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The next morning, a knock was heard on the door of Kaveh and Alhaitham's dorm.

"Are you guys ready yet? You know, the karaoke room isn't gonna wait for us forever." Cyno knocked.

Opening the door, Alhaitham just nodded and walked past him. "I can't believe I have to sing at the crack of dawn..." He sighed. "I'm a psychology major not a musical arts major."

Kaveh laughed and leaned his arm against Alhaitham's shoulder. "We're ready though, we can go now." He smiled.

The four of them all drove to the karaoke place and went inside the private rental room.

"So.. who's singing first?" Kaveh looked around.

"I'll just watch, I'm not singing." Alhaitham sat down, took off his coat, and helped himself to the drink options in the mini fridge.

Tighnari volunteered first and ended up singing first.

The second he was done, Cyno ended up going next.

"You know what, maybe it's best not to sing again, Cyno.." Kaveh laughed and looked over at Alhaitham. "You aren't too bored, are you?" He leaned close and whispered.

Alhaitham shook his head. "It's funny watching you guys act like this."

"Ah- alright. Also, did I say anything weird yesterday? Well- more like how many weird things did I say yesterday?" Kaveh asked, drinking some of his soda.

"Not more than I can count on my fingers if that makes you feel better." Alhaitham reassured him. "I'll keep my promise though, so don't worry." He set his drink down on the table in front of them.

"Your promise? What did you promise? You shouldn't have promised me anything while I was drunk, how am I supposed to remember what it is now.." Kaveh whined.

"I think you'll remember when it happens." Alhaitham left it at that. "Oh look, the show is starting."

Cyno sat down and handed the microphone to Kaveh now. "Ah, It's my turn now.." He mumbled before standing up and selecting a song to sing. Some minutes went by later and then Kaveh had finished singing.

"Hm, Is it your turn to sing then Tighnari? Since Alhaitham isn't singing." Kaveh looked at Tighnari and the green-haired male nodded before taking the microphone.

"Hearing you sing makes me think the deaf are blessed." Alhaitham said.

Kaveh gasped and laughed a bit. "Me? Or Cyno?" He looked around.

"Cyno." The silver-haired male held in his laughter. "How does such a small person contain those pipes?"

"Shut up. Just because you're the tallest one here, doesn't mean I'm that small. I'm average sized for men. If anything, look at the two twinks that are here with us." Cyno pointed.

"You are not average size." Alhaitham laughed.

"Cyno, both me and Kaveh are taller than you." Tighnari laughed a bit. "I may be only one inch taller than you, but I'm still taller than you. And Kaveh is literally six feet."

Kaveh looked over at their conversation. "Cyno, you're five three."

Alhaitham waved his hands in front of everyone. "Alright let's leave him be. I'm sure he goes to sleep thinking about that anyway."

Cyno crossed his arms and looked away. "Whatever.." He mumbled.

Tighnari looked at his watch and then looked back up at everyone else. "How come it's already three o'clock? Sadly, I have to go somewhere with Cyno. But it was nice hanging out with all of you." He smiled and held Cyno's arm before they walked out of the room laughing a bit as they held each other closely.

𝗦𝗽𝗼𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗱 | 18+ | KAVETHAMWhere stories live. Discover now