chapter 12: The knee.

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The next day, Ray found himself wandering through Bonesborough Market, the bustling heart of the Boiling Isles. Stalls lined the streets, selling everything from magical trinkets to exotic potions, and the air was filled with the sounds of haggling and chatter. Ray enjoyed the market's vibrant atmosphere; it was a welcome distraction from the confusing events at Hexside.

As he navigated the crowded aisles, Ray spotted a familiar face Amity Blight, his friend. She was standing near a book vendor, perusing the selection with her usual intensity. Ray’s face lit up, and he made his way over to her.

Ray: "Hey, Amity,"

Ray called out, waving. Amity looked up from her browsing and smiled when she saw Ray approaching.

Amity: "Hey, Ray. Hows it going?"

Ray: "Pretty good."

Ray replied, glancing at the assortment of books.

Ray: "Find anything interesting?"

Amity: "Just looking for some new reading material."

As they chatted, Ray's expression shifted to confusion when he noticed Luz the human approaching. Ray was slightly irritated by her presence, He still harbored some resentment toward her, given his previous encounters with her and her friends.

Ray: "What's she doing here?"

Amity noticed his change in demeanor and followed his gaze. She smiled warmly and waved Luz over.

Amity: "Hey, Luz!"

Ray: [taken aback] "When were you two Friends?"

Luz: "Hey, Amity! And hi, Ray."

Ray crossed his arms, still feeling a bit irritated. At that moment, Amity's older siblings, Emira and Edric, appeared, carrying several bags of various goods. They greeted Ray and Luz with friendly waves.

Edric: "Hey, Amity, ready to go?" Edric asked.

Amity: "Yeah, just about."

Amity then towards Luz instead of Ray, witch was bothering as they were supposed to be friends.

Amity: "We're going on a family trip to do some training. It's going to be intense, but really fun."

Ray: "Mind if I join you guys?"

Amity: "Sorry, Ray. It's a family trip. Maybe next time."

Ray nodded, trying to hide his disappointment.

Ray: "Alright, maybe next time."

As the Blight siblings walked away, Ray watched them go, his thoughts a mix of confusion and curiosity. He glanced at Luz, who was now browsing through the market stalls with an infectious enthusiasm. Despite his lingering anger, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of interest in her seemingly boundless energy and positivity. Ray sighed and continued his own way through the market, pondering the unexpected friendships and alliances forming around him.

Ray sat alone in his room, a mixture of disappointment and sadness weighing heavily on him. His mind wandered back to the earlier events of the day, the confusion, and the feeling of being left out. His shadow, a constant companion and often a source of guidance, whispered softly to him, suggesting a visit to The Knee, a place known for its soothing snow-covered landscape, especially at night.

Ray liked The Knee. The crisp, cold air and the serene beauty of the snow-covered peaks always seemed to calm his restless mind. As the night fell, he decided to take his shadow's advice and headed out.

The journey to The Knee was uneventful, the silence of the night broken only by the crunching of snow under his feet. When he arrived, Ray felt a sense of peace wash over him. The night sky was clear, stars twinkling like diamonds against the dark canvas. He walked further, savoring the tranquility, until something strange caught his eye.

Amity and Luz were there, talking happily with Emira, Edric, and Eda the Owl Lady. They seemed to be enjoying themselves, laughing and chatting as they stood near a large, bipedal yeti-like creature that I forgot the name of. Ray's protective instincts kicked in as he saw the creature move an inch closer to the group. Without a second thought, he fired a spell at the creature, striking it down. He hurried out to check on Amity, but to his surprise, she was furious.

Amity: "What are you doing here, are you stalking us?"

Ray was taken aback, his confusion evident.

Ray: "I didn't know you were here."

He tried to explain, but Amity's anger didn't subside. Luz and Amity's expressions turned to concern as Ray, exhausted and frustrated, made some threatening gestures towards them. Eda quickly stepped in, her stance protective.

Eda: "Hey, back off."

She stood sturnly, Ray felt a surge of anger and frustration. Everything seemed to be spiraling out of control.

Ray: "Fine."

He muttered, turning away. He swung his claw at the creature one last time, pratically cutting off it's head. ensuring it was dead, and then stormed off into the night. He found a cave nearby and collapsed inside, the weight of his actions pressing heavily on him. His shadow, the one that had suggested coming here, seemed to loom larger in the dim light. Ray's frustration boiled over, and he screamed at it, blaming it for the night's events.

Ray: "You knew this would happen! You made me threaten my friend!"

In a fit of rage, Ray fired a spell at his shadow. The spell ricocheted off the cave walls, striking him instead. The impact sent him sprawling to the ground, and as the pain overwhelmed him, everything faded to black. The cave fell silent once more, leaving Ray unconscious and alone, his shadow casting a long, ominous figure over his still form.

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