Chapter 1 - The Proposal - Part 2

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That whole day was a repeat of its morning. Dipper took Pacifica to her favorite places and letting her do anything she wants. Surprisingly, she chose places that he liked also: the museum, out to Gravity Falls which took longer than expected, then the movies to see the new Avengers Infinity War Part 2. By now, it was 5 o'clock and Dipper realized they had to get ready for their dinner tonight.

"Today has been one of the best days of my life, Dip." Pacifica said hugging Dipper's arm. She smiled wide and nuzzled into the same arm. They sat together on the bench for a moment of just talking and sitting in silence.

"I'm glad you think so, Paz. But it's not over yet. We gotta get you home so you can get ready for our dinner tonight." Dipper said happily. The nervousness settled but still remained in his gut.

"Our dinner, Dip." She giggled and sat up a little to his eye level. "This day isn't just about me. It's about us, isn't it?" She smiled bigger and kissed his cheek.

"Right. Thank you, Paz." Dipper said. He chuckled and pulled her back into a full on kiss. After a minute, they broke away and looked into each other's eyes.

"Well, let's get going!" Pacifica said happily and getting up off the bench. She pulled him off swiftly by his same arm.

"Ah! Paci-" Dipper yelped as he was pulled off the bench. "Whooh.'re strong."

"Well duh! Lots of people are stronger than you! It's ok, babe. You're stronger in most other ways." She reassured him and teased him slightly. "Now take me home so we can get ready."

"Ok ok." Dipper said regaining his balance. He walked Pacifica over to his parked car with a pine tree sticker on the back window. She got in the passenger seat and waited for him to get in and start it. He drove her to her complex and let her out. She ran to his side, opened the door, and gave him one last kiss before she ran to her door. He sighed happily and drove away. "5:55 sharp, Pines. Remember that." He told himself out loud. Good thing it was just him in his car.

5:55 sharp. Dipper was back on Pacifica's doorstep dressed in his nice black suit and tie, ringing her doorbell more than he should. Pacifica herself opened it.

"Right on schedule!" She said happily. She was wearing a beautiful light red dress that reached her just below her knees with a grey trim and a white flower design along the side.

"Wow....Y-you look amazing....Uh. Shall we?" Dipper said snapping back to attention. He offered her his hand and she took it. They got in the car and drove to the restaurant. They walked to the front desk. "Dipper Pines. Table for two?" He asked the man. The waiter looked at the list and smiled. "Ah yes. Mr. Pines and his....girlfriend." He said with a slight Italian accent. He tried not to call Pacifica anything else as to ruin the night. Dipper smiled and nodded. "Right this way." He lead them to a quiet table with only two chairs at the edge overlooking the city below from the hilltop.

"Wow. Dipper, it's beautiful." Pacifica said in awe. She sat down in a giddy way, her cheeks flushed red kinda like Mabel's are usually.

"Thank you, sir." Dipper said. The butterflies returned to his stomach. There was the spot. Just a little away from the tables lied the pavilion on the edge on the hill with the much better view. There. He sat down with Pacifica and smiled. "I'm really glad we could have this day together." He finally said.

Pacifica's smile turned to a frown. "Yeah...I wish it could be forever....Dipper. There's something I need to tell you..." She sat up in her chair and looked into his big brown eyes.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Dipper asked worriedly. He hoped nothing had gone wrong and he hadn't noticed.

"Nothing's wrong. You've been the best guy for me and I know I'll never have that again...But my designer class professor just selected me for a...well, my dream job! I'm going to finally design the clothes I wanted the world to see! I'm going to travel the world and make a difference for once!" She said. She voice cracking. "I don't want anything to change but..."

Dipper had a loss for words. His little box hanging there in his pocket helplessly. "I'm so proud of you...but what are you saying?"

"I can't be with you if I'm always away....I'm so sorry." Pacifica said. Tears formed in her eyes, her makeup running already.

"W-what? Wait Pacifica! Look! Please just give me this last night to love you..." Dipper said. His hand glued to the box in his pocket.

"Of course. But..." Pacifica tried to finish. This gave Dipper his opportunity. He stood up and reached for her hand. She hesitantly took it while looking at him puzzled. He took a deep breath and walked her to the pavilion. "Pacifica...I want you to close your eyes." She looked at him funny.

"Oh..ok." She said closing her eyes tightly. Her nose wrinkled up.

Dipper took another deep breath. "Pacifica...You can open them now." She opened her eyes to Dipper kneeling down on one knee and his hands on a little blue box opened to a shiny silver ring with a big diamond facing up. "P-Pacifica Elise Northwest...Will you marry me?" He asked innocently and as nervous as he'll ever be.

She clasped her hands to her mouth and started crying...but she was smiling. "I don't care about traveling the world, when I got the world right here....Yes you dork!" She dropped down and hugged him tightly. After a few minutes of them hugging and crying, they walked back to their table and waited since the waiter came along when they were gone. For the rest of that night there, they refused to not have their hands clasped together or their eyes off each other for more than ten seconds. "I love you." She whispered to him across the table.

"Wait 'til we tell our friends and family!" Dipper said. Ever since she said yes, he'd felt so much more confident in everything. "I can't wait!"

"Oh yeah! Me neither!" Pacifica agreed. They knew they would plan out the next few months together because the rest of the night was just loving stares and silence.

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