chapter 13: Bassalisk attack

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Ray woke up to the cold, dim light of dawn filtering into the cave. His leg throbbed with a dull pain, and as he looked down, he saw a brass splint supporting it, with a healing glyph glowing faintly on his skin. His shadow had taken care of him during the night, patching up the injury he had inflicted on himself in his rage.

With a heavy sigh, Ray realized he needed to go to school. The thought of facing everyone, especially after last night's events, filled him with dread. He contemplated staying in the cave, hiding from the world and the inevitable confrontations. But he knew he couldn't avoid it forever. Summoning all his willpower, Ray forced himself up and began the trek back to Hexside. Every step sent a jolt of pain through his leg, but he pressed on, determined to face whatever the day had in store for him.

When he finally arrived at school, Ray was in rough shape. His eyes were dark and sunken, his body shaky from the lingering pain and exhaustion. His claws were still stained with dried blood, and his hair was a disheveled mess. The limp in his step was noticeable, drawing curious and concerned glances from the other students. Ray kept to himself, avoiding eye contact and hoping to blend into the background. The usual energy and confidence he carried were gone, replaced by a sullen, withdrawn demeanor. He made his way to his locker, trying to move as quietly as possible.

As he fumbled with the lock, he couldn't help but feel the weight of everything that had happened. The argument with Amity, the confrontation with Eda, the harsh realization of his own actions. it all hung over him like a dark cloud. Ray's shadow whispered words of encouragement, but they felt hollow. He knew he had to face the consequences of his behavior, but the thought was almost too much to bear. Taking a deep breath, he grabbed his books and headed to his first class, hoping to make it through the day without drawing too much attention.

As he limped down the hallway, Ray noticed some students whispering and pointing. He overheard snippets of conversations about the events at The Knee, and it was clear that rumors had already started to spread. He clenched his fists, trying to push down the rising anxiety.

When he entered his classroom, he avoided looking at anyone, choosing a seat in the back where he could remain unnoticed. As the teacher began the lesson, Ray's mind drifted, consumed by thoughts of how he could possibly make things right. He knew he had a long road ahead, and that rebuilding the trust he'd shattered would be no easy task. But for now, all he could do was take it one painful step at a time.


As the bell rang for lunch, Ray trudged to the cafeteria, hoping to find a quiet corner to eat alone. However, as he entered the bustling room, he was met with an unwelcome sight: Luz, the human, was standing near the entrance, clutching a tray and looking around with wide eyes. It was her first day as a student at Hexside. Ray's mood, already teetering on the edge, plummeted further. He felt a surge of anger and resentment. How could she be here, so cheerful and oblivious, after everything that had happened? He clenched his fists, his claws digging into his palms.

Trying to ignore Luz, Ray limped to an empty table and sat down heavily, pushing his food around on his plate without much appetite. Just when he thought the day couldn't get any worse, his friend Cat, a healing track student, approached him.

Cat: "Ray, You look terrible. What happened to you?"

Ray shot her a dark look, not in the mood to explain.

Ray: "I'm fine."

Cat: "Really?"

Ray: "No, I'm in pain. Does that answer your question."

Cat: "Yeah, your leg looks bad. Here, Let me help you."

Ray: "I said I'm fine."

Ray snapped, louder this time. He immediately regretted his tone, but the anger and frustration bubbling inside him were hard to control. Cat took a step back, her expression a mix of hurt and worry.  As Cat walked away, Ray felt a pang of guilt. She was only trying to help, and he had pushed her away. But he couldn't deal with anyone's pity or concern right now. All he wanted was to be left alone. He glanced over at Luz, who had found a seat with Willow and Gus...And Amity. She was smiling, chatting animatedly, completely unaware of the turmoil she had stirred in Ray's life. He turned his gaze back to his uneaten lunch, trying to suppress the anger boiling inside him.

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