chapter 3: i was a teenage abominatiom

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Ray and Boscha strolled into the classroom, the lively chatter of students filling the air. Boscha, as usual, was talking animatedly to Ray about a recent grudgby match, her excitement palpable.

Boscha: "You should have seen it, Ray! We were unstoppable! I made the winning shot, and you wouldn't believe how-"

Ray: "Mm-hmm."

As they approached their seats, they noticed Amity pacing near the front of the classroom, her face flushed with anger and frustration.

Boscha: "Uh-oh. Looks like someone's having a bad day. Hey, Amity, what's got your abomination in a twist?"

Ray: "Never use that phrase, ever."

Amity stopped pacing and glared at Boscha, then Ray. Her normally composed demeanor was replaced with a rare show of irritation.

Amity: "It's none of your business, Boscha. I just can't believe what happened this morning."

Boscha third eye lows at Ray expectantly.

Ray: "Im not gonna ask."

Boscha: "Ugh, What happened?"

Amity hesitated for a moment, then sighed, clearly needing to vent.

Amity: "It's Willow. She actually managed to summon an abomination correctly in class today. For once, she didn't mess up, and now everyone is acting like she's some sort of prodigy."

Boscha: "Wait, Half-a-Witch Willow did something right? That's a first."

Ray: "Good for her."

Boscha: [raising an eyebrow] "Ray, since when do you care about Willow?"

Ray: "I don't."

Amity: "That's not the point! She keeps getting better, and it's... it's irritating. She's always been below average, and now, it's like she's trying to show me up."

Ray: "Sounds like a personal problem."

Amity: [huffs] "You wouldn't understand. You've always been... different."

Boscha: "Well, whatever. If Willow's suddenly a genius, good for her. But we have more important things to worry about. Like the upcoming exams. And the Grudby rematch."

Ray: "Yeah."

Amity: "I guess you're right. But still, it just doesn't sit well with me."

Boscha: [patting Amity on the shoulder] "You'll figure it out. You're Amity Blight. Nothing can get in your way for long."

Ray watched the exchange. As the class settled in and the teacher began the lesson, he couldn't help but think about the changes happening around him. Whether it was Willow's unexpected progress or Amity's frustration, it was clear that things were shifting. He wasn't sure what it meant for him yet, but he knew one thing: he'd have to be ready for whatever came next.

The rest of the class went by in a blur, with Ray only half paying attention. His thoughts kept drifting back to the strange dynamic between Amity and Willow, and how it seemed to affect everyone around them. When the bell finally rang, signaling the end of class, Boscha nudged him.

Boscha: "Hey, you good? You seemed a bit out of it."

Ray: "Yeah. Just thinking."

Boscha: "About?"

Ray: "Stuff."

Boscha: "Well, stop thinking so much. Come on, let's grab something to eat before the next class."

The cafeteria buzzed with the usual lunchtime commotion as Ray and Boscha grabbed their trays and made their way to an empty table. Ray's mind still lingered on the morning's events, but he let Boscha's continuous chatter fill the silence.

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