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   Mavis was glad when Dr. Sean finally showed up. The old man doctor had left some time ago and she was starting to get bored. She can hardly believe she convinced herself to make a deal with him. She keeps telling herself it's only because it works in her favor. Deep down Mavis knows she would have accepted no matter what.

"Good morning Mavis." Dr. Sean came into her room with a bright smile and a small sparkle to his usually sad green eyes.

  Mavis found it suit him much better.

"Morning Dr. Sean." Mavis replies as usual, with a searching gaze and a low tone. Dr. Sean chuckles as he hands her the tray of breakfast. 'Exactly what I was looking for.' She eats diligently as he sits quietly in the chair beside her.

  When she finishes she pushes the movable table to the side and looks Dr. Sean's way. Green meets grey and Mavis contemplates her question.

"Do you have a family Dr. Sean?" Of course, Mavis knew he had one, seeing as the old doctor himself told her this morning. However, it was the best way to get the information she was vying for. Dr. Sean smiles wide and Mavis just knows his family adores him. 'How could they not? He's like a fluffy little puppy.'

"I do." She huffs and gives him a look before avoiding eye contact to shyly ask her next question.

"Will you tell me about them?" If Dr. Phil actually came through on his part, Mavis would need to know all she can. She glances back to Dr. Sean and sees him relax back into his chair. Mavis slowly follows along and slowly looks his way again.

"Well, I've got eight brothers and a wife. We're not all blood related or anything, just we've been through a lot together." Mavis nods along, she's never really had any friends, so she can't say she understands fully.

"What are their names? And your wife's?" Mavis grunts her annoyance at Dr. Sean's giggle. You can't blame her for being curious.

"My wife's name is Sang. My brothers are, Owen, Kota, North, Luke, Silas, Gabe, Nathan, and Victor." Mavis couldn't hold back a quiet giggle as he counts each brother on a finger as he names them off. She also couldn't imagine having so many siblings, even if they're not by blood. 'They must all love each other very much.'

  The two spend the day talking and playing the occasional card game. They ate lunch together and they even end up taking an hour nap afterwards. The rest of the afternoon goes by in the blink of an eye and suddenly there's a knock on the door.

  Dr. Sean stands to get the door and Mavis tenses as she reads the time on the clock. It was time for her final check, and to get her stitches removed. Dr. Sean opens the door to two nurses. Mavis already feels a glare set on her face, she was just glad Dr. Sean was staying in the room. She allowed her face to relax somewhat as Dr. Sean turns around to face the room after closing the door.

"Alright, Mavis these ladies are just here in case I need any assistance. It'll just be me who's removing your stitches okay?" Her body relaxes just a bit more as the nurses simply stay stood against the wall while Dr. Sean approaches. He places a cloth pack on the moveable table and takes down the arm of the hospital bed.

Mavis raises herself to a sitting position and carefully hangs her legs over the side. Facing her body towards Dr. Sean. She raised her borrowed oversized long sleeve shirt from Dr. Sean himself just enough to see the bandage. He smiles gently at her as he reaches for the bandage to undo it. Mavis fights the urge to shift away from his unknown touch.

  After the bandage is unwrapped and left to the side, Dr. Sean is quick to start taking the stitches out one by one. She had taken her meds some time ago, so she hardly felt a thing as he continues on. When Dr. Sean was finished he took his time checking over her other cuts and scratches.

"You can put your shirt down now, you did very good Mavis. Now, everything is looking nice and scarred over, I'd say a few more days of monitoring and you'll be good as new." Mavis is glad she's about to her destination on this road to recovery. Though it also only increases her anxiety about how the last few days here will play out.

"I'm glad.."


  Night rolls around and Sean leaves Mavis's room after she falls asleep. He slides the door closed quietly and jumps as he fully turns around. With a hand clutching at his chest he lets out a breathy laugh.

"Phil..." Phil gives his own short laugh.

"Sorry Sean. Can I talk to you quickly before you head home for the night?" Sean nods his head and lets Phil lead him down to his car.

"I'll just get right into it Sean, I want the Blackborne team to take over care of Mavis Locke after she leaves the hospital." Sean silently halts his walking, Phil joining his side quietly to let him think. Sean wasn't against the idea in any way. However, he couldn't speak for his whole family. He also wasn't so sure how confident he was in asking them all about it.

  Sean turns to Phil with a sigh.

"I'll...see what I can do...Why are you asking this of us Phil?" He grunts as Phil starts walking once again. Taking his time in answering Sean's question. It was only when they both stop again, this time in the elevator to take them down to the parking garage. Sean once again turns to Phil.

"Why Phil?" Phil sighs and plants his hands in his coat pockets.

"Pose it as a mission from me. It'll be good for all you; and Mavis is a very important little girl." Sean couldn't follow anything Phil was saying. They both were silent as the last few floors of the elevator ding by. The doors open to the parking garage, cold winter air blasts both doctors as they exit the elevator.

  Phil drops Sean off at his car, leaning inside the window as Sean rolls it down once situated inside. They're quiet for a moment as both wait for the other to say something.

"Can you do this Sean? I need to know, I need to know if I need to find another team for the job." Sean's grip on his wheel went tight. He wasn't sure. The only thing he knew was that he wouldn't be leaving Mavis to some random team. He couldn't do that to her, not now.

Stupid Phil and his stupid deals. Sean relaxes his grip and looks over at Phil with a determined glint in his eye.

"I'll talk to them tomorrow morning." And he was off.


  Phil lets out a heavy sigh as Sean peals out of the hospital's parking garage. 'Hopefully he makes it home alright.'

  He returns slowly to his office on the top floor. The view was beautiful, and Phil did his best to focus on that instead of the weight of his knowledge of one Mavis Locke. Or should he say, Mavis Renae Mccloud.

  Phil couldn't have been more than glad he was the one to grab the girl's blood tests days ago. As he read through them at the time, his blood had run cold. Now however, as he stares down at her results, he thinks. Thinks about how he can lure her father out of the hole he was hiding in.

  The Academy has been on the tail of one Volto, otherwise known as Joseph Mccloud for years. Only recently have they uncovered his identity, not that many were made aware of this fact.

  Volto is a hit man, killing anyone for the right amount of money. They've been unable to get anywhere close to him.

  Now though? Now they had his daughter sat in their grasps. It helps of course that she was completely taken with one of the Academy's dogs. Phil just had to sit and wait, the part he hates the most. There was no doubt in his mind Sean would convince his family to take in the young girl. The Blackborne team was a group of good hearted people.

  Unfortunately, Phil had to use that to his advantage for some time.


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