Chapter 78

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In the battlefield, Chu Qianze opened a separate room, and all the conditions and parameters simulated the league standard.

After the establishment was completed, I sent an invitation to Zong Xinjue.

[Player Zong Xinjue, enters the room. ]

Zong Xinjue slightly compared and nodded: "There should be no problem."

"Then let's practice according to the plan first, find out each other's weaknesses and areas that can be corrected, and then make further adjustments." After opening the panel, Chu Qianze flipped through the imported plan, Roughly simulate the tactics in your mind.

It is not too late, Zong Xinjue raised his hand and equipped the giant shield: "Let's start now."

Seeing that the other party directly raised the giant shield and rushed towards him, Chu Qianze jumped back and landed on the circular pillar.

"In such a hurry? Then I'm welcome." The voice fell, and the surrounding metal quickly appeared and moved, assembled into a firearm, and the bullet quickly ejected and fired at Zong Xinjue.

Faced with the incoming attacks, Zong Xinjue did not panic, raised a huge shield and resisted it head-on.

[Skill: Block]

[The battle is over, and the player wins by a thousand miles! ]

The wings of machinery converged, Chu Qianze fell from the air and came to Zong Xinjue's side. "How is it, great, right?"

"Your skills are too cheating." Zong Xinjue was a little depressed. How to fight this? Complete self-restraint.

"This is also in the arena. In order to ensure the relative fairness of the game, the league officials will definitely adjust the attributes of my character." Chu Qianze felt that it didn't matter, some Things are engraved in the brain, and even if the skills are adjusted, they can still be used.

Smiled, he mechanically folded his body and switched to the Poison Master profession. "Okay, now change your career, you can analyze the difference between the two."

Zong Xinjue's expression became serious, "Okay."

[The second battle, start! ]

[Congratulations to the player on the victory! ]

The pupils shrank slightly, and Zong Xinjue didn't react until the end of the game. What was that skill just now?

It ended too quickly to get enough information.

"Come again!"

[Congratulations to the player for thousands of miles—]

Zong Xinjue took back the giant shield that Zong Xinjue flew out: "Continue."

[Congratulations to the player for thousands of miles—]

I don't know which round is the end of, Zong Xinjue collapsed directly to the ground, not caring about his image.

"Where the **** do you get your skills, professional skills are really terrible."

Chu Qianze sat next to him: "Drinking water?"

"Take a bite."

Zong Xinjue sat up, took a sip from the cup, and then continued to collapse on the ground with large characters.

"Holographic online games are very different from keyboard competitions. Although they are both games, the points that need to be paid attention to are completely different. It, to continue the dream of competition, this is not a competition at all." Zong Xinjue looked at the sky in this posture.

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