chapter 9: Detention track secrets

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Ray walked through the bustling halls of Hexside, the usual noise and chaos of students rushing to classes surrounding him. He was lost in thought, replaying the events of his recent adventure with Boscha, when he suddenly collided with a scrawny boy with brown hair.

Ray: "Sorry."

Ray muttered, not paying much attention as he continued walking. The boy, wearing the distinctive uniform of the detention track, just nodded and hurried off. As Ray continued down the hall, his shadow, an unusual manifestation of his powers, whispered to him.

Shadow: "That boy is more than he seems."

Ray: "What do you mean?"

Ray whispered back, but his shadow remained silent. Deciding to trust his instincts, Ray turned to follow the boy.
Keeping a safe distance, Ray tailed the boy through the labyrinthine corridors of Hexside. To his surprise, the boy seemed to vanish into thin air when there were no apparent exits. Ray paused, listening carefully, and heard a faint rustling behind one of the walls.

He merged with his shadow and slipped through the wall, emerging into a large, dimly lit room with hundreds of doors lining the walls. Each door looked identical, yet Ray felt a strange energy emanating from them. He carefully opened one door and found himself peering into the library. Another door led to the potion lab. Realization dawned on him.

Ray: 'This room has access to every area of the school?!'

Ray continued exploring until he spotted the brown-haired boy again, now in a secluded corner of the room. The boy was crouched over a flower pot, murmuring to himself. Ray watched in astonishment as the boy transformed the soil into a small, functional abomination.

Ray: "Abominations from soil?"

Ray finally dropped down, landing right next to the kid.

Ray: "Sup."

Kid: "Ah! Who the fuck are you?"

Ray: "That's what I'm gonna ask you. Who. The fuck. Are. You."

Kid: "I-Im not gonna tell you!"

Ray: [Conjures knife] "You wanna try that again."

The boy gulped, realizing he had no choice.

Kid: "I'm Jerbo,"

Ray: "Alright. Now explain what the fuck this thing is."

Jerbo: "A abomination."

Ray: " Okay new question, who made you stupid."

Jerbo: "Uh, what?"

Ray: "How is it made from soil!"

Jerbo: "Um, w-well you see-"

Ray: "If you keep stuttering like porky pig, I'll cut you up like one!"

Jerbo: "What's a pig?"

Ray: "I don't know, Now answer. How is this thing alive. Soil and Abomination goo don't add up."

Jerbo: "Um, Actually Abomination goo is actually a mix of dead plants and Clay."

Ray: "Wait really?"

Jerbo: "Yeah, when a plants die they go through a Fermentation process, where it breaks breaks down into a gooy substance."

Ray: "Okay. That explains it....Wait If you can do this, why are you in the detention track?"

Jerbo: "Mixing magic is forbidden. They caught me experimenting, so they put me here. Ive been using the doors to study about plants and abomination."

Ray: "That's actually really clever. Can you teach me?"

Jerbo: "Why would you want to learn this?"

Ray: Because I'm bored, and i dont want you to be special. And if you help me, I'll owe you a favor."

Jerbo considered this for a moment before nodding.

Jerbo: "Alright. I'll teach you."

For the next few hours, Jerbo demonstrated how to create abominations from various materials. Ray watched intently as Jerbo formed abominations from soil, sand, and even ice, each one moving and responding as if made from the traditional goo. Ray practiced alongside Jerbo, slowly getting the hang of the new techniques. He found it challenging but rewarding, the process opening up new possibilities for his own magic.

Ray: "This is actually pretty fun, How did you even figure all this out?"

Jerbo: "It started when I was younger. I always loved plants and wanted to combine that with magic. One day, I accidentally spilled some abomination goo on a pot of flowers, and the mixture reacted in a way I'd never seen before. It got me thinking about the composition of abomination goo and how it could be replicated with other materials."

Ray: "Shame the school dosent allow that."

Jerbo: "Detention track isn't so bad. It gives me time to experiment without too many eyes on me."

Ray: "I guess that's one way to look at it. So, how did you end up finding this room?"

Jerbo: "That was pure luck. I was in the detention room drawing on the chalk board. i drew a key hole and used the chalk as a key, then a passage opened. It's perfect for my experiments because it connects to everywhere in the school."

Ray: "Do you know who built it?"

Jerbo: "No idea. It’s like the school’s best-kept secret. But i think the first person to discover this is her."

Jerbo pointed a large photo covered in graffiti that completely hid their identity.

Jerbo pointed a large photo covered in graffiti that completely hid their identity

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Ray studied the photo, intrigued.

Ray: "Do you know anything about her?"

Jerbo: "No. All I know is that whoever she was, she knew the school's secrets better than anyone."

They continued their practice, Ray growing more adept with each attempt. The variety of materials they experimented with expanded his understanding of magic and how it could be manipulated. By the end of their session, Ray felt confident in his new skills.

Ray: "Thanks, Jerbo."

Jerbo: "Just remember, you owe me."

Ray: "I won't forget. If you need anything, just let me know."

As they parted ways, Ray couldn't help but feel a newfound respect for the boy he had underestimated. Hexside was full of surprises, and he was eager to see what other secrets it held. Ray returned to his home that night, his mind buzzing with excitement. He couldn't wait to share what he had learned with his friends. The possibilities were endless, and he felt like he had just scratched the surface of what he could achieve.

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