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The next day, the usual friend group met up for the first time in five years all together.

"Why do you look so tired?" Kaveh asked Tighnari, pretending as if he didn't look almost as bad.

"Good question." Tighnari said before sipping some of his soda.

Alhaitham looked over at Cyno, and the two immediately knew, laughing. "It's okay, I mean, we all had a good time it seems." He says.

Tighnari looked at Cyno and then back at the other two. "I never knew it could feel like fighting for your life like that."

Kaveh nodded. "Victims." He whispered.

The silver haired male looked over at Kaveh, "That's not what you thought the other night though?" Alhaitham waited for a response from him.

Kaveh turned pink. "W-well.." He whispered, looking away.

Tighnari laughed a bit. "I probably smell like Cyno all over." He looked over at Cyno subtly.

"Right, but that's a good thing." Cyno smiled at him.

Kaveh let a sigh out. "It was good though, I'll admit."

Tighnari stopped laughing all of a sudden when he realized something. "Wait. When did you guys start dating?"

Alhaitham paused. "It's been only a few days really."

Kaveh smiled. "Mhm. But we have to go already. I have to start unpacking my things into Alhaitham's house. Bye guys!" He stood up with Alhaitham's hand interlocked with hsi before they both walked out.

After unpacking everything, Kaveh came out of the shower and he was dressed in Alhaitham's t-shirt with no pants. He noticed that Alhaitham was still reading the same thing that he was before he had gone into the shower.

"Haitham?" Kaveh said, leaning over Alhaitham's shoulder to see what he was reading.

"Oh hey, you're done with your shower." Alhaitham said, flipping to the next page in his book.

"What're you reading?" Kaveh asked, sitting on Alhaitham's lap.

Alhaitham held up his book to show the cover. "It's called the power of now, it's a great read." He says, placing it back in his lap once Kaveh got a close look.

Another hour went by and Alhaitham hadn't said a word after that to Kaveh.

"Alhaitham..." Kaveh whined. "Put that stupid book down." He crossed his arms, getting annoyed from the lack of attention he was getting. "I'm right h-"

Alhaitham set his book aside and he pulled Kaveh onto his lap. "Why are you being so whiny?" He asks.

"Because I want you to pay attention to me since I'm right in front of you." Kaveh looked at Alhaitham with a certain look on his face.

"I will pay attention to you babe, I was just catching up on some reading, okay?" Alhaitham placed a kiss on Kaveh's lips.

Kaveh frowned. "Are you gonna pay attention to me now then?" He asked, keeping his arms crossed.

"You can stay with me as I read then." Alhaitham came to a compromise. He picked his book up again and resumed his reading, letting Kaveh stay on his lap.

Kaveh sighed and gave up for the time being until another thirty minutes of silence had gone by. "You said that I could stay with you earlier but you aren't paying attention to me still." He whined.

"I think you misheard me. I said you could stay with me while I read." Alhaitham replied. He finally looked up from the pages of his book.

"Ah, forget it. Read your stupid book then.." Kaveh got off of Alhaitham's lap and scooted over to lay down on their bed and take his phone out.

Alhaitham sighed and stood up from his seat. He walked up to Kaveh and pulled the phone out of his hand, leaving it elsewhere on the bed. "Fine, we can do something together." He said, not even giving Kaveh another moment to react. Alhaitham pressed his lips onto the blondes.

Kaveh's eyes widened and he kissed Alhaitham back, letting his arms dangle around the silver-haired male's back.

Alhaitham tugged with his teeth on Kaveh's lips, touching up under the blonde's shirt with his cold hands. "I always end up giving in to you..." He gritted. Sighing in defeat, Alhaitham pulled away from the kiss minutes after, with swollen lips.

Kaveh smiled and left a kiss onto Alhaitham's nose. "You're adorable." He whispered. 

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