Wish Upon A Globe

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Authors Note: *Instead of dying at 17 after the war, Rose died at 14 in the Triwizard Tournament in this current timeline*

Authors Note: *Instead of dying at 17 after the war, Rose died at 14 in the Triwizard Tournament in this current timeline*

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He gritted his teeth at me in hatred, removing his wand. The boys stepped in front of me and then the man realised who they were. He looked at the point of fainting after seeing his dead father and a young dark lord. His eyes danced between all of us and then to the globe in my hands.

"Who are you?" Demanded Abraxas.

"This is not possible, just not possible. I must have hit my head."

"You haven't you buffoon! What year is it?" I stepped up to him.

He spluttered at the possibility, "1995."


It took everyone some time to come around to what had just happened. We were pacing in Lucius' study.

"You are not from 1945, are you?" Abraxas connected the dots. I shook my head in despair. He plopped onto the sofa, head in his hands then got up abruptly. He charged at me in anger as I backed away, bumping into Tom and making me lose balance. The globe dropped, shattering into a million pieces. 

"No!" We screamed in unison. All hopes of returning to 1945 were dashed in the rug. As selfish as it was, I was more than relieved. I was home.

The lights started flickering, a darkness loomed in the sky outside the windows. I knew that feeling well, ''Death?" I whispered.

"Mistressss," his raspy voice called, "What have you done?"

"Take us back, please." I begged while he gave a shake of his head.
We all knew he couldn't and it made me want to break down in tears though I didn't.

Did I just doom us all for my own selfish needs? I so dearly hoped that there was only one of me here. I couldn't face myself. This was the most vulnerable time in my life, I didn't want to be back.

"You went missing a few months ago, in the Triwizard Tournament. Everybody assumed that after you and Diggory didn't show up, you were dead." Lucius answered my unasked question.

I nodded, knowing this was death's doing.


We started by making a plan of my return. I was saved by Tom Riddle, Voldemort's son.

I was kept captive by the Dark Lord and Tom saved me. Cedric died like he originally had. Abraxas was the Malfoy's hidden relative. No one would have the nerve to question the Malfoys. Lucius knew the dark lord had come back due to the very visible mark on his arm. I wondered how we would sell the act successfully.

I knew just how to show up battered and bruised at the doorstep of The Grimmauld Place.

I broke down in my temporary bedroom once I realised that Sirius and Remus would be alive. Fred, Tonks, Moody, Dobby, Hedwig and so many more. They were alive.

I had to go to them, I had to meet Ron and Hermione who would have been utterly destroyed. After Cissy did my make up of looking absolutely torn, I set out. I got a fresh start again. Lucius apparated me to the house after we decided that the boys would be in 'hiding'. He left me there soon with a muffled 'good luck'.

Lucius Malfoy wasn't that bad, was he? I gave him and Cissy credit for acting poised in such a situation. I raptly knocked on the door, practically banging it. I couldn't wait, I couldn't wait to see them all.

The door warily opened and it was him, Sirius was standing there. He looked horrible with a sullen face, dark eye bags and disheveled hair. He glanced at me, slapping himself to make sure I was real. He probably imagined me coming home too many times.

"I'm real Padfoot," I muttered and he let tears fall, suffocating me in a hug. Only Remus and I called him Padfoot. We both began sobbing in each other's embrace.

"You're home," he said as I nodded.

"I'm home." And no word felt better than that. Hurried footsteps made their way down the stairs.

"Remus!" I lunged at the man with Sirius still in my grasp.

"Rose, Rose?" I nodded, tears of happiness running down my cheeks. The three of us stayed in that position for a long time. They didn't know how much it really meant for me. They died in front of my eyes and now they were here. Alive.


They sat me down with a hot coco, still in disbelief. They must have asked me a million questions before I made them stop with a show of my hands.

"Call Ron and Hermione, now." I had to see the two that stuck by my side no matter what (except for the time Ron got angry at me in 4th year). He must be beating himself up for it. The godfathers nodded in understanding. I knew Dumbledore would come with them but I frankly didn't care, I needed to sell the story. I would tell all of them the truth later.

The headmaster was quick to arrive with my two best friends. They screamed when they saw me and I tackled them. All of us kept sobbing even more, having a three way hug. I didn't even spare Dumbledore a glance.

"You're back, you're back!" Hermione repeated, cupping my face in shock. I realised just how much I loved these idiots.

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