Chapter 40. "Are you flexible?"

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The next day harry and I decided that we would work out. So apparently they even have a work out room in the beach house. What the hell? How many rooms do they have.....I mean...we have. "Are you okay?" Harry asked. Ugh. He was still worried because of the nightmare I had last night. I don't know why I had a nightmare but I know I sure as hell didn't like it.

I nodded. The rest of the gang were outside in the pool. Sounds like fun. I didn't need to work out, I was already tiny enough. I only wanted to go to motivate harry.....and possibly see him lift weights with his shirt off. :). Anyway, Harry started to walk out of the room to go to the exercise room but I stayed stationary. " coming love?" Harry asked. "Oh yea...I um...just wanted frankie" I said. He frowned a little and nodded. "I'll be in the gym" he said. He came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek and left. I smiled. I grabbed my phone and dialed Frankie's number.

"What bitch?" Frankie asked in a humorous tone. "Nice to see you too" I said sarcastic. "What did you want to say? I'm hanging with evee" he said. Evee leamon. That's Frankie's best friend. They've been besties since before I was born. I always loved evee. "Oh cool tell her I said hey, and how's Kylie?" I asked. I haven't talked to kylie since she told me how amazing I did at the billboard awards. "Evee said hey and kylie's fine. I'll tell her you said you love her, and I really got to go, say hey to the gang for me especially harry" Frankie said.

I smiled. I'm glad their best friends. I heard evee scream in the back ground. She loved one direction. Especially harry. She always thought of him as a "fine piece of meat". Oh evee. "Wait....i um...had a bad dream last night that Harry died" I said. "Well have you been messing with a ouija board?" He asked. "" I said. "Have you been messing with that Annabelle doll?" He asked. I laughed. "No" I said.

"Then I think your fine" he answered. "Ok, ima go, love you bro bye" I said laughing and hung up. I changed into work out clothes. I looked in the mirror one last time, I had on black tights and a crop top. I hoped harry liked it. I walked to the gym room and I opened the door. Some music was playing which sounded like one republic. Harry always loved them, along with coldplay. Harry didn't notice me.

He was breathing hard and was sweating as he kept lifting the 160 pound weight over his head. God this was nice to look at. I looked at his abs, he had sweat sliding down all over his tattoos. I know some girls would think this is gross but it's actually pretty attractive. I saw harry had a water bottle towards him on the ground but it was pretty much empty, so I grabbed him another one out of the mini fridge.

He heard the noise and looked towards me. He smiled and put the weights down. He grabbed a towel and started to wipe his face. I gave him the water and he took it and started gulping it down. Once he was done he put the water away and he leaned down and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. I frowned. "That's it?" I said. He chuckled and picked me up and started to kiss me passionately. He sat me on his lap as we sat on the weight bench. "Is that better?" He asked.

I giggled and nodded. "So how's frankie?" Harry asked. "Hes good, he was with his best friend evee, she's pretty awesome" I said. "Evee? That's an interesting name. I'm gonna call her E for now on" he said.

I laughed. He didn't even know her yet he still gave her a nick name. One of the reasons why I loved him so much. "You know your birthday is coming up" Harry said. Ugh yeah I'm turning 20. I always liked birthdays but I know Harry would go over bored with mine. I nodded and I started to get off of his lap and I grabbed a mat and placed it on the floor.

Harry stared at me carefully. I could tell he was checking me out. I took a small glance at him and he was biting his lip and i chuckled. "What?"

Harry asked smiling.

I shook my head and started to stretch. I took a yoga class for about a year so I decided that I would do some yoga moves and I even took ballet when I was younger. Harry kept his eyes on me. Fine, I'll give him a show. I got into a push up position and started to lift my bum into the air. Did I just say bum?

Ok, that's how you know I got the case of a British accent coming on. Then again I have been spending months with a British Irish boy band. I kept the pose I had for about 2 minutes. I made sure my "bum" was facing towards harry. I looked underneath me as I was still holding the pose and Harry's mouth was slightly open. "Jesus....." Harry groaned and stuck his face in his towel to keep from looking at me and I laughed. I got out of the pose and started to stretch my legs and arms.

I looked back at harry and his face was still in the towel. I walked towards him and tugged on his hair. He looked up and smiled. "Yes love?" He asked staring into my eyes. "Oh, nothing. Just wanted to make sure your alright" I said. "Well it is pretty hard for me to stay focused when your wearing that outfit and stretching like that" he said and chuckled. "Oh okie sorry I'll leave" I said starting to walk away. He ran after me "wait Ari no, don't go. Stay with me" he said. Before I could answer he grabbed my hand and sat me in a chair.

"Can you do me a favor, and time how much I can do 150 push ups?" He asked giving me a stop watch I laughed and nodded. He got on the ground and started to do push ups. He got to 40 and started to get tired. "Dammit. Ari give me motivation" he said and I laughed. I got up and I slid under harry and he smiled. "Your motivation is to kiss me every single time you come down" I said. "Deal" he said out of breath.

He kept going and kissed me each time. When he kept going up I kept making silly faces and he laughed. He finally finished and his time was 2 minutes and 45 seconds. Damn he's good. It would have took me about the entire day to do it. He got up and and pulled me up with him. He grabbed his water and drunk some more. "That was a fun work out" I said. "It was?" He asked.

"Yea, I got to see you work out. It was pretty sexy" I said and he laughed. "How about a shower together?" He asked. Really? He wants to shower with me? He didn't wait for my answer as we walked into our room. He pulled me into the bathroom and started to take off his shorts and underwear. My god be was serious. Ok...I guess.

I took off my clothes and grabbed a towel and put it around my body. He took the towel off and started the water. He got in and held my hand as I went in after him. We were facing each other while our hair got soaked. Wow, we were actually doing this. "Harry....I want to take the shower....but I don't wanna have sex right now" I said in a soft voice. "I'm sorry" I said. He smiled. "Baby, it's fine" he said.

God he so sweet. I'm glad he's not the type that wants to have sex all the time. We took our shower and bathed each other. He washed my hair for me and I washed his. God I love his hair. Once we were done we got out and I started to dry my hair and put on clothes while harry did the same. He started to kiss my neck. "Come on babe, I'm tired, let's go take a nap" he said and I smiled. We jumped into our bed and fell asleep.

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