Short Beginnings

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"Here, girl, you will be sharing a room with Olivia Tool." I nodded, nervous to step foot in the room. How was I supposed to ask what year it was? Was Tom Riddle here? I was once again stuck in my 15 year old body in an orphanage of my nightmares. I gathered it was still better than the Dursley household. At least I had a room. I knocked and recieved a grumbled response, so I flicked the door open, which made a slow, creaking sound.

'Mrs. Cole said I would have a roommate," I muttered as I stared at the blonde girl sitting on a rickety bed. She had a scowl on her face as she walked up to me, ready to pounce, but I drew back with my hands in front of me.

"This is my room, remember that!" she exclaimed. I nodded boringly, not wanting to cause unnecessary drama.

There was a mattress on the floor, which I assumed was mine. Apparently, I was not so sure that this would beat the Dursley living conditions. A lady entered the room, handing me a list of chores.
'Better get started," she smiled. For once, I saw a genuine smile thrown at me. The girl beside me, Olivia, grabbed the piece of paper, her eyes raking over the list as she scoffed, throwing it back at me.

"Better get started." She smirked. I followed her down the creaky stairs, which looked just about ready to collapse. I started on the table arrangement, trying my best to scrub off dry oatmeal. I placed plates down in front of every chair, and then I saw him.

Our eyes met from across the room, and I swear I saw his widen. I knew how he looked, I just knew. Instead of cowering back, I plastered a fake smile that he did not return. I had to get him on my good side somehow, not wanting to make an enemy of another 15 year old child who, by this time, was innocent. (He would commit murder this year)

Maybe, just maybe my foolish hero complex could help him. What if I showed him how alike we were? I remember how lonely he looked, in need of someone, and now that Dumbledick had betrayed me, I needed sweet revenge. I had worked way too hard in trying to destroy Voldemort, but could I help him not become a fucking monster? Could I give him a friend just as freakish?

We kept staring at each other until Olivia eyed our interaction.
"Don't look at the freak," she furiously whispered.

"He's not a freak." My instincts kicked in. A freak was an insult I lived with my whole life. We were alike, more than I wanted us to be.

She laughed, "Whatever you think."

I remembered a part of his soul was with me. I knew how he felt. Could I get into Hogwarts? With a mudblood name?
I had already missed the first four years, so I could only count on my luck that the man I hated would show up. I decided to look away and continue my work. He wouldn't let me approach him, so I just had to find the right time to show him who I was.

The lunch was rather bland, some type of gooey rice was served. I tried to eat without grimacing. Tom looked least bothered, used to it.

I knew my chance came when I saw Tom in the park during free time. He was trying and failing to hide talking to a snake.

"He's beautiful," I whispered, walking towards them.

"Whooo iss thissss?" The snake slithered as the boy glared at me with somewhat curiosity in his eyes. No normal child called a snake beautiful. He was a Burmese python, and I had encountered one before.

"I am Rose," I hissed, making the outcast widen his eyes.

"You can understand him?" he asked, shocked, but he didn't let it show on his face.

"Of course, I have talked to snakes before. Isn't that normal?" I asked innocently.

"No, it's definitely not!" He dragged me away.

"Who are you?"

"Rose Evans."

"Better question. What are you?"

"I- I don't know what you mean."

His grip on my wirst tightened, leaving a bruise in its wake. He could sense lies. I felt a knock in my mind and immediately put up my barriers up by instincts.

"A witch," he hissed, "A fellow witch."

"Masssster, is it her? Your mate?"

"What!?" We both screamed at once.

"No, stop it, Viper. I will be back."

He dragged me to the room he probably recided in, but before we could reach, Olivia saw us and pointed.

"Mrs. Cole! She's talking to the freak!"

The middle-aged woman widened her eyes. Shooing away the crowd that had formed.

What was the big deal? So we were just talking. Then I remembered how much he had terrorised the orphanage. It probably looked bad that he was holding my wrist, dragging me to his room.

"Are you trying to sin, Tom?" she cruelly questioned.

I broke free of his hold, going over to a chair that was placed around the table. Tom couldn't hurt me in public. He wouldn't hurt a parslemouth. Especially if he suspected I was a witch. I tried my best to act dumbfounded, shifting my gaze away.

This was not good. This was so not good.

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