The Story

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"So it was the dark lord's son that saved you?" Hermione gasped.

I nodded, pretending to get a little emotional, "Him and Abraxas, Mafloy's cousin."

"Don't tell me you were at Malfoy Manor!''

"No, it was an unknown one." All seemed to calm down. There was too much suspicion over the Malfoys and rightly so. My life had been such a pain, that being back here was overwhelming.
The floo lit up with several voices that I had heard before. I jumped up, "Molly!"

The kind woman teared up at the sight of me. Then it was Fred who made me want to cling onto him forever but that would seem suspicious. The family filed in one after another. All as emotional as the last. A huge group hug was soon formed with me in the middle. I wasn't used to so much physical touch but I didn't mind this at all. I loved every minute of it. Molly made me sit down and started making a whole feast. While that was happening I told them all the story. I hated having to lie to them though knew it was dangerous to tell them the truth just yet. Maybe never except for my godfathers and my best friends. I trusted them too much to not spill my guts. I promised myself that as soon as Dumbledore took his leave, I would warn them.

After a lot of warm greetings and hugs exchanged, the old coot finally left.

I went to the centre of the table, clearing my throat. "I need to tell you all of you some things but you need to listen to me and remain calm until I finish." They mutely nodded, curious.

I took a deep breath in, "I was given up to the Dursley's by Dumbledore to have a 'better' life. You know they hated me but not to what extent. They made me cook, clean, made me a slave at the age of three. I didn't know my name until I was six because they referred to me as freak. I only got their leftovers or sometimes didn't get food at all. They would lock me up for weeks when I did accidental magic. They beat me, abused me and tortured me till I was eleven."

I was near breaking down at that point when Hermione enveloped me into another hug, crying with me. Sirius was left in shock, having an abusive mother as well. Molly started outright sobbing. I started crying as well.

Sirius' chair screeched, "I will murder that manipulative man. Why didn't you tell us?"

"I was ashamed and never really got a chance to speak up. I tried talking to Dumbledore who ignored me. I thought no one would believe me."

"I will make them pay for child abuse." Remus decided, angrier than I had ever seen him. I nodded silently, ''This is all Dumbledore's fault so for my sake please don't trust him."

There was a grumble of agreement. I was so tired so I excused myself to Regulus' room, dragging Hermione with me. She hid her emotions well, consoling me however she could. Ron awkwardly came in as well.

"Come on you idiot." I urged him forward. A small hint of smile cracked on our faces. I was back with them, just like old times.

The moment was broken by Remus and Sirius looking fondly at us.

They sat on my bed, flicking the door close so all of us could be away from prying ears.

"Do not trust Dumbledore," I whispered. "You won't believe what he's done."

Saying that, I began telling them what really happened. How the war went, how I died, how I became Mistress of Death. I told them everything about 1945, including Tom.

By the end if it, they were left speechless.

"Please don't hate me," I begged and Sirius shook his head.

"I could never do that, pup. You weren't at fault."

I had never felt lighter than I just did now. All the trauma was off my mind.

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