The result are in..?

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So its been a couple of days and Mikey took the DNA test day before yesterday and he's waiting on the results , I haven't said nothing to him about the child or her mother or any of it for that matter. Mikey was mostly anxious about if she is his or not that's all he worried about , I told Mikey he shouldn't meet her or go see her until he gets the results. I was sitting on the couch on instagram and texting Kaylen , Mikey came downstairs and said babe can we talk about something right quick its really important and I wanna talk to you about it. I said ok wat is it that you wanna talk about , Mikey set down on the couch and turned around towards me and said ok babe I know you feel some type of way so just tell me wat you think. I put my phone down and said Mikey do you even believe she's your daughter or could be like this doesn't make sense to me , Mikey said wat doesn't make sense babe that she could possibly be my daughter and yes I do think she could be mines I mean I dont know. I didn't say nothing , Mikey said look all I do know is that babe if she is mines then I will be here for her and I would love if you would too at least for me babe. I stood up and said are you serious right now Mikey you want me to help you take care of somebody else's child meaning spend money on her buy her clothes and shyt like that hell no that little girl is older than my kids I have kids of my own. Mikey said babe I understand that but babe , I said you must don't Mikey I'm not bouta be nobody's stepmother the hell fuck no wat do I look like. Mikey said a woman.... who loves me just like I met you when you was pregnant and I started dating you when your daughters were born I took on the responsibility of being a stepfather I did it because I love you and I grew to love the girls too and that ring on your finger proves it all. I had tears in my eyes and I said I understand that babe but don't you think this is a little bit to much for me , Mikey stood up and screamed "AND YOU DON'T THINK IT'S TO MUCH FOR ME OMG I CANT BELIEVE YOU RIGHT NOW ". I looked at Mikey wit tears running down my face and said wat is dat suppose to mean , Mikey said you sitting up here acting like it wasn't hard for me to adjust to your wild ass baby father just keep saying shyt out his mouth. I said Mikey I don't have nothing to do wit him and I keep telling you that Mikey wat don't you understand he does wat he wants to do and I have no say so on it so its no need for him to be in this conversation. Mikey screamed "IT DIDN'T SEEM LIKE IT THE WAY YOU KEPT SPEAKING FOR HIM WHEN ALL HE WANT TO DO IS SEE YOU HURT OR SEE YOU IN PAIN BUT THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AS LONG AS WE ARE TOGETHER ". I whipped my face and said I do not want to talk about this , Mikey said why not you sitting up talking bout I'm not ready to be a stepmother it's hard but yet I'm a stepfather no matter of a fact I am there father somebody else just squirted them in you. I just stood there as Mikey was still screaming at at me , then I said stop screaming at me because I'm not screaming at you at all and its not even that serious for you to screaming anyways. Mikey screamed "IM SCREAMING FOR A REASON ONLY BECAUSE YOU RESPECT KINGSTON BY TELLING THE GIRLS TO CALL HIM DADDY AND THAT HE'S THEIR FATHER HE JUST A SPERM DONOR A BOY CAN HAVE A BABY BUT IT TAKES A MAN TO RAISE IT AND YOU THINK HE'S THEIR FATHER HE'S NOT IF HE CAN'T HELP YOU RAISE THEM THEN HE'S A FUCKING LITTLE ASS BOY GET THAT THROUGH YOUR HEAD HE DON'T HAVE A JOB ALL HE HAS IS MONEY AND BABYGIRL MONEY CAN'T BUY YOU OR THEM GIRLS HAPPINESS BELIEVE THAT ". I set on the couch and cried because mikey was right king is childish for putting me through all this bullshit and yet I'm acting childish because I'm scared to be a stepmother and Mikey is my fiance and soon to be husband so wats his is mines even if it's down to the children because Mikey has been doin kings job without complaining. I said ok babe I understand and I'm just not use to this adjustment but your right wats is yours is mines and together its ours even if its down to the children so we'll just have to adjust to this type of lifestyle. Mikey said it took you long enough to recognize that really babe ill be back , I stood up and ran over towards the door and said where are you going baby. Mikey stood in front of me and said ill be back this is just alot for me right now so can you please move , I said you don't have to leave Mikey we can talk about this. Mikey grabbed my arm and move me from in front of the door , I grabbed his arm and said so are you really about to leave is it really that serious you know wat. I let his arm go and ran over and set on the couch as i started crying , Mikey said I'll be back I just need some air as he walked out the front door and left me sitting there crying my eyes out.

(3 hours later)

I woke up from me laying on the couch crying my self to sleep still thinking about me and Mikey big ole argument over king and this child and shyt. I woke up and called Kaylen and asked her can the twins stay over her parents house til tomorrow night and she said yeaa so I can get a nights rest. I got up to use the bathroom and when I came out my phone was ringing but when I grabbed my phone it stopped ringing so I didn't even bother to look and see who it was because if they wanted something they would call back. I set there and thought wat if she is Mikey's she probably wouldn't want nothing to do wit him because he's been gone so long she would probably think he was abandoning her just like her mother was. My phone started ringing and I picked it up to see who it was and I didn't recognize the number so I answered it and said hello who is this calling me because I don't know this number. This lady said this is doctor traem do you remember me , I said no I do no not remember you so refresh my memory on who you are. The lady said when your husband came into my office the other day for the DNA test on the little girl I'm the doctor who gave your husband the test remember me now. I said Ohh yeaa I do now that you said all that but uhmm is there a reason your calling doctor , The doctor said okay I know next time to refresh your memory first but yess there is I have the results here and I was wondering is your husband around. I said no he stepped out right quick sorry but uhm you can just tell me and ill let him know wat it is , the doctor said I'm sorry I can't do that but for you I will but have to promise that this secret is just between us ok. I said okay I can do that so wat is it , The doctor said okay here it is.... Micheal Ross is .... 99.9999% Nitaa Hamilton's father. I had tears in my eyes and it was just from me being shocked , I said okay thank you doctor have a nice night and then I hung up the phone. I set there in shock for a moment just trying to take it in because all this commotion over this child and it turned out to be his baby like this is crazy , I picked up my phone and tried to call Mickey but it went to voicemail. I started getting worried so I txt him telling him that the results are in and he didn't reply , I started to get more worried and tears just started falling from left to right. 2 HOURS LATER.... Mikey still hasn't come home and its almost goin on 4am so I laid on the couch and cried myself to sleep just wondering where Mikey could be and why isn't he answering his phone or replying to my txt.

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