Bloody Nights

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  Mavis shivers as her body begins to feel lighter...but heavier at the same time. She couldn't describe the feeling properly, all she knew was it wasn't good. Especially since she'd been jumped by some other streets kids a few hours ago.

  She made the mistake of thinking she'd be okay, wrapping the few knife wounds she'd sustained. Turns out, she is less than okay right now. Mavis stifles a whimper as her body wobbles aggressively. She couldn't stop now, she was almost to the nearest hospital.

  Her breath was coming out cold, the winter air felt like pellets on her skin as the wind blew noisily. It was dark and she only found her way by the street lamps and occasional apartment light. She was finally just outside the emergency doors when her vision blurs and she doubles over. ' I'm almost there..'

"" Even her voice was just a whisper under the raging winds. Thankfully a stray nurse out for a smoke notices her fallen form. The nurse comes rushing up to her and quickly kneels down.

"What's the problem kiddo?" Mavis, with a grit of her teeth pulls one of her hands from a cut and shows the nurse. Her pale hand was covered in a thin sheen of red blood. The nurse took one look and immediately got close and helps her to her feet.

  The hospital lights are far too bright and Mavis almost feels herself blow chunks. 'Good thing my stomach is empty..' Her vision was still on the blurry side and she was starting to feel drowsy.

"We've got blood!" Mavis hates all the hands that were suddenly on her. Unable to stop her own bodily reaction she thrashes against the many hands until she lands on the floor with quicken breaths. She groans as her wounds jostle and more blood seeps from her.

"Every one of you out for now." She hardly registers what her body thought was a threat was finally vacating the room.

"Easy now, they're all gone. It's just you and me. Close your eyes and keep breathing. My name's Sean, I'm a doctor. Can you tell me where all the blood is coming from?" Mavis wishes she could tell the doctor to screw off, but she knew he was right. She did her best to control her frightened breathing and coughs with a groan.

  Mavis's grey eyes open and go wide. She looks up at the doctor in worry as blood runs down her chin.

"Okay, okay, just stay calm. Can I touch you? I really need to see what's wrong." Mavis removes her shaking hands from her seeping cuts. She fights her fear as the doctor reaches and gently raises her shirt, just enough to gauge her wounds. Mavis sucks in a breath as her shirt sticks for a moment, smudging her blood even worse.

  The doctor curses and quickly pulls a medical cart their direction. Grabbing gauze and other things Mavis didn't care to think about. Her head was getting light, she could barely tell the doctors hair was a mess of curls and not a giant smudge.

"Mm..gonna pass out.." Mavis can't even tell the color of the doctors eyes as her own roll back and she loses consciousness.


  Sean had never expected the end of his twelve hour shift to go like this. His shift started like any other. Going around and checking his patients, drinking a shitload of coffee and overthinking his life for the past few years. He always appreciates a good distraction, but this was something else entirely.

"Mm..gonna pass out.." Sean looks worriedly up at the girl to watch her grey eyes roll back. Her small body goes limp and he quickly catches her as she falls forward.

"Shit..need some help in here!" He was glad the girl had finally passed out. That way they could easily and effectively help her. The bottom half of her shirt was cut and Sean with a few nurses were quick to identify the problem.

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