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    "Where's Joseph Mccloud!? Where's Volto!?" Ben Mccloud was at a loss for what was happening.

  His day was like any other, going to work and coming home to lay back, drink and watch television. Only today, the tv didn't turn on, in fact...the front hallway light hadn't come on either.

  It happened in seconds. Ben had just stood up when he got grabbed from behind. Some sort of fabric was roughly tied over his eyes before he was spun around. Hands pushed him into a chair, and he gasped as his own hands were tied to the arm rests.

"W..what's.." He couldn't even think straight much less get a full sentence out.

  Now he was here, being questioned about a brother he hadn't seen in years. Something he gladly told whoever was standing over his bound and blind form menacingly. No sounds come from anywhere in his home, not even from whomever is right in front of him.

  Ben stays as still as possible, not wanting to incur the wrath of his interrogators.

"What do you know about Mavis Mccloud?" He can't help the sharp laugh that escapes his mouth at that one.

"Mavis? What about that dumb girl?" Truthfully Ben knows all about Mavis. She's his niece after all, he even took care of her after her mother was put in the hospital. He quite misses fucking with the girl.

  Ben grunts as his head is slapped to the side.

"What's their relationship?" Ben is quiet for a moment, apparently it turns too long as he feels something sharp go through one of his prone hands. A loud scream is torn from his chest, his mind blanking on what he was thinking about. Pain the only thing his brain was now comprehending.

"What's their relationship?" The voice had a sharper edge to it now and Ben knew his answer. With a groan he pushes it out through the pain.

"Nothing...they don't know about..each other." He tries to steady his breath, unfortunately he was way too scared for it to actually work. After a few moments of respite another scream rushes from his chest. Ben heaves as a no doubt identical stab wound has been added to his uninjured hand. Fat, ugly tears roll down his face, soaking into the blind, only adding to his shame.

  Minutes go by that he's left there, alone and breathing heavily. Tears staining whatever fabric they used to blind him. Ben tenses as he feels the blindfold being tugged on, it slips from his face and his eyes adjust quickly. There's not a single soul still stood in front of him, only the one at his back. He felt as they start untying the ropes around his wrists slowly. Seeing glove covered hands from his peripherals.

  The whole time he's frozen, eyes stuck staring straight at the kitchen doorway. Even after he feels the ropes fall away from his wrists and the body behind him leave, he was still.

  Ben Mccloud regrets ever taking in that stupid little girl.


  Mavis was in high spirits, not that you could tell by looking at her. Inside she was excited, soon she would be leaving the hospital and its uncomfy white bed. Next to that excitement however, was anxiety, she wasn't sure how accepting this new family would be of her.

  If any of them were anything like Dr. Sean she knew she'd be alright, she also didn't mind Owen much either. They were complete opposites in her eyes but she supposes that's what makes them work as friends so well.

She happily chows down on breakfast with Dr. Sean at her bedside. He was telling her about one of his brothers again, this time Luke and his obsession with anything sweet. It made her giggle, a grown man obsessed with sweets.

  She watches Dr. Sean turn his attention outside and she gladly finishes her food in silence.

"Would you like to go outside today Mavis?" Dr. Sean's green eyes are back on Mavis as she pushes her table to the side with passion. Turning back she nods quickly and the doctor laughs softly at her expressionless enthusiasm.

  It takes the two some time to get ready. Dr. Sean had to go hunt down some warmer clothes for Mavis. She was not going out in shorts and a long sleeved shirt. Instead Dr. Sean found her some sweats, and a big coat to go over the long sleeve with some borrowed socks and shoes.

"Ready to go?" Dr. Sean has all but refrained from touching Mavis, so understand she about had a mini stroke when he patted her head gently as he walks by her. Her fists clench but she knows for a fact her face was warm.

  Her body hates it but her heart wants more.

Being outside in the winter air reminds Mavis of the night she practically drug herself to the hospital.

  The three bigger street kids who had jumped her and stole her stuff, leaving her bleeding with not a shitting thing. It was the first big fight she'd gotten into while living on the streets, she was usually good at avoiding them.

"What's on your mind?" Dr. Sean brings her out of her memory. Mavis sighs, watching her breath cloud up in the cold weather.

"I ran away." Mavis knows she surprised Dr. Sean with her sudden confession.

"Three months ago..." Five years ago her mother died in a hospital, much like the one she stays in now. Her mother, Rowena, had stage four cancer. They had been in and out of the hospital since Mavis could remember. The second she had to be admitted for full time care, Mavis was sent off to live with her Uncle Ben. She was just glad he lived close to her mother's hospital, that way Mavis could visit her often.

  Dr. Sean stays quiet as Mavis works through her thoughts. She knew the least she could do is tell him why she ended up in his care.

"I got jumped...some older kids stole my stuff. Decided...that wasn't enough I guess.." Mavis shrugs and watches her swinging legs from her seat, right next to Dr. Sean on a bench outside the hospital.

"I'm sorry that happened to you Mavis. I'm glad I was the one who was able to help you." Mavis clenches her teeth, refraining from telling him she felt the same. Instead she balls her fist as she fights her body's instinct and leans her head against Dr. Sean's shoulder. Glad that he respectfully keeps to himself, only touching where Mavis initiated.

  Mavis felt like her heart was starting to catch on fire.


  Joseph Mccloud has only truly cared for one thing in his entire life. His beautiful wife, Rowena Locke, a perfect woman. Her caramel locks complimented her gorgeous pale skin, her matching eyes seemed to burn like a wildfire. Oh how he loved staring into her eyes, feeling like he was being engulfed by her.

  Rowena Locke was the one thing Joseph Mccloud couldn't handle being without.

  The sound of glass shattering brings Volto from his musings. He gazes down to find his right hand covered in liquor with a mix of blood, little pieces of glass stuck from his hand. A mess now covered the floor. With a sigh he pushes off his in home bar counter and reaches behind it for a rag.

  Volto wraps his hand loosely and leaves the room to go fix his hand, momentarily stopping to inform someone of the mess.

  He surely wasn't going to be cleaning it up.

Upstairs in his en-suite bathroom he removes the rag from his hand. 'The rag effectively stopped the blood from dripping anywhere at least. ' He sets it down on the counter, grabs a pair of tweezers and gets pulling.

  It was often that Joseph had to go out and complete a job. Rowena herself knew what he did for a living, knew who Volto was. He hated that she was against it, it was what drove them apart after all.

  She believed in him more than he believed in himself.

  'And look where that got her.'

  Joseph Mccloud died the same day Rowena Locke's soul left the earth.

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