Chapter 74. "It's all fun and games"

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The next morning I woke up and felt Ari's hair on me. I looked at her as she was still sleeping. Her tiny body rested next to mine and her mouth was open a tad while her cheeks were a bit flushed. God, I must be the luckiest guy in the world. She's so beautiful.

I really need to propose soon but i know I need to be patient. There's so much that has to be done first. "Babe..." I whispered in her ear. She squirmed a bit but didn't open her eyes. I decided to let her be.

She must be really tired from yesterday. I carefully got out of bed and put on a shirt and some shorts. I heard a little noise coming from downstairs so i decided to go look. When I walked down there i saw the gang all over the couch. "Oh, hey guys" I said.

They all looked so tired. They still had there clothes from yesterday on. "You guys ok?" I asked. "Ugh, last night, we decided to get dinner and after we were done Louis started driving us around and we got lost. We got here like 2 hours ago" el said.

Holy...."2 hours ago???" I asked and they nodded. I shook my head and grabbed a bottle of water. "Where's Ari?" Liam asked. "She told me that she hated me and never wanted to see me again so she dumped me and left back to her house" I answered.

"WHAT????" They yelled. Weirdos. God they should know that if Ari ever really did do all of that my heart would be broken and I would obviously show it. "Guys...chill. she's upstairs sleeping. Just testing to see how tired you all are" I said smiling.

"Ugh, fuck you styles" Perri answered. "Sorry, that's Ari's job" I replied grinning. I loved how us guys all liked to mess with each other's girlfriends. "What's my job?" Ari asked hugging me from behind. Ok good, she didn't hear everything.

I didn't even hear her come down stairs. "Nothing babe" I replied turning around to kiss her. "Um..Perri can i talk to you?" I asked. "Um..sure" Perri answered getting up. The gang looked at us confused including Ari. I just smiled at her and she returned it. We walked upstairs and went into the recording studio.

"What's up?" Perri asked. "I'm gonna propsoe to ari" I rushed out. "Woah, what?" She asked. "I'm gonna propose" I said again. "Omg harry thats amazing" she said running into my arms and hugging me. I hugged her back and pulled away.

"Wait...why are you only telling me?" she asked. "Well, the guys know. And you can tell the girls if you want, i just didnt want Ari to get any 'ideas' if I called all you girls up here with me. Plus, your more calm than el and Sophia" I said and she laughed. "So when are you going to?" She asked.

"Well...I'm not sure. I always carry the ring around...I'm just...waiting for the right moment" I answered bravely. Out of the guys girlfriends Perri was my favorite. Even though I loved el and Sophia, Perri was the one who i could tell anything...and i mean..anything. "oh I see. Well I wish you good luck. And you better do it soon. I can't wait to see tiny harry and Ari's all over the place" she replied. What?

"Woah, back up. I can't wait to have kids either but we're getting engaged...not having kids....yet" I said. "But...were only getting engaged if she says yes. And I'm scared she wont" I admitted. "Harry. What the hell is wrong with you? See i knew all that hair was blocking your brain cells" Perri said messing up my hair.

I laughed. "But seriously, she's gonna say yes. You don't even realize how much she talks about you when the girls and I hang out. She loves you. She's gonna say yes" she said. I hugged her.

"Thanks so much" I said. "No problem harry. Now let's go back down before zayn and Ari reall get 'ideas' ". I nodded and smiled. "Oh and thanks so much for letting me have the bunny. Mr. Ruffles is too cute" Perri added. I still cant believe Ari gave her the bunny.

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