after.


Dipper normally slept in almost everyday until they found out Pacifica was pregnant. Then he started waking up earlier before her so he could make her breakfast in bed. After they got married almost a year ago, they moved into the Northwest Mansion after gaining ownership of it through Pacifica's father's will which he wrote a little too early but no one could've seen his heroic death coming. Today, Dipper woke up at about 7 and made his bed-ridden wife some of her favorite breakfast. Pancakes topped with banana slices and orange slices shaped like little cubes. He knocked on their bedroom door with his free hand not holding the breakfast platter. He smiled and opened it when he heard her voice say "Come in".

"Banana pancakes and orange slices again?" Pacifica said a little rudely.

"Sorry. I don't know many breakfast recipes. But I made sure it was perfect for you." Dipper said. Sometimes it was hard coping with Pacifica when she was cranky. This baby made her cranky so often that it drove Dipper crazy, but he made sure she didn't know. He always put her before himself no matter what.

"Well....Thank you." Pacifica said. She knows that Dipper does everything for her, but it's hard to not be cranky when there's a baby growing in her and kicking very often and very hard. She woke up to that pain.

"You're welcome, hon." Dipper said smiling. He hoped his smile would cheer her up.

"Ow!" She gasped and clutched her baby bump. "Ah!"

Dipper jumped to attention. "What's wrong?! What is it?!" He asked holding her shoulders.

"" She groaned.

"Ok! Alright! Hold on, Paz!" Dipper said picking her up. She weighed way more than before but he tried to handle it and carry her to the car. He stopped about halfway in the main hall to catch his breath. The sound of his wife moaning in pain urged him to keep going. He was relieved when they made it to the car and he set her down in her seat. "Hang in there! We're on our way!" He rushed to his side and pulled them out into the road. He grabbed his phone with one hand and started dialing. "Hello! Yes! My wife is going into labor. We're the Pines....Yes....Ok. Thank you! We're on our way now." He told the lady. Almost there.

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