Chapter 37. "A day in the sun"

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The next day I woke up with Ari who was silently snoring close to my face. I stared at her for a bit. God she was beautiful. Her perfect lips and perfect eyes. The way her nose curved, her pink rosey cheeks, the way her brown soft hair laid over her. This girl is the most perfect masterpiece I have ever seen in my life. I truly loved her. I lightly touched her face with my palm. She moved a bit but I didn't pull away.

I moved my thumb over her cheek bones and she fluttered her beautiful big brown eyes open. She smiled. "Hey beautiful, good morning" I said. "Good morning" she yawned. I picked her up and spinned her around in my arms. "HARRY IM NAKED!!!" She screamed. I laughed. "What baby? It's nothing I haven't seen before" I said. She laughed and I kept spinning her around. I look towards her thighs....I saw her birthmark Alex apparently "left". I tensed and got pissed off at the thought of ari and I frowned.

I hated the thought of him being within 5 feet of her, it was terrible knowing that they had sex. Oh they didn't...did they? "Whats wrong?" Ari asked me. I stopped spinning us around and sat in our bed. I pulled her on my lap and covered us with the cover.

"Babe....don't get mad but....when you told me....the first time we had sex that it was your first time.....we're you lying?" I asked. She frowned. I hope she wasn't mad. "Harry, what makes you think I would lie to you? I never had sex with anyone at all until I met you. Why don't you believe me?" She asked in a soft voice.

Oh baby. "I do...I do...its just...that night with Alex....he said...he um...left this scar on you" I said pointing at her birthmark. She rolled her eyes. "Well he's a dumbass fucking liar because I was born with this" she said. She got off of my lap and walked to our closet. She went to her side and grabbed what looked like a photo album. I couldn't help but stare at her naked body. And her cute bum.

She walked back over and hurried to get onto my lap and under the cover before I could stare at her any more. I laughed. She opened the book and flipped through some pages. I just quietly played with her hair while she looked for whatever it was she was looking for. God i loved her hair, it soothed me for some reason, maybe just knowing it's Ari's makes me happy.

"See look" she said dragging me out of thought. She pointed to a baby picture. God she was adorable as a baby and now. I focused on what she was really pointing at and it was a little birthmark on her left thigh in her baby pic. Alex fucking lied. God I could rip his head off. Although I believed Ari in the first place.

"You know I'm glad he hasn't called the cops" she said. "You know I'm glad he hasn't texted or called you" I said and she smiled. I kissed her and she giggled. "Ok princess, let's get dressed. Today we are apparently going to have some out side fun" I said.


The gang and I went to the huge playground park thing they had in California. There wasn't much people here, thank god. I was playing basketball with the guys while the girls were doing cheer and gymnastics. The girls had cute outfits on while us guys had our shirts off with our basketball shorts on.

The basketball teams were Liam and I against Louis and zayn while niall ate some food and was our referee. Louis had the ball and was trying to get passed me while Liam blocked zayn. I couldn't help but look over towards Ari. She was in the hottest pink cheerleading outfit. It showed everything I wanted to see.

God she was so distracting and I couldn't help but look up her skirt a bit when she bend down to grab her water bottle. My god. Louis completely dribbled the ball around me and made a 2 pointer Dammit. Now the score was 46-46.

"Common harry!! What's got you distracted?" Liam asked. I didn't even have to say anything as I kept staring at Ari and she started doing flips and a bunch of gymnastics moves. Liam followed my eyes and groaned. "Do I need to go tell your girlfriend to change or are you really gonna play? Liam asked.

"Ok ok I'm sorry I'm ready" I said. Liam and I started to turn around but I looked back again. "Ok hold on, one more glance" I said staring at Ari. She saw me staring and she blushed and smiled. Nice harry, your girlfriend caught you staring. I waved and winked and continued on with the game.

After a while Liam and I finally won and the score was 92-87. Obviously Liam and I had 92. "That was a nice game" niall said stuffing potato chips into his mouth. I laughed and sat down. Ari and the girls came running over. I grabbed my towel and wiped my face so all of my sweat wouldn't get on Ari. I didn't want her to think I was gross.

