chapter 2: Hexide beguinnings

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Four years had passed since that fateful night at the Blight mansion. Ray, now fourteen, walked through the bustling corridors of Hexside School of Magic and Demonics. The hallways buzzed with the energy of students excited for the new school year.

Each student talking about different things, what they were, not important to care about.

As Ray navigated the crowded halls, he heard a familiar voice call out to him.

Boscha: "Ray!"

Ray: 'The hell started.'

Boscha's unmistakable voice cut through the din. She strode towards him with her usual confidence, a group of girls trailing behind her. Ray stopped and waited for her to catch up.

Boscha beamed and turned to her friends.

Boscha: "This is Ray. We've been friends for years. This is Amelia, she's in the plant track. Skara, a bard student. And you already know Amity."

Amelia, a girl with vibrant green hair and a warm smile, waved.

Amelia: "Hi, Ray. Nice to meet you."

Skara, holding a lute and exuding a carefree aura, gave Ray a flirtatious smile.

Skara: "Hey there handsome~"

Ray: "No."

[Btw: I'm exactly the same age as all these characters, I don't ship people older or younger than me.]

Amity stood quietly, her gaze meeting Ray's with a mixture of recognition and something else.

Amity: "Ray."

Ray: "Hello."

Boscha: "Ray's pretty cool. A bit quiet, but that's just part of his charm. Right, Ray?"

Ray: "Sure."

Boscha continued to chatter, her energy filling the space around them.

Boscha: "So, Ray, how's the oracle track treating you so far?"

Ray: "It's... interesting."

Boscha: "Well, if you ever need help or just want to hang out, you know where to find us. Right, girls?"

Amelia: "Have you met any of the oracle teachers yet? I've heard they're really insightful."

Ray: "Only a few."

Skara: "You know, Ray, if you ever need a break from all that oracle stuff, I could show you some cool bard magic."

Ray glanced at her, sensing the flirtation in her voice but feeling nothing in return.

Ray: "Im busy."

Skara: "Well, the offer's always there."

As the bell rang, signaling the start of classes, Boscha gave him a final pat on the back.

Boscha: "See you around, Ray."

Ray: 'I hope I dont.'

The morning classes at Hexside passed in a blur for Ray. He moved through each lesson with the same detached demeanor, his mind half-focused on the material and half-listening to the ever-present whispers of his oracle spirit. By the time recess arrived, he was ready for a break from the constant noise and activity.

Ray wandered outside, seeking a quiet spot to gather his thoughts. Just as he found a secluded corner, Boscha appeared, her presence as commanding as ever.

Boscha: "Hey, Ray, Mind if I join you?"

Ray: "Yes."

Boscha: "I don't care."

They walked together, Boscha chattering about her classes and friends. Ray listened with half an ear, his attention more on literally Any thing else. As they rounded a corner, they came upon a chubby girl in the abomination track struggling to control a large, unruly abomination. The girl's frustration was palpable, and Boscha's eyes gleamed with mischief.

Boscha: "Hey, Willow, Still having trouble with basic abomination spells? Maybe you should stick to something simpler, like cleaning duty."

Ray: 'Was that sexist?'

Shadow: 'They're the same gender.'

Willow: "I... I'm trying my best."

Boscha: "Trying isn't enough if you keep failing. Maybe if you weren't so... round, you'd have better control."

Ray: 'That was just fat shaming.'

Ray watched the scene unfold, his face expressionless. He felt no particular emotion toward Willow or the situation, but he knew that Boscha's teasing wasn't going to help anyone. He glanced at Boscha and spoke in his usual monotone voice.

Ray: "Boscha, lets go."

Boscha hesitated, still eyeing Willow with a mocking smile.

Boscha: "Yeah, I guess you're right. Let's get out of here."

Ray turned and began walking away, knowing that Boscha would follow. As they left, Willow managed to stabilize her abomination, giving Ray a grateful look. Ray didn't acknowledge it, his mind already moving on to the next task. Once they were a safe distance away, Boscha glanced back and snickered.

Boscha: "That Willow girl needs to toughen up if she wants to survive here."

Ray remained silent, his thoughts drifting. Despite his indifference, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Willow than met the eye. But for now, he pushed those thoughts aside and focused on the rest of his day. As they walked back toward the main building, Boscha continued talking.

Boscha: "So, are you planning to join any clubs or anything? Hexside has some pretty cool ones."

Ray: "No. not really."

Boscha: "Come on, Ray. You need to loosen up a bit. Live a little."

Ray: "mmm-hmmm

They reached the main entrance just as the bell rang, signaling the end of recess. As they parted ways to head to their respective classes, Ray couldn't help but wonder what the rest of the year would bring. Despite his reluctance to engage, there was a small part of him that was curious about the new experiences and challenges that Hexside might offer.

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