Chapter 5 - From Bad to Worse - Part 3

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Dipper was tied up and gagged as he was carried on to the plane. He fought to be free so he could firstly, tell Mateo's family about him, and then, get out of there. The masked men brought him down on the seat as the plane took off. He couldn't speak. He couldn't move. He couldn't think.

He could only see and hear.

"Yes. We have Dipper Pines.....What?....Then find them, you idiots!" Matua said on some phone. "Our masters will not be pleased until we have all of the Pines family together. Unless they find the blondie and the little brat child, we're doomed!"

Dipper thought. That's his wife and baby. They must still be ok. "Thank you, Kronos." He whispered to himself.

"Don't thank me yet." Kronos whispered back. Dipper's head shot up. Kronos stood right there in front of him. "They can't see me or hear me. But if you want me to beat them up, I'll have to make myself known."

Dipper thought about it. He looked around at these ruthless and evil men. They've slaughtered innocent lives. They deserved whatever punishment Kronos could inflict on them. He nodded. "Do it."

"S'cuse me?" Matua said looking back at Dipper. Someone else appeared next to him. A young man with red hair stood up and smiled.

"He was talking to me." Kronos said. He swung his fist straight between Matua's eyes. He felt back against the other guards, bullets randomly went off in the small space. Kronos flinched at the noise. He held out his arms and transformed into his true monstrous form in the flash of fire around him. Swords grew from both of his arms and shocked the fallen men. He swung one at Dipper. He flinched as his ropes fell off in halves. He tore off his gag with his own hands. "Thanks, Kronos. You keep them busy, I'm turning this plane around."

Kronos nodded and scared the men into a corner. One pointed his gun at him. On instinct, his sword sunk into his arm and his hand caught fire. "I can melt your bullets before they reach me, punk." He fired the gun. Kronos launched the fireball straight at the bullet and it melted so fast that it stopped travelling and fell flat in front of him. "Told you so."

"What are you?" Matua asked angrily and scared.

"I'm the guardian angel, punk." Kronos said.

At the mention of "guardian angel", all the men went into a frenzy. They yelled and jumped at him. Dipper ran to the pilot's seat to find the pilot and copilot were there. They saw him and the copilot got out to fight him while the pilot turned on autopilot.

Dipper readied himself and raised his fists. The copilot slammed his fist up into Dipper's stomach. He groaned and fell down immediately. "What a fighter, eh?" The smart aleck copilot said.

Dipper tried to get up but he was kicked hard in the chest by the copilot. Kronos came in. Behind him was a trail of unconscious guards. He was officially done with fighting and plunged his sword straight into the copilot's chest. His mouth hung open as unnatural sounds flooded from it. Kronos swung his sword-arm with the copilot still stuck on it to the side where he flew off and hit the window hard. It cracked.

Dipper got up and yelled at Kronos for killing the man but no one could heard anything over a ringing in their ears. Kronos was showing how done he was with this fight, the more he fought, the more violent and scary he got. He grabbed the pilot and threw him at the crack in the window. He smacked it and fell down. It cracked more until it smashed itself open, sucking everything it could outside the plane and into the turbine. The pilot and copilot went through and there was a jamming sound. The plane jerked and began to descend, it started turning around and around by the nose. Dipper held on to a metal pipe while Kronos smacked around the inside of the plane, growing angrier and angrier as he hit.

A spinning blur of blue appeared through what remained of the window. Kronos roared and grew a sword into the plane wall. The grip held him in place. "We've got to get out of here!" He yelled. Dipper looked around and saw the emergency exit door. He let go and let his body swing around, hitting the door. He groaned and tried to open it but all the excitement made him forget he'd been shot.

"Ow!" Dipper yelled. Kronos looked at him.

"Ah crap." He said. He checked to see how far they were from the ground and couldn't wait any longer. He let go of the wall by sliding it back into its place and launched himself at Dipper. They crashed through the door and landed in the water just as the plane crashed and sank into the ocean. Kronos held on to Dipper with one arm and made sure his free arm wasn't shot. "Help me swim."

Dipper obeyed and started moving his arm with Kronos moving his own arm. They paddled along slowly. "We're not gonna make it anywhere soon." Dipper gasped.

"I have an idea....but we have to find some speck of land." Kronos said. Dipper nodded and went with anything Kronos had in mind.

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