chapter 15: Grom fight

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Ray walked to Hexside and found all The halls are decked out with balloons
made of abomination goop and other decorations.

Ray: " Wait what day is it‐"

Suddenly, two masked health workers
enter, rolling a stretcher, making
siren noises.

Worker: "Outta the way!"

The workers surround a beast-keeping student with dark skin, blonde hair that covers his eyes, and big, pointy ears similar to a bat.

Worker: "Come with us immediately! Your disease- it's advancing!"

They help him onto the stretcher.

Student: "Is there a cure, doc?"

Worker: "Only one... finding the perfect
date to Grom!"

Student: "If that's the cure... then, Skara, will you go to Grom with me?"

He holds out a beating heart, with "GROM?" written on it in red ink.

Skara: "Ahhhhh! Of course I will!"

She hugs him, and onlooking
students and teachers cheer.

Ray: "that had to be the most unnessacary way to ask someone out."

Boscha: "Seems to be effective though."

Ray: "When did you get here?"

Boscha: "I literally said 'hey' are you airtight."

The speaker screeches on. Everyone
looks at it.

Student #2: "I'm so nervous."

Student #3: "Shh! This is it!"

Principal Bump: "Attention Hexside
students. This is your principal

Gus: "Oh, man, this is it!"

Willow: "He's announcing who'll be this year's Grom royalty."

Principal Bump: "This year, I have the privilege to bestow our highest Grom honor to...Ray Blackthorn!"

Willow, Amity, Luz, Boscha & Gus: [gasp]

The five of them turn to Ray, who looks shocked.

Principal Bump: "Our Grom king!"

Other Students: [gasp]

Student #4: "It's Him!"

Student #5: "Blackthorn?"

Ray: [noticeably shaking.]

Boscha: "You alright?"

Ray: "In some sort of way, yeah..Come on, we need to go to class."

Timeskip: lunch

The popular kids where In the cafeteria, where everyone was either asking each other out, or whispering something.

Cat: "Sorry you were chosen for grom king."

Thre group noticed Boscha walking towards them.

Amelia: "Hey Boscha."

Boscha: [slams a note in front of them]

Boscha: [slams a note in front of them]

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