I realized I was sweating on my abs too and Ari came running into my arms right into my sweat. Dammit. She's going to think it's gross. She pulled away and kissed me. "You know you look awfully hot" Ari said. I guess she didn't mind the sweat. I know the ex girlfriends I had hated me because of it, which I didn't sweat a lot. I kissed her and she pushed her tongue into my mouth. I pulled away.

"You know it's taking me everything I have right now not to take you right here right now" I whispered into her ear. She giggled and kissed my cheek. I grabbed my water bottle and a little spilled on her. "Oh no you didn't" Ari said. "No ari I really didn't. I didn't mean to" I said thinking she was pissed off. She grabbed my water bottle and poured it all over my head. Shit it was freezing cold but it felt good.

I grabbed her water and poured it on her. She screamed and i laughed. Next thing I knew the entire gang and I were throwing water at each other. After a while, we sat down for a bit and drew all over the ground with chalk  niall bought. Ari and I were tracing each other on the ground.

We traced it so two people were on the ground kissing and holding hands. It was pretty cute. It was actually pretty fun acting like a kid again. "I WONT ACT MY AGE NO I WONT ACT MY AGE!!!! NO I'LL STILL BE THE SAME AROUND YOUUUUUU!!!" Ari yelled out loud singing. We all laughed. "NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA!!!!" We all yelled. It was hilarious. "So, Ari. You want to play basketball?" Louis asked ari. She shook her head nicely.

"Oh come on...scared of some competition?" He asked. "Louis just so you know, the girls and i watched you guys play basketball. We saw harry and Liam kick your ass" Ari said. We all laughed. "Oh come on you ckicken" Louis said to Ari. Even though Lou was just kidding i was starting to get pissed a little. "Did you just call me a chicken? Oh your on!!!" Ari said.

Lou and ari got up and started playing. "First one to 15" niall said as the referee again. The rest of the gang and I stood around and watched. Ari looked so hot. It was her turn to go first. Lou checked the ball at Ari and Ari threw the ball and made a 3 pointer right away. Holy shit. She's good. The game went on and Louis was losing terribly. The score was 12-3 and of course my babe had 12. "Louis she's kicking your ass" zayn laughed.

"Shut up zayn" Lou said as he tried to steal the ball from ari. But Ari was too skilled. She did some pretty cool basketball moves and shot the ball and made a 3 pointer again. "HA FIRST ONE TO 15 I WIN!!" Ari yelled in lou's face and I laughed. She came running over to me and i put an arm around her.

"Fine, but I think we would all like to see Ari against harry" Lou said. I looked at ari and she was smiling. "No way" I said. I played a little rough and I didn't want to hurt her. "What? You scared?" Ari asked. "Ok, fine. your on babe" I said. "First one to 15 again" niall said. The game begin and i have to admit Ari was pretty damn good. The score was now 10-12. I had 12. I didn't know if I should let Ari win or not.

I wanted to be a good boyfriend but then again i wanted to play fair. I was dribbling the ball and threw a shot. I made it but while i was going up I tripped ari on accident. Shit. I ran over to her. "Oh babe are you ok?" I asked. I helped her up and she seemed fine. She smiled. "Yes im fine" she said.

"That's a foul" niall said. I nodded my head and stood back so Ari could make her foul shots. She made both of the shots and we were now tied for 12-12. Now i really felt bad and wanted to let her win. "Babe...give it all you got, play fair" Ari said as she was dribbling the ball. I nodded and tried to steal the ball from her but she shot it before I could take it. The ball swirled around the rim and finally fell in.

She just made a 3 pointer. She won. "YAYYY!!" She scremaed. I laughed and gave her a huge hug. "You sure your ok?" I asked worried. She laughed. "To be honest babe...that was fake" she said. She tricked me? She is so sexy. "What??" I asked amused. The gang laughed. "Sorry, but you gotta learn how to play right and make things seem real. That's how I win" she said. The gang and I laughed.

I kissed her and she giggled. "Lets go back home" Liam said. We drove all the way back to the house. This, is my family. I loved each and every single one of them.

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