Welcome to Diagon Alley

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The first thing I had to do was get a wand. I dragged Tom to Olivanders, promptly forgetting that we had almost the same wand.
"Rose Evans." The old man removed his glasses to gawk at me.

"Uh, yes?"

He didn't look a day younger than in 1994 when he came to check wands. Tom eyed our interaction curiously.

"I know just the wand for you," he said dreamily, "Holly Wood, 11" and phoenix feather."

This definitely took a lot less time than before. I glanced at Tom to see him surprised, and then I remembered.

"Very interesting wand Ms. Po-",he paused. "Ms. Evans."

"It is strange that the brother of this wand gave you that exact scar." He pointed, and my eyes bulged out of my sockets.

Shit, my scar was visible through my bangs! I did so well to hide it from him.

"Wait, what scar?" The boy turned me around and brushed my hair back. It was an intimate action if not for the feoricity in his eyes. Oh, he was fuming, alright. My life flashed in front of my eyes, knowing that I was as good as dead.
He dragged me out of the shop until we reached an ally. He pushed me in, not caring about the lack of distance between us.
"Where did you get it? WHO did this to you?"

Oh, Tom, if you only knew.

"I got it when I was a baby, okay? I don't remember a single thing except for the fact that the person who did this killed my parents!"

I might as well be crying. Parents were already a sensitive subject for me, more so now that I didn't meet them in the afterlife.

I mourned the family that had been stolen from me, a life full of love.
Would I have been actually happy?

"Rose, I- I didn't mean to."

This boy wasn't a fucking monster. He felt the pain. He may not be able to love but I forgot he could feel.

How tragic had his life been? He felt all of the loneliness, the shunning out and the bullying. For the first time ever, I terribly felt bad for Tom Riddle.
Silently, we went to Gringotts because our money was over.
I desperately needed it but would I have an account? I was supposedly muggleborn.

We borrowed money from the scholarship vault of Hogwarts.

After buying our books and uniforms, we retreated to the orphanage.

Suddenly, there were loud booms everywhere. Tom cursed and grabbed my hand. World War Two, how could I have forgotten the important war in history?

I didn't know what to do but follow him through the screaming crowd. We stopped at another ally in middle of London. Was I going to die? The boy beside me wasn't supposed to but would he because of me? We hid as the bombs dropped one after the other. Laying on the ground with our hands over our heads. I didn't realise I was crying until Tom hugged my shaking body. He had been through this as well, many times probably.

It was hours before it ended and when it did, it was a mess. Rubble and dust was everywhere. I closed my eyes as Tom led me through the streets. The orphanage was still standing much to my relief. We broke in and the matron was with a gun. 

"It's us, it's us." Tom assured her. She trudged us inside with all the other whimpering children. They were just as terrified if not more. I had witnessed a war...again.

We climbed up the creaky stairs to our room. And I broke down with all the memories of the Wizarding War fresh in my mind. Tom didn't cry though, he didn't and he was helping me calm down. If only he knew how traumatic the previous war was, especially with me being a leader after Dumbledore died. I ran and I ran and I ran only to win and be stuck in a worse situation in an unknown timelime. Sometimes, I cursed death.

I kept gasping for breath every now and then even as I tried to sleep on my bed. It was nightfall, and I was plagued with hot flashes.

"Tom, please." I whispered through the thick silence because no more words needed to be said.

He climbed into my bed as I silently cried. I felt weak, so helpless and stuck.

"It will be okay soon, I won't let you get hurt ever again."

The words washed over me, but then I realised that even if he didn't show it, it was a traumatic experience for him, too.
I turned around and hugged the life out of him.

"We'll be okay," I whispered before falling asleep.


A lot of my time was spent in helping the orphanage patch any damage. September 1st came way too soon, and we were packing our bags for Hogwarts. I was definitely nervous to meet the other Slytherins. What if I was sorted in Gryffindor? Would Tom hate me or hunt me down? I shuddered just thinking about it. Hogwarts. I had a fresh start at Hogwarts now. Maybe I'll beg the sorting hat to place me anywhere but in Dumbledore's trap. This time, I wasn't the Girl-Who-Lived. No, I was just a normal muggleborn...

God, did Tom know about this, and why hadn't he killed me already? I was nothing but a filthy mudblood to them. I was going to lose him, wasn't I? He wouldn't want to be seen with me, especially in front of his peers. Something told me he had already formed a court.
It was something called the Knights of Walpurgis?

Tom had told her all about Hogwarts as if she didn't know everything.

"Tom, what if I get into Gryffindor?" I blurted out on the Knight Bus.

He remained silent.

Love In The Dark- T.M.RWhere stories live. Discover now