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Alhaitham nods, he gets off of Kaveh and sits up on the mattress. "Go ahead."

Kaveh crawls onto Alhaitham's lap and positions his entrance with the silver-haired male's dick, pushing himself down on it slowly. A sharp inhale left his lips as he held onto Alhaitham's shoulders.

"You're always so tight- fuck," Alhaitham bit down on his lips as he felt Kaveh go down on him.

"Hold me, please." Kaveh whispers, letting his chin rest in the crook of Alhaitham's neck as he starts to move up and down slowly.

Alhaitham positioned his hands at Kaveh's waist, helping him move once he felt the other was getting tired of holding himself up. "You're so cute, you know that?"

Kaveh blushed and tried responding right away but his heavy breaths were making it hard to speak. "You're cute.." He whispered, his noises continuing to come out right into Alhaitham's ear.

Alhaitham was practically being driven crazy. He loved the noises Kaveh made whenever he was pleasured, and it occurred to him that maybe Kaveh had taken note of that.

"Mm, you feel so good.." Kaveh moaned quietly. The blonde boy was already getting sleepy, and it was showing in his voice. But he was sleepy and horny. A combo that Kaveh never thought he'd be.

Noticing that Kaveh's body was becoming more tired, Alhaitham held him in a hug, letting the blonde rest his head onto his shoulder. He helped out by thrusting his hips up, letting him catch a break.

"I-I'm gonna cum, Haitham." Kaveh mumbled, his arms tightening around Alhaitham's back.

"Wait for me if you can baby," Alhaitham leaned back into the bed's headboard. The knot in his stomach became fuzzy, and within the next few minutes, he filled Kaveh from the inside.

Kaveh came as well, his nails digging into Alhaitham's back a bit. "Ah.. Mm.." He whimpered, stuffing his face into Alhaitham's shoulder.

Alhaitham kissed the crook of Kaveh's neck. "You were amazing," he complimented.

"Was I really?" Kaveh asked, loosening his grip on Alhaitham.

"Mhm," The silver-haired male slurred, tired. "Let's clean up first thing in the morning, I'm beat." He laughed, combing his hair out of his eyes.

"I'm so sleepy.." Kaveh sighed, still hugging Alhaitham.

Alhaitham held him, and pulled covers over their bare bodies, quickly closing his eyes in the comfort of his bed. "Goodnight, love you."

Kaveh's cheeks heated up at that moment. "Goodnight, love you too."


Over at Tighnari and Cyno's house the next morning, they had gotten into a slight argument.

"Cyno, leave me alone.." Tighnari whined as he continued to hide himself under their blankets. His ears poked out from the blankets as he stuffed his face into his pillow now.

"I don't get why you're acting so moody, it wasn't even that major." Cyno threw his hands up into the air as he rolled his eyes.

Tighnari sat up and looked at Cyno with a blush on his face. "It was major. Touching my tail right now isn't okay right now..." He said as he looked at his boyfriend.

"I always touch your tail, you like it usually." Cyno looked at him confused. "Did you have a change of heart overnight?"

Tighnari shook his head. "It's January." He whispered as he now looked down at his lap.

𝗦𝗽𝗼𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗱 | 18+ | KAVETHAMWhere stories live. Discover now