chapter 10: Humans back

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Ray walked through the quiet halls of Hexside, his footsteps echoing against the stone walls. The school was unusually calm, a stark contrast to the usual hustle and bustle between classes. As he rounded a corner, his shadow, always a silent companion, suddenly whispered something to him.

Shadow: "Look closely."

Ray paused, glancing around. At first, he didn't see anything out of the ordinary. But as he focused, he noticed something strange. every single one of the banned pictures of Luz that had once adorned the walls were missing. These pictures had been put up by Principal Bump to remind students that Luz the Human was not allowed on school grounds.

Ray: "Huh, that's weird,"

Ray muttered to himself. He shrugged it off, figuring maybe the staff had finally decided to remove them. He continued down the hall, his thoughts wandering.

As he turned another corner, he froze. There, in the middle of the hallway, was Luz, casually walking as if she belonged there. Her brown hair was slightly disheveled, and her eyes were bright with curiosity as she peeked into classrooms. Ray blinked, rubbing his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things. Luz was definitely supposed to be banned. He watched her for a moment, expecting a teacher or a hall monitor to come and shoo her away, but nothing happened. She just continued exploring the hallways, undisturbed.

Ray: "Maybe they unbanned her."

Timeskip: cafeteria

The room was buzzing with chatter, students discussing their latest spells, homework, and other mundane things. Ray grabbed a tray and settled into his usual spot, ready to enjoy a quiet meal.
As he ate, he glanced around the room, suddenly noticing Eda the owl lady trying to clean the enchanted lockers. Her methods were clearly not working.

Ray: [walks up to her] "What are you doing."

Eda: "Like I'd tell you.."

Ray: "You're trying to clean the lockers. I didn't even need to ask...anyways why are you here."

Eda: "What do you mean by that?"

Ray: "Aren't you and your..human band from here?"

Eda: "Well I'm currently working to get the band lifted and allow my kid to study here."

Ray: "So you finally realise you were a horrible teacher?"

Eda: "Kid, if that statement wasn't so true I would blast you out of here. But im currently busy trying to get this grafitti off."

Ray: "......let me try."

Ray grabbed the mop and a second one. He used the first mop to try and clean the graffiti, but when it moved out the way, it was hit by the second mop in the spot it just arrived at.

Eda: "Wow, good job kid, you got some insane future sight."

Ray: "Uh, thanks."

With that, Ray walks away.


Classes are almost over, and Ray was going to get his things to leave. While walking to his locker, he passes the detention pit, witch give him weird feelings. He stops and stares at it for a good minute, until the door explodes and Luz the human is carrying some construction coven kid, with Agustus behind her.

Ray: "That is not my problem." [Leaves]

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