Is it true Mikey?

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It's almost 2 o'clock in the afternoon , me and Mikey was on our way to the bowling alley to see this bitch who keeps calling my damn phone and shyt. WE PULLED UP TO THE BOWLING ALLEY.... I got out the car and stood there as Mikey got out locked the doors and walked around and grabbed my hand as we walked in the building. We got to the front desk but before we could ask for the girl or whoever she is , Mikey said Bae dont forget wat I said questions first and then you can argue or fight or wateva later. I said ok babe I heard you when we left dah house you been saying it all day I'm not goin touch her until we get the answer understand babe , Mikey said ok and then asked the lady at the front desk for iccy. The lady at the front desk said hold on yall imma have to go get her for yall just go sit at a table or something , I said ok as me and Mikey walked over and set at the table just looking around. I said ok babe so wat if she is your babymother wat is goin to happen then , Mikey said wat do you mean wats goin happen imma do for the baby and go on about my business. I said Mikey she not bouta be all up in our house either babymother or not I dont care and I told you that , Mikey said ok baby I understand just calm down so we can get this over with alright. I shook my head yes as this boney girl walked up looking all old in the face like she does drugs or was trying to stop doin drugs but it wasn't working , we stood up and walked behind her as she lead us to this office in the back of the bowling alley. We set down in the chairs as she set behind the desk in a chair. The lady said I'm Sharlett but everyone calls me iccy , Mikey said I don't remember you at all I know who I slept wit and I don't remember sleeping wit you. I wanted to laugh because she looked a little sad that he said that but I mean Mikey can be blunt when he wants to be , I think I rubbed off on him a little bit because he was seriously about to go on this girl. The lady said Ohhh no I know me and you haven't slept together I had to make it seem like it was me to get you here but its my sister you slept with her and her name is Starlett but you may know her as miney or skinny. I looked at Mikey to see his facial expression and he was looking lost like wat the fuck who are yall like I dont know who the hell yall are , I said Mikey do you know her does she ring a bell to you huh Mikey. Mikey said nahh I dont remember know skinny or miney nore a starlett so you just wasted my time by calling me and all of that bullshyt , the woman unlocked her phone and showed us a picture of her sister and said that's her now. Mikey said yea I dont know her because she look strung out like she smoke crack or something and first of all I dont do skinny girls as you can see my baby is thick in all the right places never no skinny over over here. The lady said that's because she is strung out she's a crack head and a real bad one but here's her before the crack , the lady showed us a picture of her and I'm not goin lie she was pretty but why crack doe it fucked her up. Mikey said yeaa there she is I know her but I dont know that other one and if I'm not mistaken she told me her name was gina wit two A's I remember because that's all she kept saying the whole time she was wit me. The lady said Gina is her middle name but after she gave birth to my niece Nitaa she went down hill slowly it went from her lying and her staying out late at night until she started stealing , then she just stop coming home period and then she would come up to my jobs and beg me for money and would give her money and she would say she goin give it back and be right back a few days later so I took her daughter in and told her its either the drugs or her family. I said so you didn't try to help her and wat did she choose to do , the lady said I tried everything you can think of from rehabs to programs but nothing work she choose crack over my niece and now she has no parents. Mikey said so just because I slept wit your sister a couple of times back then doesn't mean I'm your niece's father sorry about your sister and everything doe , the lady said everything adds up the dates and times everything. Mikey said wat dates and wat times , the lady said so how long has it been since you and my sister had slept together and think about it honestly. Mikey said uhm well about 6 years ago a little before Thanksgiving time , the lady said 6 years ago 2 weeks before thanksgiving to be exact and my niece birthday is August 5 is her birthday. Mikey said hands down I will take a DNA test to see if she's mines and that's the god honest truth it ain't nothing to be scared of , I said baby are you sure you want a DNA test wat if she isn't yours baby then it's goin hurt the little girls feelings babe. Mikey said well babe look I'm not goin just wait for the answer come falling out the sky I have to do something and this is the one thing that will clear the air baby , I shook my head and said okae babe wateva it take to get all this over wit I'm down with it. Mikey said make the appointment and let me know wat time and where to meet you at , we got up out the chairs as me and Mikey walked out the door and then we left out of the bowling alley. We picked up the twins from school and then we was heading home , I could see as Mikey was driving he couldn't stop looking at me to see if I mad or not. WE PULLED UP TO THE HOUSE.... I got out the car and unbuckled both of the twins and they got out the car and ran in the house , I closed the car doors and walked in the house as Mikey followed behind me in the house. The twins were looking at tv and Mikey was putting the twins book bags up , I walked upstairs and walked in the bathroom as I locked the door and set on the floor. I couldn't stop thinking bout Mikey having a child by someone else , before I knew it tears just started coming and I just put head in my knees and started to think about angelic. I was just crying thinking if angelic was still alive where her life would be 3 years from then she would probably have a son name Angelo she always talked about having a son. I think if she was here I would know wat to do and I can just hear her now if she knew he probably had a baby by someone else she would say "girl well you ain't got time to be taking care of someone else child if that's the case you can go get Kaylen's baby ". I got off the floor and whipped my face and I took a shower and went in the room and laid down and drifted off to sleep just thinking about Angelic and the good times I had wit her.

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