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    Mavis stood nervously in front of the door the next day after dinner with Sadie and her family. Last night, Sadie had suggested that Mavis come over to her house next.

  It wasn't long after they had eaten dinner downstairs that the girls were back in Mavis's room.

"Mavis you should totally come over to my house tomorrow! It's Sunday and that way we'll both have been to the other's house!" Mavis didn't really get the point of what Sadie was saying, but she decided she wouldn't mind.

"Sure." She shrugged but internally her subconscious reminded her that Sadie owns a cat. That knowledge was enough to actually excite Mavis for once in her life. The only cats she's ever got to pet were strays, and most the time that would end with her scratched all to hell.

"It'll be so fun! Though..we should probably ask and make sure it's ok.."

  They had ended up asking their guardians/ parents at the same time. It was right before Sadie and her dads were getting ready to leave. Thankfully Mavis didn't have to partake much in the conversation. Sadie took care of most of it.

"You planning on standing there all day?" Mavis didn't even need to turn around to know who approached her with such sass. She grunts and spins on Gabe with a glare, to which he only laughs at. Mavis simply sighs, rolls her eyes, and turns back to stare at the front door.

"Do I knock and wait? Do I knock and walk in? Do I knock at all? I don't know what I'm doing.." Being turned towards the door doesn't allow Mavis to see the smile fall from Gabe's face just barely.

"The Toma team is like family, just fucking walk in." Mavis turns to Gabe with an incredulous look. He shrugs unhelpfully and walks away from a highly confused Mavis. She huffs and leaves the house.

  The walk is short and Mavis hesitates on what to do. Should she really listen to what Gabe said and walk right on in? Her internal battle is interrupted when the front door swings open.

"Mavis come in!" Mavis gave Sadie a weird look. 'How did she know I was here?'

"You must be wondering how I knew you were here? Well..I was watching you through my window!" Sadie giggles and Mavis raises a brow in question at her strange friend as the door closes behind them.

"Follow me upstairs!" The two girls take off up the stairs down a hall and Mavis follows Sadie into a room on the left. The room was of a similar size to Mavis's own. green dominated the space, light poured in through the large front window. It covered the potted and hangin plants that seemingly came from everywhere. Mavis hears Sadie's giggle and she looks her way. She was propped on her forest green covered bed and motions for Mavis to join her.

"We only have three months left of eighth grade. Next year we'll be in high school, can you believe it?!" Mavis truly couldn't believe it. She was a year younger than Sadie after all.

"No, it's crazy." Sadie's dramatically flips back onto her bed, rumpling the duvet.

"I know right!" Mavis only shakes her head as Sadie continues her dramatics, rolling around fake crying in her bed. 'That's not the only thing I think is crazy..'

                            ~time skip~

  It was days later when she woke up on Thursday for school that Mavis felt something was off. Her venture downstairs was met with complete silence. On a usual morning she would at least hear talking from the kitchen as whoever, made breakfast. Sure enough, breakfast was indeed being made, it was just being made in silence.

  Mavis raises a taupe brow in confusion. She had never once known this family to be all that quiet. She chooses to keep the quiet and let them do their thing. Breakfast was an abnormally silent affair, no one asking about anyone's plans for the day or of the such.

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