"The world is an unfair place."
"This planet, the beauty of all of it, nature, the ocean, the sea..."
"The people you meet, the friends you make..."
"None of it is permanent, no matter how much you want it to be."
(EARTH - 2450)
- In order to combat overpopulation, 100,000 people worldwide must die one day every week -
- Friday, 20:00 - 24:00 -
- During these times, murder is legal -
- Newborns and infants are no exception, and so if one murders a newborn, or vice versa, it's legal -
- Many hospitals have resorted to luck, spinning a wheel every friday to determine which patients will die -
- As of now, there has never been a Friday when less than 100,000 people have died -
- Also, there is no safe haven to avoid these laws -
- Except for one place -
- In Asfalís, murder is only legal once every month -
- This time frame is completely random and legal, as the head of the school board received permission from the president -
- The students here at Asfalís are the top of their classes, showing much purpose and dedication to their craft -
- We do hope you enjoy your stay here at Asfalís -