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The Human Mind is truly the scariest thing of all.

I lay in bed, in the grass at a park, at the beach in the cold sand at sunset, or the driveway in the pouring rain. I could think the same thing and have it be completely different.

I could smile and mean love or smile with hate.

I could burn with hatred or melt in a pool of grief.

I can either love or be loved but only one is never enough.

You can trust me or not. But when I trust you, I truly trust you. Fuck it up and you're fucked.

Damaged people are dangerous. They know how to make hell feel like home.

I think a lot. I notice everything. I never say a word.

I was the good kid. It got me nothing.

I believed in help. It got my nowhere.

Just because I don't show it doesn't mean I don't feel it.

When I fall. I fall hard. Don't be the one that has the guts to break my heart.

Or I will break you.

The monsters were never under my bed, the monsters were in my head. I fear no monsters for no monsters I see.

Because the monster is me.

Her outfit for the next 2-3 chapters is above.

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