Baby Boy !

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I was in the hospital bed going in labor and dhys pain was killing me. The twins didn't even give me this much trouble like boys just like this type of shyt. I've been in labor for 9 1/2 hours now and nothing has happened yet and my son won't even move. I just hope nothing is wrong wit him because that's the last thing I need to be worried about. I'm not that worried though because I know my baby boy is strong and he is goin pull through just like his mommy. I was just laying there thinking about the twins and Nitaa and if there sleep since they have school tomorrow. Roman came straight to my house once my water broke and said he felt me about to in labor and volunteered to watch the girls while I'm in the hospital. Angelic said she wanted to be in the delivery room since she missed the twins being born she couldn't miss this one. Mikey was sitting in the chair next to my bed holding my hand , while angelic was panting back and forth in the middle of the floor. She was more scared than I was and she not even the one in the damn bed feeling none of this pain that I'm feeling or nothing. Mikey said angelic can you please sit the hell down because you ain't doing nothing but sucking up all the damn air and making it hot in here. I started laughing and looked at mikey and noticed that she was making him mad and said babe just calm down and angee sit the fuck down girl like wat the hell. The doctor walked in and said Ms. Johnson I know the process is so slow but you said you didn't want no c-section. I said yeaa I did say that and you also gave me something to induce my labor and yet I'm still laying in this damn bed so wat did the medicine slow the process down instead of speeding it up. Mikey stood up and said bae just chill I got this so doctor wat did you come in here to tell us if you didn't come in here to speed up the process. The doctor said I came in here to check on the baby and Ms. Johnson and to let you all know that if this baby isn't ready in the next hour we won't have no choice but to do a emergency c-section. I said and you know wat just check on my son because I don't even care no more , the doctor walked over to the baby monitors and said has a nurse been in here to check any of these monitors. Angelic said no its been like a hour or probably more that's why were trying to figure out why ain't nobody doing nothing. The doctor got up and called three nurses in my room and said Ms. Johnson we have no choice at this point but to do an emergency c-section , mikey said is something wrong with my son i need yall to let us know something. The doctor said if someone would have came in here during that hour when no nurse came in here they would have noticed that your blood pressure was rising and the baby heart rate was dropping. I was laying on the table getting ready for my c-section as mikey was holding my hands and whipping my face because I was crying , angelic was in the waiting room probably nervous and probably couldn't sit her ass down. I was crying because I didn't want nothing to be wrong wit my son and i wasn't leaving out of this hospital without my damn child no games at this point. The doctor told me that I would feel a pinch and that would be it , I felt the pinch and looked at mikey to see if my son was out yet. The doctor said Ms. Johnson we are having some difficulty with baby boy , I started crying even more as I was staring at mikey the whole time. Mikey said wat kind of difficulty doctor , the doctor said some how he got the obilical cord wrapped around his leg so that why he was taking forever to get here. I smiled and started laughing as mikey kissed my forehead and said you scared me for a minute doctor , the doctor said and he's here as i heard him cry. I started crying again as mikey went and cut the obilical cord , I blacked out and when I woke up i was laying on the bed while angelic was sleep on the pull out couch and mikey wasn't in the room. I buzzed the nurse button and than a nurse walked in and said you're woke that's good are you okay , I said yess I'm fine just in a little pain but where is my son and my fiance. The nurse said ohh you're fiance has been in the nursery wit your son every since they washed him up and everything , I said can you call there and let them know I'm ready to see my son because I haven't seen him yet. The nurse said congrats by the way and just to let you know he has a head full of hair and he has some pretty eyes but you have a handsome son. I said thank you as she walked out of the door , angelic yawned and said I haven't seen him either I fell asleep too girl tired ass hell. 20 mins later... Mikey walked in wit our son in his hands as he walked over and handed him to me and said this is the beautiful woman I was telling you about that brought you here. I set up as i was holding my son and said hi baby mommy missed you already and you haven't even been here that long in this crazy world. I was bouta cry as i said its so many people I want you to meet like your sisters you have a big sister name Nitaa your birthday is the day after hers and than you have two twin sister who are crazy about you and than you have a uncle name roman who you look just like but it's so many more people I want you to meet.

Next Day

I was feeding the baby as Angelic was looking for him something to put on , mikey left and went to work he said he'll be back once he gets off. Roman walked in the room wit the girls , my face lit up like a Christmas tree seeing all my babies. Roman said look at his fat self let me see him , I took the bottle out his mouth as i handed him to roman and said you have to burp him roman and he looks just like you and ma. Roman was holding him and said damn boy you heavy how much he weigh fattz , I said 8lb 9oz yeaa he was the whole sha bang bang but he wrapped his leg up in his obilical cord that's wat took him so long to get here. Roman started laughing and said he was in that joint playing , I said he was in there doing something but I'm glad he here instead of in there. Roman looked at him and said you know the best part of it all nephew your mommy is here wit you every step of the way and grandma is never that far either she is always in that little thing in your chest that keeps you alive. I said awww roman that's sweet but has he opened his eyes for you yet , roman looked at me and said no he sleep while I'm just sitting up here burping him. Roman set at the end of the bed and let Nitaa hold him and the twins just wanted to kiss all over him it was so pretty , I took a picture of roman holding him while Nitaa was holding his hand and while the twins was kissing him. Later on that day ... Roman took the girls home and than mikey mother and his brother and sisters came up there to see me and the baby. Mikey mother asked wat did I name him and I said I haven't gave him a name yet , mikeys mother insisted that she name him and she wanted to name him Michael angelo and I told her no and that I was going to name him. I txt roman and asked him wat should I name him and he said roman Michael Johnson and that's exactly wat I named him. Mikey was mad because I didn't give my son his last name but I told him no because all my children have my last name but I'm like wat ever because Nitaa doesn't even have his last name. Anyways I got out the hospital and roman stayed and extra week he even let me meet his girlfriend and she was cute but she came off kinda lazy to me. Its been 7 months since i had RoRo (the baby) I don't know but me and mikey are dealing wit our little family and trying to stay drama free and not deal with nobody. My son is 7 months now so he's crawling and slobbing all over everybody and he's teething too so yeaa I have to deal his fat chubby self. A month after I gave birth to my son Nitaa was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and so now she can't eat whatever she wants because of it and she has to take insulin so she hates that but I cried when I found out. Other than that we got Kah'Riyah eating at a certain point so now she can eat can eat candy but I only let them have a piece when they come home from school.

Hope yall enjoyed my book love yall ♡

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