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Kaveh smiled and left a kiss onto Alhaitham's nose. "You're adorable." He whispered.

"Shut up." Alhaitham crossed his arms and he walked out of the bedroom with his book.

Kaveh sat there and blinked a bit, dumbfounded. "Aw," He smiled to himself.

Just a few minutes later, Alhaitham returned. "Are you hungry?" He asks.

"Mhm." Kaveh nods.

"I ordered out and got some extra in case you wanted some. Do you like dumplings?" The silver-haired male asked.

"Yeah, I like them a lot." Kaveh smiled as he stood up and hugged Alhaitham.

Alhaitham kept his arms around the blonde. "I can never stay mad at you. I suppose that's a good thing." He laughed.

Kavhe nodded. "I agree. You're kind of cute when you're mad though." He grinned and looked up at his boyfriend.

"Hey hey, don't push it." Alhaitham flicked Kaveh's forehead.

Kaveh frowned. "But you really are.." He mumbled.

"Let's go down before the food gets cold." Alhaitham said, heading down the stairs.

Kaveh followed after his boyfriend and sat down on a stool in their kitchen as he opened the bag to see the dumplings. "They smell really good."

"I love this place, a nice old lady owns it." The silver haired male handed his boyfriend chopsticks.

Kaveh took his chopsticks and waited for Alhaitham to get the first dumpling before getting his own. He took a bite out of it and smiled. "This really is good.." The blonde mumbled.

Alhaitham nodded, giving him a smile back as he ate his own food. "If you want drinks I bought some the other day. It's in the fridge."

Kaveh shook his head. "Thanks, but I'm alright." He replied with a stuffed mouth. "These are so good!" He exclaimed with his cheeks stuffed.

Alhaitham couldn't help but laugh at his boyfriends cuteness. "You're one hell of a messy eater, huh?" He grabs a napkin from the bag and cleans around Kaveh's mouth.

Once Kaveh finished swallowing his food he grabbed Alhaitham's cheeks and made him look at the blonde. "Oh my gosh, if only you'd let me do this sooner. You're so cute like this, I love my boyfriend so much." He played around with the silver-haired male's cheeks in awe.

"My cheeks," Alhaitham mumbled through muffled words as his face was squished.

Kaveh let go finally and placed a kiss on Alhaitham's cheek. "You're the best boyfriend ever, you know that?" He whispered and hugged the other tightly.

"Thanks babe, you are too." Alhaitham replied. He was surprised by the sudden switch up from Kaveh today. First the book situation,now this.

Kaveh let go and sat on Alhaitham's lap. "Sorry, did I stop you from eating?" He asked.

"Not at all, you're good." The other said, eating what was left of his dumpling.

"Woah.." Kaveh whispered as he realized he felt something between them. He almost forgot that Alhaitham was practically ripped.

Alhaitham noticed Kaveh's distraction. "Huh?" He hummed, putting his utensils down finally.

Kaveh looked at Alhaitham with a determined look on his face now, keeping eye contact as he poked one of Alhaitham's abs with that straight face on.

"What're you doing?" Alhaitham laughed a little, confused.

"I almost forgot that these were here." Kaveh replied, letting his hands glide down his boyfriend's chest.

𝗦𝗽𝗼𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗱 | 18+ | KAVETHAMWhere stories live. Discover now