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"Go on a date please... I found a really nice girl around your age as well. She also looks a lot like that guy you used to room with during college. I think you'd like it. If you don't just reject her, but please go on the date because I am worried about you not finding anyone.."

"Ma..." Alhaitham sat down and sighed. "I will find someone, it just takes time."

"Please? You can reject her. Just go on the date. Just one?" Alhaitham's mom begged.

"Alright but this is the first and last time. If that's all I'm hanging up now, you can text me the details because I have some errands to run." Alhaitham says. "Love you, bye."

"Love you too son, bye."

An hour since then went by and Alhaitham was going over some patient files when he got that awaited text from his mother. "I should probably start getting ready now then..." He whispered to himself, glancing at the clock on his nightstand.

Alhaitham arrived at the destination and he sat at a window seat, waiting for the girl to come in. He didn't know who to expect, and decided to just go off the description his mother gave him.

A girl with blonde hair and the same red eyes that Kaveh had walked into the restaurant and looked around for a while. Eventually, she found Alhaitham and sat across from him.

"Ah, hi. You must be Alhaitham. I'm Nabiya." Nabiya smiled, crossing her legs as she extended her hand out for a handshake.

"Hey there, nice to meet you." Alhaitham was confused and he tried not to stare too much as he noticed the resemblance between Nabiya and Kaveh.

Nabiya pulled her hand away and then picked up the restaurant's menu. "Hm, this restaurant seems like it has a lot of good food options.."

"I've never been, so I'd hope so." He laughed, trying to loosen up the tense mood. "So, how do you know my mother?"

"My younger brother is apparently friends with you and well– they talk a lot, so I guess I was mentioned a few times. I got a message a couple days ago from your mom though, asking if I could meet up with her son for a blind date. So here I am." Nabiya did fake jazz hands before she continued to scan the menu.

"Younger brother..." It was then that Alhaitham's eyes widened and he nearly choked on air. With a shaky hand he picked up the cold glass of water and started nervously gulping it down.

Nabiya looked up from her menu and noticed Alhaitham's behavior. "Are you alright?" She asked.

"Yes, I'm just still chilly and haven't gotten used to the temperature in here yet." Alhaitham felt as though all he did was lie these past few days, and God was it tiring him out.

"Ah alright then." Nabiya smiled.

"So what do you do for a living?" Asked the silver haired male. He opened up his menu as well and decided to settle with some basic lobster ravioli. Alhaitham didn't really have an appetite at the moment.

"I'm a makeup model. My mom recommended that I start modeling earlier on because she said I have nice facial features." Nabiya replied.

"You do." Alhaitham and Nabiya ordered their meals and the waitress took their menus. "Anything you want to know about me? I don't want you to feel like you're being interviewed." He laughs.

Nabiya tilted her head and then thought for a bit before finally saying something. "So how did my brother meet such a handsome guy?"

"We were roommates in college. And thank you." Replies Alhaitham. He couldn't help but feel guilty about being on a date with someone else. Despite him and Kaveh not being together, it still felt wrong.

𝗦𝗽𝗼𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗱 | 18+ | KAVETHAMWhere stories live. Discover now