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I woke up and did the twins hygiene and got them dress and packed them a lunch for school , Kaylen came to pick them because Baby angelic goes to the same school. I was on vacation so I been taking the twins to back and forth to school until i found out that baby angelic goes their. I didn't have to go to work so I just cleaned up the house because the twins rooms were dirty as ever , once I was finish I left out to go to the grocery store. I PULLED UP TO THE GROCERY STORE.... I got out and grabbed a shopping cart and walked in the store and I was walking around grabbing a couple of snacks for the twins , then I started getting food and I was almost finished. I just had to grabbed some eggs and some bread and I was goin to get in line , I grabbed them and I was standing in line putting my food in bags as the lady was ringing it all up. The lady rung everything up and I paid for it and I was leaving out of the store and I was rolling the carry over to the car and I saw a woman looking in my car. I walked up and said uhmm excuse you but this car doesn't belong to you so imma need you to back up, the lady said I'm so sorry miss I thought this was someone else's car. The lady started walking off and turned back around and said I'm so sorry again you do look familiar sorry again , I put the grocery in the car and pulled off and for some reason that woman looked kinda familiar. I just couldn't remember her name or where I knew her from I just stop thinking about it because it will come to me later when I'm not thinking about it. I PULLED UP MY HOUSE.... I grabbed the grocery bags and took them in the house and then I put the grocery up once I was finish bringing them in the house. I set on the couch and pulled out my phone and checked my phone and I had a msg from king and I just ignored it because he just wants to get on my nerves. I put my phone in my purse and look at the time and I had to go get the twins from school , I got up grabbed my purse and got in the car.


I walked in the school building and walked into the front office , the office lady said this is your first time late you'll have to get use to being late it happens to every mother. I said ok and where are they miss , the office lady pointed to the cafeteria and said after school programs you should sign them up if you're goin always be late. I mean mugged her and walked down the hallway to the cafeteria , I opened the cafeteria door and looked around for the twins and I heard Rah'kiyah and Kah'riyah say mommy. I walked over to the table and said are mommy babies ready , they grabbed their book bags and got up from the table. I grabbed both of their hands and walked out of the school building. I got outside to the car and I put them in the car as I put them in there car seat then closed the door , I got in the car closed the door as I put my seat belt on and pulled off. I PULLED UP TO THE HOUSE.... I got out the car and than i got the twins out of the car as they ran in the house , i grabbed there book bags and closed the car door and went in the house and closed the door. I walked in the living room and the twins was watching tv , I said Ohh no yall know better get to this homework or coloring tv makes you dumb. I thought to myself did i really just say that and said nevermind just no fighting for the remote control or I'm turning it off. I said when mike mike gets home tv goes off yall know the drill and nobody hasn't said anything dont make me turn it off. They both said ok mommy , i walked in the kitchen getting ready to cook dinner until my phone started ringing. I answered it and said yess who is this , Kaylen said heyy boo its me uhmm are you in the house just wanted to know. I said uhmm why it has to be a reason for you to just be asking , Kaylen said I am outside of your house and its a woman looking in your car. I hung up the phone and said girls don't move I'll be right back and I walked outside to see the same woman from earlier looking in my car again and I saw Kaylen walking across the street. I walked up on her and said yeaa it doesn't look like you have the wrong car to me and you better tell me why you are following me and looking in my car right now before I show you why you shouldn't be. The lady said my name is Nicole Harris I was hired by Mikey Ross to watch over you , I said your lying and you better tell me why your here before I bash your face in on this concrete right now. Kaylen said you cant be watching over somebody by looking in there car window or following them so who the hell are you and why the hell are you here. The lady said ok my name is really Nicole Harris and I was hired by Kingston green to see if I can find anything to prove that your a bad parent so I can call child services and take them two pretty little girls. I said so your telling me that king told you to come spy on me so he can get custody of my daughters are you serious , Kaylen said prove it because if your lying again I will personally knock your teeth out. The lady pulled out a piece of paper with my address on it and under that it said check her car , the lady said I don't want to have your kids taking away from you because its not something a mother should go through. I said yeaa yeaa wateva so where did king tell you to meet him at , the lady said he told me to meet him at his house by 5 if I found anything. I said you can leave now and I mean go home ill handle king and said kaylen can you watch the girls for me as I walked in the house and grabbed my car keys and walked back out the door. I got in my car and pulled off as I was driving I just knew it was a reason king txt me earlier he tried to distract me from seeing that lady looking in my car but little do king know I got something for his ass. I PULLED UP TO KINGS HOUSE.... I got out the car and slammed the door and walked up to the door and I kicked it 3 times and kinya opened the door , I said where is king kinya right now. Kinya said he's at trey's house he left like a hour ago , I walked off and got in the car and started driving to trey's house and I was so mad. I PULLED UP TO TREYS HOUSE.... I got out of my car and saw kings car and walked up to the door and banged twice , trey opened the door and said wtf young. I said where is king trey and I'm not playing with you , trey opened the door and said he's in the living room. I walked in and I heard trey closed the door and I walked in the living room and saw king sitting on the couch while the girl Nicole sitting on his lap as they both was just laughing. I ran over and punched her dead in her face and then pulled her off the couch and kicked her in her face and said you fucking stupid liar really about my kids doe bitch. I left her on the floor and ran over to king started punching him in his face and I just kept punching him until trey grabbed me , trey said its none of that in my house Ohh hell nahh. Trey let me go as I started crying and said you are trying your hardest to take my daughters away from me you got bitches looking in my car now really and you think the judge goin give you my daughters. King said yep they should be wit me not you I keep telling you that your not fit to have them , I said yeaa you keep saying that but yet I'm doin more for them anybody and last I checked they were in my custody so from wat I see your the unfit one fuck you talking bout. King said that's only because you wont let me be in there lives , I said king you wouldn't know wat to do if my daughters were in your custody that's how unfit you are and once you actually do more for them than fucking take them to a circus and buy them candy which they can't eat maybe you'll get more days than just Saturday and Sunday. King said I do for mines and you can believe that its you who ain't doin for them , I screamed and said I'M NOT DOIN FOR THEM LAST I CHECKED THEY ALWAYS HAVE SOMETHING TO EAT WATER AND SOAP TO WASH UP WIT EVERYDAY AND EVERY NIGHT CLOTHES TO PUT ON THAT'S ALWAYS CLEAN AND THEY HAVE THERE OWN BEDS THAT THEY SLEEP IN AND A FUCKING HOUSE TO CALL HOME FUCK YOU TALKING BOUT. king didn't say nothing he just stood there , I said imma show you how unfit I am when you fucking be paying child support since I'm the unfit one Ohh baby believe me imma show just how unfit I am. I didn't lay in the bed and have sex by myself I believe you was on top of me and you didn't want to stop either , I said as I turned around and walked out the front door.

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