Not Again

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Me and Roman have been sitting in the hospital hallway crying to each other and just holding each other up its like everytime I try to stop crying he just sheds a tear and just starts me back up. I was crying as I looked at Roman and said me and Mikey broke up , roman was crying and said why did yall break up wat did you do to him Fattz. I didn't say nothing as roman whipped his face and started laughing which made me start laughing , I said that is not funny because I didn't do anything to him like i did not physically have to put my hands on him. Roman said so wat in the world happened kuz I thought yall was happy you adopting other peoples kids and stuff , I said we were up until we adopted nitaa and then he started staying out late and not coming home until 3 in the morning sneaking in and out the house ignoring my phone calls and txt msg but I don't care no more. Roman said so he did explain to you why he was doing all that , I said no he kept lying to me and so I just said fuck it and gave up I refuse to continue to be a lurking ass bitch why because I have a job and 3 kids to raise so it is wat it is. Roman said so wat about the kids doesn't he still claim the twins and wat about his biological daughter , I said well roman he hasn't called to check on them or to see how their doing. Roman said when we leave txt me his number and I'll call him and talk to him to see wat is goin on wit him , I said okay but you better not get on the phone wit him and act like I'm crying and all that because I know you. Roman started laughing and said I'm not Fattz I promise I got you I just want to see my family happy , I said speaking of family you don't have no girlfriend yet cause I'm starting to think you fruity pebbles and shit. Roman stop laughing and looked at me wit a straight face and said Nahh I actually forgot about that but I do have someone that could potentially be my girlfriend. I turned around and said spill the T who is it and do I know her I mean wat is she like , roman said pump your breaks Fattz but yeaa you know her remember my Bestfrenn La'Shai well we have been goin out on movie dates and we are kind of getting serious I mean she thinks we should be official. I said I'm glad you're happy because I'm so not happy all that matters is at least one of us are happy , the nurse walked up and said your mother is awake and she is very very upset that she is in here. Me and roman stood up as we held each other hand and walked in the room , our mother was sitting up in the bed taking the needles out of her arm and ripping all her bandages off. I ran over as I said stop ma you need them bandages and needles , my mother said no I don't why am I here did he really put his monkey ass hands on me seriously. Me and roman said "who" at the same time , my mother said tell me why am I here but me and wats the boy name anyways me and him was arguing about you and the babies. I looked at her and said ma don't tell me you're taking about king because if you are I will murder him wit my bare hands , my mother said I think that's his name im not sure wat his name was but he hit me on the top of my head with a bat or maybe it was a stick. Roman screamed " fuck that ma ain't nobody about to put there hands on you and you got cancer too , my mother said I got cancer who the hell in the world told you that I don't have no got damn cancer. The nurse was walking in as i was walking out of the room and said miss we need you to calm down , roman ran behind me while I was halfway down the hallway and stood in front of me and stopped me. I said roman I can't be in there just looking at ma like that she doesn't even look like our mother she is dying roman , roman grabbed me and said look don't say dat as long you doubt her she going to do the exact same thing just encourage her that she is goin to leave. I started crying and said roman why her she was just so healthy and everything like I just can't believe this and you know wat this is all my fault , roman looked at me in my eyes and said Fattz this is not your fault you can't blame yourself for wat god does or any of this none of this is your fault. I said then why does it feel like it I should've never left her side I moved out and got so busy wit Mikey I stopped returning her phone calls and e-mails and texts. Roman said you have your own life and you can't blame that on yourself or anything else , I said roman you should feel bad too I mean you left and when I was living wit ma you only called unless she said call her or unless we facetimed you and that was it but I was there 24\7 all day everyday. I pulled away from roman and walked away as I got on the elevator just thinking , I was so upset that we just had our very first argument but I just feel so bad. I got off the elevator and walked to the car as I opened the door and climbed in the car , I just set there about to cry because my mother has cancer and she can die and my brother doesn't come around me that often. I just feel like everybody is against me like roman is never around for anybody to tell him anything than Mikey is just doesn't care about me no more and im trying to stack my paper for my kids but its just a lot going on. Roman walked out of the hospital exit as he came across the parking lot and got in the car , roman said so I mean wat is the problem wit you getting all upset and shit. I said its just a lot of shit going on roman that you don't know about and our fucking mother has cancer I don't see how you cant get that through your head she's dying for Christ sake. Roman said I understand that but you have to get it through our head that she's going to get better wit the proper treatment. I said roman you keep telling yourself that okay but this is reality when you hear cancer and leukemia you automatically think death roman that shit runs in our family and you know that shit killed uncle Donnell and grandma Dee. Roman said and you think I don't know that I was there but you just looking at it from the negative angle you not looking at it the way im looking at it have some faith mom can fight this cancer if she takes her medicine and does exactly wat she suppose to do. I said okay wateva roman , I only said that because my mind was telling me she isn't going to take her damn medicine unless I say something to her but I didn't want to get into full details with roman because im just afraid to lose my mother.

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