Are you serious?

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I was woken up to Mikey creeping around downstairs as I looked at the clock and it was 3am and I was angry. I slowly climbed out of the bed so I wouldn't wake up Nitaa and I slowly walked out the door and closed it behind me so it wouldn't make any noise. I walked downstairs looking for Mikey and he was putting his shoes back on but he didn't see me looking at him as he was bouta walk towards the front door. I said where the fuck do you think you goin , Mikey turned around and said I was bouta lay down on the couch babe I didn't want to wake you up. I said Mikey I just fucking stood here and saw you put on your shoes and you going stand here and lie in my fucking face where the fuck are you going. Mikey said no where babe I swear to you , I said I was going to surprise you wanna know wit wat since you all creeping out. Mikey didn't say anything he just stood there , I said yeaa child services came and knocked on my door looking for you and I was told to go to there building. I walked over towards Mikey and said yeaa once I got there I was told Nitaa yeaa babygirl was getting abused guess by who the so called sister was really her mother and there is no such thing as the crack head sister it was all a lie. I started to cry and said all Nitaa wants is for you to be here Mikey no you want to be lying and creeping around and shyt , Mikey said babe are you serious. I said as a fucking heart attack also Mikey wanna know something she looks just like you and I told you i would be here to do this stepmother thing and I am doin more than a stepmother thing she calls me ma and I just met her for the first time earlier. Mikey started walking towards me and said babe and I love you for everything you do , I screamed and said it doesn't seem like it wit you creeping around and you constantly lying. Mikey said babe I swear its not like that baby , I said like wat please tell me that because I really want to know and you still haven't told me where the hell you was going either. Mikey said do you really want to know where I was going since you up here screaming and acting a fool , I crossed my arm over my chest and said I been waiting i was waiting on you at the door. Mikey said I was wit my ex girlfriend and before you start thinking anything I didn't sleep with her or anything , I stood there as my eyes just filled up wit tears as I dropped to my knees. Mikey ran over to me and said babe look its not wat you think okay she was my best friend before we started dating and I told her I have a family now but she told me she was pregnant and all this other stuff. I pushed him off me and said and you are still lying to me in my face , I was so angry that he had the nerve to talk to me about his ex girlfriend. I stood up as he stood in front of me and I smacked him in his face and said get the hell out of my face before I kill you right the fuck now , Mikey backed up and said babe really is it that serious. I screamed "Leave me the fuck alone mikey seriously ". Mikey said no babe I am not going to leave you alone because I'm telling the truth you have to listen to me please believe me , I walked up to Mikey and smacked him in face again and said I'm done since you want to hang wit your best friend go marry her because you won't be marrying me. I took the ring off my finger and threw it at Mikey and turned around to walked towards the stairs and Nitaa was standing right there about to cry , I turned back around and looked at Mikey and he had tears in his eyes and he had his hand over his mouth. I was crying my eyes out but I tried to hold back some of my tears because of Nitaa but they just kept coming non-stop. I walked over to Nitaa and kneeled down and said babygirl wats wrong are you okay , Nitaa said I'm okay but its making me sad that you are crying I dont like to see you cry. Nitaa whipped my tears and said ma its goin be okay don't cry please , I stood up and grabbed her hand and turned towards Mikey and said Nitaa say hi to daddy. Mikey started crying as Nitaa said hi daddy I dont want you and ma to be sad but if I'm the reason you both are sad I can leave I heard both of you yelling and you told ma that you were going to see one of your friend. Mikey said come here baby , Nitaa walked over to Mikey and he hugged her and said I'm not goin anywhere baby daddy will always be here okay. I whipped my tears and said yeaa wateva dont sit up there and lie to her after all that she's been through the least you can do is tell the fucking child the truth Mikey. Mikey kneeled down in front of Nitaa and said okay I'm goin tell you the truth daddy has done something he shouldn't have and mommy doesn't like it so now daddy might have to leave because mommy might not want me here. Nitaa turned around towards me and said but why , Mikey said let me explain daddy loves mommy with all his heart but daddy did something wrong and now mommy doesn't want daddy anymore. Nitaa turned around towards me again and said why mommy , I said Nitaa you wont understand until you are old enough but for now mommy and daddy aren't working out. Nitaa started crying and said I just want us to be happy I finally have a good mommy and daddy but I don't anymore , I walked over and said baby girl well try to work it out for you okae is that better baby girl. Nitaa shook her head and than kissed Mikey on his cheek and did the same to me , I stood up and said come on babygirl lets get you back to bed. I put Nitaa in her bed and she went back to sleep thank god because she doesn't like sleeping in her bed but she did it and she is actually sleep , I cracked her room door as I walked back downstairs to see Mikey sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. I walked over and set down next to him and said Mikey be honest where were you and where were you going , Mikey said babe I wasn't expecting your surprise to be Nitaa so I didn't come home right away and I didn't think work would take as long either and once I got off work I had other things to attend to and I'm so sorry that I took as long as I did but babe believe me that best friend thing was a lie. I stood up and had tears in my eyes and said Mikey be honest wit me are you cheating on me because if you are I told you that you could leave like don't sit up here and waste our time my kids love you and I would die if you hurt me or them by being wit someone else. I set down as I was just crying real bad , Mikey lift up and said babe I'm not cheating on you why do you keep saying that Renaee Johnson I love you with all my heart and you mean the world to me you are my rib my heart without you I wouldn't be able to live anymore and dont get me started on the girls babe I love them so much and I would give them all the world if I could. I was still crying as Mikey had tears in his eyes as he whipped my face than grabbed it and kissed me so passionately , I got up and grabbed his hand as I lead him upstairs and to our bedroom. I laid him on the bed and than we did wat adults do when they miss or love there spouses , I took a shower afterwards and then put my night clothes on and called it a night as I went to sleep.

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