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Kaveh couldn't stop smiling; he was so happy. He fixed a strand of his long blonde hair and tucked it behind his ear. "I noticed that your hair also changed, I like it."

"I'm thankful to hear that. It was upsetting letting my long hair go because of my job." Alhaitham laughed. "But it's okay because I have my dream lifestyle now."

"I'm glad. I ended up becoming a lot more feminine over the years. My hair is way longer than it was before. I also ended up growing my nails out too, I look strange. Don't I?" Kaveh laughed quietly as he played with a small strand of his hair.

"I think it suits you perfectly, actually. You've always had softer features." Alhaitham reassured him. He parked the car in the restaurant driveway and got out of the car to open the door for Kaveh.

Kaveh blushed at the compliment. He never expected Alhaitham to be complimenting him like that nor pay attention to smaller details about his appearance. "Thank you." He whispered now, trying not to make it so obvious that he got flustered from a small compliment.

"Why didn't you bring a jacket? Your clothing isn't warm at all and it's cold out." Alhaitham sighed, walking inside the place with him quickly.

"Sorry, I was just rushing to get ready because I was so excited to be able to hang out with you again." Kaveh laughed.

"You're still the most careless person I know." Alhaitham teased. He asked for a private booth so they could catch up on some things, and a waiter led them to the room. "It's nice here isn't it? I only come once every few months for meetings."

"It is nice, I don't think I've ever been here before." Kaveh looked around.

"Anything new you wanna tell me about?" Alhaitham scanned through the menu.

"Mm.. I mean, nothing much has happened. I've still been looking for you all these years." Kaveh mentioned, also looking through the menu now.

"Mm, I see. We should hang out more often now that we're locally close." Alhaitham suggests.

"Yeah, I'd like that." Kaveh smiled. "I can't seem to stop smiling today, my mouth is gonna start hurting soon at this rate.."

"Are you ready to order?" Alhaitham asks.

"Mhm." Kaveh nodded.

Alhaitham gave Kaveh his coat for their way to the car. He opened the door for him as usual before heading to his own side. "It was warmer earlier today, I'm surprised the cold came like this all of a sudden, huh?"

"Yeah, I thought It'd be okay to wear my usual clothing." Kaveh sighed.

"Are you too cold?" Alhaitham turned up the heater and he placed a hand on Kaveh's leg. "You're freezing."

Kaveh laughed a little quietly. "I didn't realize I was that cold.." He whispered, trying not to freak out when Alhaitham put his hand on his thigh.

"Fuck, there's traffic." Alhaitham sighed as he looked ahead.

"I don't mind too much. It means we get to spend more time together." Kaveh smiled at Alhaitham warmly.

"That's good, I didn't want you to get sick of being on the road." Alhaitham felt relieved hearing that. "You look great by the way, I didn't get the chance to tell you earlier."

Kaveh tilted his head for a moment before looking back at his lap. "Thank you, you do too Alhaitham." He whispered, his ears burning up.

Alhaitham looked to his right where Kaveh was sitting and he smiled. "You still have that same habit where you turn red." He laughs. "Here hold my hand instead, it'll help you warm up."

Kaveh took Alhaitham's hand and held it. "I know you did that just because you wanted to hold my hand, you know." He laughed a bit. "But I don't mind it, I really like it actually."

"You're a bold one, hm?" Alhaitham laughed with him. "I just realized you've never been to my house, I hope I left it organized." He said the last part quietly.

"You know I don't mind." Kaveh looked over at Alhaitham. "This is to return what you gave me five years ago, by the way." He leaned over and placed a peck on Alhaitham's cheek.

"We were more inexperienced back then, I'll give you something better now." Alhaitham promised him.

Kaveh flinched at the sentence. He turned completely red and his heart suddenly started racing. "H-huh?" He looked down at his lap now instead of at Alhaitham.

"I hope you still remember that promise you made me make. I don't forget or break promises." Alhaitham reminded him, pulling up to the driveway to his house.

Kaveh just gently squeezed Alhaitham's hand and when they finally parked, he stood up and walked towards the door. "You're right, it really is kind of cold."

Alhaitham opens the door and helps Kaveh remove his coat. After hanging it up, Alhaitham leads him to the living room. "You can sit in front of the fireplace. Want a glass of water?"

Kaveh shook his head. "No thanks, but your house looks really neat."

"I think my house keeper made a visit today. It's a Tuesday right?" Alhaitham asks.

Kaveh nodded. "At least you don't have to worry about your house being unorganized now." He laughed.

"I mean it all depends, are you the messy type in bed?" Alhaitham asks.

Kaveh froze for a second and his ears turned red. "I wouldn't know, I'm a virgin.."

"That explains why you were horny ninety percent of the time I talked to you." Alhaitham replied.

Kaveh crossed his arms. "I was not." He denied.

"Alhaitham, I want you.." The silver-haired male mimicked. "Yes you were." He teased with a sly grin on his face.

"I was drunk.." Kaveh covered his face. "You know I was drunk."

"That was when you were sober. You took me out of my studies and asked me to have sex with you." Alhaitham recalled the whole thing, just to fluster Kaveh. He loved the look on Kaveh's face whenever he was embarrassed.

"S-stop it." Kaveh's whole face turned red now and he looked anywhere but at Alhaitham now.

"Follow me, I want to show you something." Alhaitham stood up from the couch.

Kaveh stood up and followed after Alhaitham. "...Is this your kitchen?" He asked.

"Yeah, it is." Alhaitham set his hands at Kaveh's waist, and hoisted him up onto the counter top.

"A-alhaitham what did you do that for?" Kaveh looked down at Alhaitham with a confused look on his face. 

𝗦𝗽𝗼𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗱 | 18+ | KAVETHAMWhere stories live. Discover now