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"I brought an extra racket for you. I think you'll like the instructor, he's very nice and patient." Alhaitham says, opening his duffle bag and handing Kaveh his racket.

"Thanks." Kaveh smiled and took the racket.

A blue-haired male stepped in and waved at the two. "Hey Alhaitham, long time-no see. Who's this?"

"This is Kaveh, an old friend of mine. He'll be joining me today." Alhaitham introduced the blonde.

Kaveh smiled at him.

"I'm Ayato, and I'm sure that Alhaitham already told you about me but if not. I'm the instructor for tennis here." Ayato smiled back.

Alhaitham peered over trying to figure out which court they'd be taking that day. "Our usual seems to be open, could we head over to that one?" He asks Ayato.

Ayato nodded. "Let's go then."

And at that, the three of them walked over to the empty court.

Alhaitham set his things down on a bench and he stood at the serving line. "Kaveh have you played before? I can ask him to teach you the basics first if you haven't, or else that wouldn't be fair."

"I don't really remember how to play. It's been so long.." Kaveh scratched the back of his neck.

"I don't mind reteaching you the basics then." Ayato volunteered.

"I'll play wall ball for a few minutes until you guys get that covered then." Alhaitham smiled at the two and started hitting.

Ayato stood behind Kaveh and started off by fixing the position in which he was holding the racket. "Like this. And if you want to serve.." The blue-haired male stopped talking so he could readjust Kaveh's position again. "Just swing from there."

Kaveh nodded as he looked forward, then back at Ayato. "I hope I don't miss.." He laughed quietly.

Ayato also laughed. "You never know, it's kind of common anyways." He replied then stood a bit closer. "Okay, try swinging this ball then."

After a while, Alhaitham turned around and decided to watch them while taking a break on the bench. "Has he always been this touchy...?" He whispers from afar, just observing for the time being. "He was never that close to me."

"Okay, I think we're good now." Kaveh said as he walked back to where Alhaitham was sitting on a bench.

Ayato followed after, whistling as his eyes subtly trailed up and down Kaveh's body.

Alhaitham grabbed his zip up jacket that was dangling off the bench and once Kaveh sat down he set it over his legs. "Don't get cold."

"I won't. It's kind of warm today anyways." Kaveh looked at Alhaitham with a smile. "So should we start soon?"

"Yes, just have a drink first." Alhaitham handed him a water bottle.

"Oh okay, thanks." Kaveh took the water bottle and started drinking some water.

Ayato leaned against the wall as he was waiting for them to be finished. "While Kaveh's drinking water, could I talk to you in private real quick Alhaitham?" He asked.

"Oh sure." The two walked over to the other side of the court and once they stopped walking he asked, "What's up?"

"Is your friend Kaveh single by any chance? I was hoping I could get his number.." Ayato asked, with a grin on his face.

"He's single but he's not interested in a relationship right now." Alhaitham lied through his teeth. It occurred to him only after that he answered too fast.

𝗦𝗽𝗼𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗱 | 18+ | KAVETHAMWhere stories live. Discover now